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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 26/08/2024.


(The site is to the rear of Rosewell Parish Church up to the A6094 Rosewell Bypass and borders Carnethie Street/Rosewell Mains/Gorton Loan/Cochrina Place/Gorton Road/Lindsay Circus)

Erection of 290 dwellinghouses; formation of access roads and suds features; and associated works - Land South Of Gorton Loan Rosewell - Ref. No: 14/00518/DPP | Received: Tue 08 Jul 2014 | Validated: Wed 16 Jul 2014 | Status: Decision (CONSENT) 17.12.15


Click on this link to view the live planning application - https://planning-applications.midlothian.gov.uk/OnlinePlanning/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=N8FQQZKV08B00 then click on Documents to view what has been uploaded so far (this is a live application and documents will continue to be added automatically).  It's important that you read these documents before commenting on the application.


AVANT HOMES - Hotline numbers Below are the telephone numbers whereby the public may contact Avant to report any problems or infringements:

Avant Homes - 01786 477769 (Day)

Avant Homes - 01207 503293 (Night)

Should anyone find it necessary to contact any of the above numbers - could you please let RDCC know at rdcc@email.com

UPDATE 19.10.16 - RoSPA's reason for Gold Award presented to Avant Homes.

UPDATE 9.9.16 - Extraordinary Public Meeting. Please click on link to read Midlothian Council Environmental Health statement addressing Health & Safety concerns of Residents - documents/avant-homes/env_health-response-to-questions_rosewell-avant-homes-scheme090916.pdf

UPDATE 6.9.16 - Extraordinary Public Meeting with Avant Homes & Midlothian Council Environmental Health to address residents' Health and Safety concerns. St Matthews RC Church Hall at 7pm on Monday 12th September 2016. Please click on link for further information - documents/avant-homes/avant-homes-site--public-meeting-a4.pdf

UPDATE 2.9.16 - Please click on link to read article in Dalkeith Advertiser about Health & Safety issues at AVANT Homes site - http://www.midlothianadvertiser.co.uk/news/no-smoke-without-fire-1-4216794

​UPDATE 31.8.16 - email contact details for Avant & Midlothian:

'John Lowe' john.lowe@avanthomes.co.uk    (Construction Director)

'Steven Shiells' Steven.Shiells@avanthomes.co.uk (Area Manger)

'Steve Fowler' steve.fowler@avanthomes.co.uk  (Commercial Director)

'Steve Foley' steve.foley@avanthomes.co.uk (Environmental Manger)


ian.wilson@midlothian.gov.uk (Midlothian Council Environmental Health Officer)

UPDATE 22.8.16 - Click on link to view recent issues concerning dust emanating from the site, also the working hours and contact details if you have any concerns: - AVANT HOMES

UPDATE 6.5.16​ - Click on link to view Developer Contributions (Section 75 Agreement)  https://planning-applications.midlothian.gov.uk/OnlinePlanning/files/ACF82312012C53C5BCBB6CA1F7829594/pdf/14_00518_DPP-H_-_FINAL_SIGNED_SECTION_75_AGREEMENT-256208.pdf


2.10  Borders Railway Contribution  £291,840

2.13  Children’s Play Equipment £180,348

2.17  Community Facilities Contribution £102,873.56

2.19  Commuted Sum (H10) £1,306,875

2.21  Denominational Secondary Contribution £39,150

2.26  Infrastructure Contribution £3,191,163.39

2.45  Non Denominational Primary Contribution £1,098,392.49

2.46  Non Denominational Secondary Contribution £1,698,057.30

UPDATE 17.2.16 - 'Percent of Art' has now been submitted to Midlothian Council. Please click on this LINK to view further details dated 17 Feb 2016 (K - CONDITION SUBMISSIONS).

UPDATE 17.12.15 -  Midlothian Council, as Planning Authority, having considered the application by Bett Homes Limited, which was registered on 16 July 2014, in pursuance of their powers under the above Acts, hereby grant permission to carry out the following proposed development:  Erection of 290 dwellinghouses; formation of access roads and suds features; and associated works at Land South Of Gorton Loan, Rosewell.

UPDATE 23.4.15 - The following email was posted on the online planning application on 22 April from Adam Thomson, Senior Planning Officer to the Bett Homes' Agent:-

At its meeting on 21 April 2015 the Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission for this proposed development subject to prior signing of a legal agreement to secure the provision of affordable housing and securing developer contributions towards education provision, the Borders Rail Line, children's play provision and community/leisure facilities.  The Draft Head of Terms will be sent to you shortly. 

UPDATE 21.4.15 -Planning Committee - Audio Recording  http://www.midlothian.gov.uk/meetings/meeting/418/planning_committee/attachment/4711

UPDATE 21.4.15 - Planning Committee Minutes


UPDATE 16.4.15 - The planning application is on the agenda for the Midlothian Council Planning Committee on 21 April.  An Update to the Report submitted to the Planning Committee on 3 March can be viewed via this link (see Items 10(i) and 10(ii) of the Agenda) - http://www.midlothian.gov.uk/meetings/meeting/418/planning_committee. 
UPDATE 10.3.15 - The Audio Recording of the Midlothian Council Planning Committee Meeting of 3 March explains why the application has been deferred.  Click on this link to listen to it - http://www.midlothian.gov.uk/meetings/meeting/409/planning_committee fast forward to Item 9 on the Agenda.

UPDATE 9.3.15 - The planning application has been deferred to the next meeting of Midlothian Council's Planning Committee on 21 April.

UPDATE 26.2.15 - Click on this link to view the revised Report to the Midlothian Council Planning Committee meeting on 3 March - documents/09_y_i_land_south_of_gorton_loan__rowsewell_14.00518.dpp_-_report.pdf  The recommendation is to grant planning permission subject to conditions and securing developer contributions.  We will discuss at the next RDCC meeting on 9 March.

UPDATE 26.1.15 - Following tonight's RDCC meeting, residents may wish to submit their comments to Midlothian Council Planning.  You can do this only as long as the public consultation remains open for comments.  Do this via the online planning application link above, by email to adam.thomson@midlothian.gov.uk,  or by post to:  Adam Thomson, Senior Planning Officer, Midlothian Council, Fairfield House, 8 Lothian Road, Dalkeith EH22 3ZN - quoting the reference number 14/00518/DPP - 290 Dwellinghouses at Land to the South of Gorton Loan, Rosewell.

UPDATE 13.1.15 - At this afternoon's meeting of Midlothian Council Planning Committee it was agreed that the planning application be determined at the next meeting on 3 March.  Residents are therefore advised to read the Report at UPDATE 12.1.15 [please note however that there are major errors in this Report which we have made known to Midlothian Council Planning Department and Planning will now prepare a revised Report for submission to the next Planning Committee meeting on 3 March] above and view the revised site plans via the online planning application Documents (entries dated 23 December and 5 January) via this link - https://planning-applications.midlothian.gov.uk/OnlinePlanning/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=N8FQQZKV08B00.

Please contact RDCC rdcc@hotmail.co.uk or tel 0131 440 2086 if you have questions you wish us to put to Bett Homes when we meet with them on 19 January.  We will update residents of the outcome and display the revised site plans at the next RDCC meeting on 26 January and advise them on what to do next. 

UPDATE 12.1.15 - The planning application is on the Agenda for the next Midlothian Council Planning Committee on 13 January 2015 and is being recommended for approval.  Click on this link to view the Report - documents/08_y_i_dpp_-_land_south_of_gorton_loan__rosewell_-_report-1.pdf & accompaning location plan - documents/08_y_ii_dpp_-_land_south_of_gorton_loan__rosewell_-_location_plan.pdf

UPDATE 5.1.15 - Please note that further revised documents and site plans have been uploaded to the Documents section of the planning application today. 

UPDATE 23.12.14 - Bett Homes has submitted a new set of revised site plans to Midlothian Council for consideration.  These can be viewed by clicking on the link to the planning application at UPDATE 21.7.14 above.  You will see that a great many documents have been uploaded today.  A useful starting point is to read the document marked -  Application Information Correspondence - Negotiations General, and then the documents marked Site Plans.  This will give a general view of what is being proposed.  Bett Homes will meet with RDCC prior to our next meeting on 26th January to discuss these proposals and we will update residents at that meeting.  In the meantime, the planning application is still open for public comments to Midlothian Council via the online planning application or by post - see UPDATE 14.10.14.

UPDATE 24.10.14 - Read Midlothian Council's response to Bett Homes regarding the revised site plans.  This can be viewed at Documents - NEGOTIATION CORRESPONDENCE/GENERAL dated 24 October 2014.

UPDATE 19.10.14 - Bett Homes has submitted correspondence and revised site plans to Midlothian Council.  These can be viewed via the planning application above (see UPDATE 21.7.14) and read the Documents dated 16 October 2014 together with the accompanying letter from Bett Homes (this is the first of the documents dated 16 October under the heading Negotiation Correspondence/General). 

UPDATE 14.10.14 - The planning application is still open for comments by the public.  You can do this either online via the Midlothian Council online planning page - click on the link to the planning application at UPDATE 21.7.14 above and follow the instructions.  Alternatively, comments can be sent by letter to Development Management, Fairfield House, 8 Lothian Road, Dalkeith, EH22 3ZN. Letters should quote the application reference number (14/00518/DPP) to ensure they are linked to the correct case file and given due consideration in the assessment of the application.

UPDATE 17.9.14 - Click on this link to view RDCC's response to Midlothian Council on the planning application - documents/1400518dpp-rdcc-response.doc

UPDATE 3.9.14 - BETT HOMES have advised RDCC that some further intrusive ground investigation work as part of their detailed information gathering on this site (field to the rear of Rosewell Parish Church up to the A6094 Rosewell Bypass) will be undertaken over the next 5-6 weeks, commencing Monday 8 September.  The contractor will be taking access directly off Gorton Road via the existing gate.  If residents experience any problems during this work please contact:

Graeme Reay, Bett Homes Land Director on 01786 477641 or email graeme.reay@betthomes.com.  If you have cause to report an issue please also inform RDCC in order that we can monitor the situation.

UPDATE 3.9.14 - At our meeting with Bett Homes, during the RDCC meeting last Monday, we spoke about deadlines for comments on the above application, and its validation in the middle of the summer holiday season.  I've since spoken to the Case Officer, who will be on holiday for the next fortnight, and he said he would allow RDCC until 19 September to submit our formal response, which is good news.  I said that RDCC and residents felt the neighbour/standard consultation deadlines were too short, and he said that he will continue to accept comments from the public up until a couple of weeks before the application goes before the Planning Committee.  So if you haven't yet responded and wish to send in your comments via the MC Eplanning portal as directed above, or even make additional comments, please do so. Thank you to everyone who came along to the meeting.

Click here to view the Site Plan - documents/14_00518_dpp-c_-_site_plan-197734.pdf  Bett Homes say they have endeavoured to take on board many of the comments raised as a result of the public consultation held on 9 December 2013 and the comments sheets received.  An A3 copy of the Site Plan, plus information sheet, is on display on the Community Notice Board in the public garden at the corner of Carnethie Street/Gorton Road: at Rosewell Miners' Welfare & Bowling Club, 24 Gorton Road: Rosewell Community Resource Centre: Whitehill Welfare FC Clubhouse.

Tom Walker of Ark Architect+Design and Graeme Reay, Bett Homes Land Director will attend our next meeting on Monday, 1st September at 7pm in Rosewell Parish Church Hall to present their proposals, followed by a question and answer session with RDCC and residents.  Please attend so that we can take your views into consideration when sending in our formal response.  To incorporate residents' views, RDCC has been given permission by the Case Officer to send in our response within a few days of this meeting.  BUT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE STANDARD CONSULTATION EXPIRY DATE FOR INDIVIDUAL COMMENTS IS 19 AUGUST 2014 - (Please view update 3.9.14 for revised deadline).  Midlothian Council sent out 87 neighbour notifications to properties bordering the site, and the deadline for these comments is included with their notification (Please view update 3.9.14 for revised deadline). 

In the meantime, it would be helpful if you could let RDCC have any comments on the application by email rdcc@hotmail.co.uk or phone 0131 440 2086.  There may be some points that we can clarify at this stage.  For example, please note the history of the sites that make up the area of land in the current planning application as explained by Midlothian Council.  Site h22 (Rosewell Mains) was identified in the Villages and Rural Area Local Plan which was adopted in 29 June 1995. It would have been the subject of consultation prior to its adoption. The Local Plan specified that the development of h22 could not proceed until the Bonnyrigg – Dalkeith distributor road was constructed.  At the Midlothian Local Plan 2003 inquiry the Council opposed the early development of the site (as brought forward by Tay Homes) due to infrastructure constraints, but it was always recognised that the site would come forward.  The  2008 Midlothian Local Plan allocated site H10 (Gorton Loan), which is the remainder of the Rosewell Mains area and these are the combined areas subject of the current planning application (along with the 2.5 hectares Business/General industry site).  

You should also be aware of the following points as outlined in para 8.23 of the Report to  Midlothian Council Planning Committee on 22 April 2014 re the Miller Homes application:  Damage to neighbouring buildings as a result of ground movement/vibrations associated with the movements of heavy construction vehicles, subsidence within the village, the market value of existing residences in the village and broadband speeds are not planning matters and therefore not material considerations in the determination of the planning application.  

If you are unable to attend the meeting on 1st September, please send us your views in advance if you wish RDCC to include them in its response.  







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