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27 March 2008

                FOCUS ON NEW INN


New Street Lights for Golf Road
New street lighting standards have been installed along Golf Road from Jerusalem Lane down to Pinetree Close. The new ‘white’ lights give better illumination than the old yellow lights and have been replaced to give better pedestrian visibility and security at night.

PACT Meetings Raise Concerns About Traffic

PC Mark Johnstone and the New Inn CPSOs have organized three meetings with local community over the past 12 months to listen to local views on policing and other community safety issues. The overwhelming concerns of residents who attended the meetings were those of traffic speeding and obstructive parking on DYLs and near road junctions. Parking hot spots included the junction of New Road with the Highway. Concerns were also expressed about speeding along The Highway, Golf Road, Jerusalem lane and the Usk Road. In response, local councillors have planned to extend DYLs along the highway from New Road along the Western side to St Mary’s Hall and along the Eastern side around Golf road both northwards and south to the Family Learning Centre. In addition a Vehicle Actuated 30mph Sign is to be installed on the eastern side of The Highway just north of Hand Farm Road. Posts to take mobile 30mph flashing signs and cameras are to be installed at several locations along the Highway, Golf Road, The Usk Road and Jerusalem Lane.
Council Tax
This year’s council tax increase for Council services is likely to be around 3.9% following a very difficult budget planning round. The Welsh Assembly Government recently announced a 3 year indicative budget for local government in Wales with a 2% increase in spending for Councils for 2008-09. The Council has aimed to protect key services such as education and social care but staff loses are inevitable. Spending increases in 2009-10 will be limited to just 1.7% and in 2010-11 to 2.3%.
New Inn Post Office is Safe
As part of Post Office plans to reorganize the network of local branches, four post offices in Torfaen face closure. New Inn post office which is very well used and offers the community really good services is safe but branches in Pentwyn, Penygarn, Pontnewynydd and Cwmynyscoy face closure.
New Free Breakfast Club for Local Kids
The New Year saw the first anniversary of the SONIC Free Breakfast Club for 3 t0 11 year olds. The Club provides free breakfast and child care from 7.30am until 9am when children are escorted to New Inn Primary School. The service is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government.
New Environmental Improvements On Their Way.
The restoration of Locally Determined Schemes funding by the Council has enabled local Councillors to implement some local improvements. These include:
v      Replacement fencing along side the Woodfield Road Recreation Field on Golf Road.
v      More parking spaces in Glosters Parade
v      Parking improvements at the Jarrold’s Field sports grounds in new Road.
v      Footpath resurfacing and lighting improvements for Church Close.
v      New lighting along the path from Chester Close to Golf Road.
v      Vehicle activated 30mph sign on the Highway north of Hand Farm Road and mobile sign stations.
Twin Bin Waste Recycling Starts this Spring
Torfaen CBC hopes to increase its domestic waste recycling rate (currently at 38%) up to 60% and beyond in the years to come. In order to reach future targets the Twin Bin system is to start in New Inn on 26th February. The weekly black box recycling collection service will continue as normal taking plastic bottles, metal cans, textiles, glass and paper. In addition, there will be an alternating weekly bin collection which collects garden and food waste in the green bin one week and then other items that cannot be recycled in the black bin collected the following week. Garnsychan Partnership Community Furniture will take old furniture items (01495 774453). Don’t forget that items such as fridges, paints, oils and scrap metal should be taken to the Civic Amenity Site at the Polo Grounds.           
Council Approves Shanks Planning Application for Domestic Waste Processing Plant on the Old Rechem Site
On February 5th Torfaen County Borough Council met in full session to determine a planning application submitted by Shanks plc to use the old Re-Chem site to develop a mechanical-biological domestic waste treatment (MBT) plant. After 5 hours of presentations and debate the full Council voted in favour of the application by 25 votes to 12. All three New Inn Councillors spoke and voted against the proposal on the grounds that such a plant was not needed as Torfaen was committed to kirb-side re-cycling rather than using the MBT process which is designed to take non-recycled domestic waste. Congratulations to Mr. Bob Elson of NAG (New Inn Action Group), Mr. and Mrs. Reardon and other the objectors who gave very good speeches against the application. All is not lost as the application was approved with two conditions. Firstly the plant can only be used by Torfaen and other surrounding local authorities in S.E.Wales so that imports from other parts of the UK are forbidden. Secondly, the company is to sign a legal agreement to the effect that if Torfaen CBC decides not to use MBT technology then it will not be built. Three weeks ago the Torfaen Cabinet decided that its most favoured option for waste disposal in S.E. Wales (including Torfaen) was a combination of high levels of recycling followed by ‘energy from waste’ . If this option is adopted by the Council then Shank’s MBT plant would not be necessary.
Would You Prefer a Postal Vote?
With local council elections due at the beginning of May you may find it more convenient to vote in the comfort of your own home rather than going down to the polling station. Perhaps you will be away on holiday so a postal vote will mean you will not miss the opportunity to vote in the elections for the Torfaen County Borough Council and Pontypool Community Council. If you want to register for a postal vote phone Lyn Pask on 01495 766077 or Michelle on 01495 766083
Contact or Meet us….
John Turner       Helen Ford      Maurice Morgan
   756845           759341            755125
Monthly surgeries are held at the Family Learning Centre on the first Saturday of each month except August.
For All the News and Views On-line Visit:
Written by John Turner 45 laburnum Drive, New Inn, Pontypool, Gwent NP4 0EY on behalf on himself, Helen Ford and Maurice Morgan.
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