This page will provide downloadable copies of Agendas, Minutes, Correspondence etc.Please note that many correspondence is now conducted by straight email so what is stored here is an incomplete record of Community Council business. At present as the site is free I am unable to store all community council business
- 4 filesDocuments
- 102kb17-493-ppp-planning-objection-from-connel-community-council.docx
- 59kbconnel-community-council-2016-november-8th-1.doc
- 31kbconnel-community-council-agenda-060417.doc
- 30kbpublic-meeting--connel-village--hall-060417.docx
- 1 file2017-documents
- 0 files2018-docs
- 1 fileacha-lettings-st-orans-place-connel
- 7 filesagendas 2010
- 6 filesagendas 2011
- 5 filesagendas 2012
- 4 filesagendas-2013
- 5 filesagendas-2014
- 5 filesagendas-2015
- 4 filesagendas-2016
- 2 filesagm - 2011
- 3 filesagm-2012
- 13 filescorrespondence
- 100kb161114-letter-to-pippa-milne.docx
- 23kbc wood 22 dec 09.doc
- 31kbcarnoch 12 aug.doc
- 70kbgrit bins.doc
- 29kbj mather 21 nov 09.doc
- 38kbldp response 3 mar 2010.doc
- 31kbobjection-lower-lora-dec-12.docx
- 96kbobjection-wind-turbines-dec-12.docx
- 20kbroad surface connel village main street.doc
- 40kbtipping.doc
- 31kbtraffic speeding.doc
- 490kbtrans scot 10 dec 09.pdf
- 28kbtrans scot 2 nov 09.doc
- 7 filesplanning-comments-objections
- 9 filesminutes ccc meetings 2009-2010
- 6 filesminutes ccc meetings 2011
- 8 filesminutes ccc meetings 2012
- 11 filesminutes-ccc-meetings-2013
- 21kb1-minutes-8-january-2013.docx
- 63kb2-minutes-12-march.docx
- 24kb3-minutes-14-may.docx
- 23kb4-minutes-9-july.docx
- 57kb5-minutes-10-september.docx
- 31kb6-inaugural-minute-12-nov-2013.doc
- 18kbconnel-community-questionnaire.docx
- 17kbldp-comments-connel-fergus-murray.docx
- 16kbldp-connel-comments.docx
- 1034kbpolice-report-jan--mar-2013.pdf
- 923kbpolice-report-jan-2013.pdf
- 5 filesminutes-ccc-meetings-2014
- 7 filesminutes-ccc-meetings-2015
- 6 filesminutes-ccc-meetings-2016
- 13 filesoban - ft william path
- 33kbcameron 12 jan 2011.doc
- 26kbconnel cycle path 1.doc
- 489kbcycle path 2.pdf
- 357kbcycle path 3.pdf
- 288kbcycle path a.pdf
- 24kbdavid middleton 7 mar. apol.doc
- 38kbn wands reply. 8 dec.doc
- 362kboban to fort william flyer june 2010.pdf
- 37kbtrans scot 26.10.10.doc
- 101kbts 1 dec 10 p1.rtf
- 94kbts 1 dec 10.rtf
- 26kbts capitulation jan 11.doc
- 34kbwands 11 jan 11.doc
- 2 filestransport-scotland
- 2 files30-mph-limit-request
- 1 file50-mph-connel--taynuilt
- 1 filea85-cruachan-closure
- 1 fileconnel-bridge-closure