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Councillor Wildgust Resigns
28 January 2011

I have just received the news tha Cllr Fred Wildgust, Torfaen Councillor for the Pontypool Ward has resigned his seat. It's perhaps the best thing he could do given the circumstances he finds himself in.

He has brought the role of elected councillor into disrepute,  treated both Council staff and elected members in the most rude and abusive way and has accused the Council of being corrupt without producing a shread of supportng  evidence. He clearly has an appetite for self publcity and has shown no interest in the strategic work of the Council in providing essential services to the community but instead used trivial 'toytown' issues to attack the council of which he is a part  without justification. In behaving in such a shameful manner he has let his constituents down badly and I only hope that in the forthcoming by-election the people of the Pontypool ward have better luck in chosing a new councillor who will serve them in  more responsible way.

Pontypool Resident

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