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27 November 2016
S.O.S. Save Our Swans

The following extracts are from Friends Of Victoria Park's Facebook page ... Please read and help to distribute this important information

Sad to say, we have pink feather syndrome among the swans in Victoria Park. A few weeks ago, I noticed pink on the feathers of one of the swans but thought it might have been fighting. However, the colouring got worse and some of the other swans seem to be affected so I googled it. The pink is caused by bacteria and is caused by people feeding the birds mouldy bread and particularly white bread which swans struggle to digest. The swan's immune system and waterproofing are affected so that they cannot swim and feed the same and they can die of hunger or hypothermia. I phoned the Rangers at Pollok Park, who said they had had it at Hogganfield Loch. It is treated, but not cured, by washing the swan in Fairy Liquid which results in an immediate improvement in it's health so they were going to arrange for the worst affected on our pond to be taken to Hessilhead Wildlife Sanctuary where they will have a bath and be built up before being released back into the wild. PLEASE PASS THE WORD ROUND. It is fine to feed the swans with brown bread, as well as COOKED vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, carrot. Also barley. I'll research it further, as I am sure there are other things that are good for them as well, eg seed and wild bird pellets.

 As I mentioned if this is a problem area not just affecting swans of Victoria Park - but potentially other Glasgow Parks ? the need to educate the public on NOT FEEDING BIRDS - SWANS WHITE BREAD is crucial..... Especially at this tine of 
year -when their risk of 
hypothermia is greater. 

If a statement from F.O.V.P. & Hessilhead Could be given to The Evening Times that would hopefully raise the public's awareness. 
☆ Any thoughts or ideas ? ?

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