
Ardchattan Community Council

Welcome to the Ardchattan Community Council website. The primary purpose of the site is to keep the community informed of our activities and meetings.

There is also a list of current members, and a contact page where you can get in touch, either with local community issues, or with comments on the website.

Links to other local CCs, as well as local & national government Community Council web pages, and some other sites of local interest, are included in the Links page.

Additional pages will be added from time to time, to cover current topics, but in the mean time you can keep up to date with our Facebook page.


You are invited to join us for the next public meeting of Ardchattan Community Council which will be held at 7.30pm on

Thursday 13th February
Venue: North Connel Hall

If you have any issues to discuss please let us know prior to the meeting and it will be added to the next agenda. Email ardchattansec@gmail.com

All welcome


16th January (closed meeting)
13th February – North Connel Hall
6th March – Victory Hall, Benderloch
3rd April – Barcaldine school
8th May – Ardchattan Centre, Bonawe
26th June – AGM Victory Hall
July  - no meeting
14th August – North Connel Hall
25th September – Barcaldine School
23rd October – Ardchattan Centre, Bonawe
20th November – Victory Hall, Benderloch
December – no meeting


Public CC Meetings are held approximately ten times per year, in Benderloch, Bonawe, North Connel & Barcaldine in rotation. Meetings take place on Thursdays at 7.30pm.


Minutes of past meetings can be viewed under Documents

View a map showing the Ardchattan community council boundary here

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