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UPDATE - Email received on 10th March 2023:

At its 28 February 2023 meeting, Midlothian Council’s Planning Committee approved the launch of the review of the Midlothian Local Development Plan (adopted 2017).  Part of this includes issuing invitations to community bodies to prepare a Local Place Plan (LPP).  LPPs produced in line with planning legislation will be registered by the Council and used to help inform production of Midlothian Local Development Plan no. 2 (MLDP2).  MLDP2, when adopted, will replace the 2017 adopted Midlothian Local Development Plan.


This email is an invitation to you as a community body to prepare a Local Place Plan (LPP).  Attached is a formal invitation.


Below is a link to information on LPPs on Midlothian Council’s website, including:

•            background information on LPPs;

•            purpose and role of LPPs;

•            possible content of LPPs; and

•            support the Council can give to community bodies producing a LPP.

Link to Midlothian Council Local Place Plan web page


Local Place Plans should be completed and returned to the Council by 31 October 2023.  This will allow them to be included within the Evidence Report that the Council is producing by the end of 2023 as part of producing the next Midlothian Local Development Plan.  The Evidence Report will then be submitted by the Council in early 2024 to a Scottish Government “Gate Check” to confirm it contains sufficient information to start work on producing a Proposed Plan for the next Midlothian Local Development Plan.  Part of this “check” is to confirm engagement has occurred and that sufficient information has been obtained to produce a Proposed Plan.  Local Place Plans are seen by Scottish Government as a very important part of this process.


There is no obligation or requirement to prepare a Local Place Plan.  This is simply an invitation to prepare a Local Place Plan.


Below is a link to the Local Development Plan on the Planning pages of the Council’s website.  It provides more information on the review of the adopted Midlothian Local Development Plan (2017) and timescales for production of Midlothian Local Development Plan no. 2 (MLDP2).  It also provides links to the current (and first) adopted Midlothian Local Development Plan (2017).

Link to Midlothian Council Local Development Plan web page


Every year the Council is required to produce a Development Plan Scheme.  This document sets where the Council is at with the production and/or review of its Local Development Plan.  It also provides information on engagement the Council will be undertaking on local development plan matters in the coming year.  Planning Committee at its 28 February meeting approved Development Plan Scheme for Midlothian no. 15.  This document will cover the next 12 months.  It can be viewed through the below link to the planning pages of the Council website:

Link to Development Plan Scheme 15


Please email LPP@midlothian.gov.uk if you have any queries or questions on Local Place Plans.

Kind regards

Local Development Plan Team

Planning, Sustainable Growth and Investment Service

Midlothian Council

E: LPP@midlothian.gov.uk

W: www.midlothian.gov.uk




2017 Information

The current development plan for Midlothian is made up of two plans:

  • The Midlothian Local Development Plan, adopted 7 November 2017.
  • The Strategic Development Plan (SDP) for Edinburgh and South-East Scotland, which was approved in 2013.

The SDP is under review. The Proposed SDP2 is currently subject of an Examination into unresolved issues. SESplan anticipate the Report of Examination  to be published around June 2018.

What is the Midlothian Local Development Plan?

The 2017 Midlothian Local Development Plan sets out the development strategy for Midlothian for the next 10 years including the housing and economic land requirements identified in the SDP. It also sets out the detailed policies used to determine planning applications in Midlothian.

View the 2017 Midlothian Local Development Plan

View the Midlothian Local Development Plan Interactive Map

What is the Strategic Development Plan?

The Strategic Development Plan sets the strategic policy framework and development strategy for growth and environmental protection in this part of Scotland to 2032. The plan is currently under review.

The plan is produced by the Strategic Development Planning Authority for Edinburgh and South East Scotland, otherwise known as SESplan. It covers 6 local authority areas, including Midlothian, City of Edinburgh, East Lothian , Fife, Scottish Borders and West Lothian.

Full details of the current Strategic Develoment plan, its review and current status are on the SESplan website.

Visit the SESplan website

While the plan sets the overall housing target for the 6 local authorities, it does not include housing targets for each Council in the SDP area. These are included in the housing land supplementary guidance.

View the SESplan housing land supplementary guidance

Midlothian Council has approved the final changes to the area’s Local Development Plan, which sets out the planning strategy for Midlothian over the next ten years.

Public consultation - Replacing the Midlothian Local Plan published in 2008, the new document has been approved following a lengthy period of public consultation. A total of 838 representations and 2,770 separate comments were received on the Proposed Midlothian Local Development Plan, following its publication in May 2015.  These representations were considered by the Council in May 2016, with unresolved issues subsequently examined by a Reporter appointed by the Scottish Government in November last year. - http://www.midlothian.gov.uk/MLDP. 

Plan to be published shortly - As a result of the Council’s approval of this final stage, the Midlothian Local Development Plan will be published within the next few weeks, with copies available for inspection online and in the councils’ planning office and local libraries.

26 Sep 2017

Repeat search Rosewell in the find box of the Main Issues Report document to view all references to Rosewell that are being put forward.  In particular, pages 25, 31 and 32  -

Site R1 Rosewell North (60-100 houses) in the large field on the right approaching Rosewell from Bonnyrigg direction 

Site R3 Thornton Road North (100 houses) in the field between Whitehill Road and Thornton Road

Site R5 Thornton Road South (50 houses) in the field between Thornton Road and Rosedale House

There is an ALTERNATIVE to 2 of the the PREFERRED sites for Rosewell:  

[See page 33 of the online Main Issues Report http://www.midlothian.gov.uk/MLDP

Site BG5 - Hopefield Farm 2, Bonnyrigg (450 houses) - with capacity for an additional 300 houses, off the Bonnyrigg Bypass near Rosewell

This site could be considered as a reasonable alternative to Sites R3 and R5 Thornton Road North and South

Site R1 Rosewell North does not have an alternative.

To put these sites into context you should view the Main Issues Report along with the accompanying documents.   

Public consultations for the next Midlothian Local Development Plan start on 1 May 2013 and run until 31 August 2013, therefore, it’s important that residents attend the community council meetings on 22 April and 10 June and the drop-in consultation event (see below) to inform us of their views on the Main Issues Report before we submit our formal response.  Don't forget you can also email us your views rdcc@hotmail.co.uk or call us on 0131 440 2086.

Please click on the External Link below to view full details of the public consultation programme.  A drop-in session will be held in Rosewell Miners' Welfare Social and Bowling Club, 24 Gorton Road on Tuesday 25 June from 4pm - 8pm.  This is an opportunity for residents to provide feedback to Midlothian Council of their views on the future developments planned for Rosewell.

A hard copy of the Main Issues Report can be viewed at the Rosewell Development Trust Office, in Rosewell Community Resource Centre next to Rosewell Primary School.  Please go in and view it  and contact the RDCC Secretary, Laura Mackay, rdcc@hotmail.co.uk or phone 0131 440 2086 if you have any questions.  (NB The hard copy page numbering differs from that online).  You can also view copies in Midlothian public libraries and at the Planning Department at Fairfield House.

Midlothian Council will be sending out neighbour notification to all households in the immediate vicinity of the above sites.  This should ensure that these residents are all aware of the above proposed allocations.

At our last meeting, RDCC and residents suggested that future development in Rosewell should be contained on the A6094 Rosewell Bypass side of the village, leaving the Shiel Burn side as open countryside.  This will also avoid heavy site construction traffic accessing sites R3 and R5 through the main village streets.  We believe that: 

EXISTING new development -  Rosedale (44 houses), and Fairmeadow (134 houses);

ONGOING development at Whitehill House and environs (120 houses including apartments); and

PROPOSED development - Bett Homes (up to 300 houses), Gortonlee, field next to St Matthew's RC Church (63 houses) and Site R1 Rosewell North (60-100 houses)

is more than enough new development for one small village to sustain.  Residents who attended the meeting agreed.  If you do, please make your views known to Midlothian Council at the drop in session on 25th June.

UPDATE 26.6.13 - A FANTASTIC TURNOUT LAST NIGHT - WELL DONE ROSEWELL!  NOW PLEASE SEND IN YOUR COMMENTS TO:   Planning Policy & Environment, Corporate Resources, Midothian Council, Fairfield House, 8 Lothian Road, Dalkeith EH22 3ZN.    You can also submit and view all the comments online by registering on the Development Plan Consultation Portal via this link http://midlothian-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/  This FIRST stage of  consultation ends on 31st August 2013.  RDCC would like to thank all residents who submitted their comments to Midlothian Council. 

UPDATE 7.8.13 - Click on these links  to view RDCC's formal letter of response dated 5 August 2013, together with its enclosures on Sites R1, R3, R5 and BG5 of the Main Issues Report.  




UPDATE 16.9.13 - At the RDCC meeting on 9 September, the Secretary explained the next stages of the consultation process.  Views and comments on the Main Issues Report will inform the development of the MLDP PROPOSED PLAN, Updated Environmental Report and Action programme in Spring 2014 > A formal public representation period will then take place in Spring 2014 > Submission of PROPOSED PLAN with unresolved representations will go to Scottish Ministers in Summer 2014 > Examination of Issues by Reporter (date to be confirmed) > Adoption of Midlothian Local Development Plan in Early 2015.  So there is still a long way to go before the final outcome for Rosewell is known, and further input from RDCC and residents will be required, as necessary.  RDCC will keep everyone informed of developments – please view this page and attend community council meetings for future updates.


Click on this link to view the MLDP update presented to the Cabinet meeting documents/07_y_mldp_mir_consultation_update_cabinet_8_oct_2013.pdf


Click on this link to view the MLDP Main Issues Report update presented to the Cabinet Meeting - Midlothian Local Plan Main Issues Report (Download Supporting Document. 489.41 KB)


During 2013 Midlothian Council prepared, and consulted on, a Main Issues Report for the Midlothian Local Development Plan. To keep you up-to-date on progress since the end of the consultation period a newsletter has been prepared. Please follow the web link below to access the December 2013 newsletter.


If you want to discuss any matters about the MLDP you can phone the Planning Policy Team on 0131 271 3470.

UPDATE 10.3.14THE FIRST STAGE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION CLOSED ON 31.8.13.  THE SECOND STAGE BEGINS IN Summer 2014: Publication of the Proposed MLDP and formal representations stage
Purpose: To publicise and seek representations on the Proposed Plan containing the Council’s settled views on the future development strategy for Midlothian to 2024. This will be accompanied by an updated Environmental Report and a Proposed Action Programme explaining how the Plan’s proposals and policies will be delivered. The Proposed Plan will be placed on deposit for a minimum of six weeks to allow the submission of formal representations (either in support of or opposing the development strategy which comprises the policies and proposals of the Plan). The Council will notify the publication of the Plan to those interested parties registered on its online database (including those who the Council has included in the database, having contacted it by other means). This includes all those who submitted representations at the Main Issues Report stage, unless they have asked to be removed from the database or mail has been returned from their address. Articles will be posted on the Midlothian website/development planning portal advising of the Plan’s publication etc., and advertisements will placed in the Midlothian Advertiser. Copies of the Proposed Plan will be made available in libraries and in Fairfield House. Neighbour notification will be undertaken as required in relation to new development proposals. 

Residents can view the MLDP step by step process via this link documents/10_y_dpsm6_appendix_1_figure.pdf

UPDATE 19.7.14 -  CURRENT SITUATION - The Council at its meeting of 24 June 2014 approved the development strategy and key policy changes to be included in the Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP). The Proposed Plan itself is still being drafted and the period for representations is likely to be in winter 2014. A newsletter has been prepared outlining the current situation in more detail.  Please click on this link to view the Council Report dated 24 June 2014 and July 2014 Newsletter  http://www.midlothian.gov.uk/info/198/planning_policy/499/local_development_plan

Rosewell Sites R3 (100 units in field between Whitehill Rd/ThorntonRd) and R5 (50 units in field between Thornton Rd/Rosedale House) have been removed from the strategy.  The alternative to these two sites has gone forward in their place.  This is Site BG5 Hopefield  Farm 2, Bonnyrigg (outwith Rosewell in field opposite Dalhousie Chesters).  Proposals for Site BG5 are for 375 units commencing in 2019/20: the longer-term primary education capacity/catchment solution is still to be confirmed.  Longer term potential post 2024 is for a further 350 units, yielding 750 units in total.

Site R1 Rosewell North (60 units in large field on the right entering Rosewell from the Bonnyrigg direction) commencing 2017/18 remains in the strategy.   There was no alternative to this site.

UPDATE 3.10.14 It is hoped to bring the MLDP Proposed Plan to Cabinet and Council for approval in November/December 2014, with a view to the Plan being published for formal representations early in 2015. Council has already considered the development strategy for the Proposed Plan at its meeting on 24 June 2014. The planning policy framework of the Proposed Plan is now being finalised on the basis of the Third National Planning Framework and the revised Scottish Planning Policy as published in June this year and reported to Cabinet on 26 August.

When RDCC has seen the MLDP Proposed Plan we will be in a position to consult with residents on the way forward.

UPDATE 18.12.14 - PROPOSED Midlothian Local Development Plan

The Council at its meeting on 16 December 2014 approved the Midlothian Local Development Plan Proposed Plan, Revised Environmental Report and draft Action Programme, subject to the following modifications:

    Site Hs6 Kippielaw be deleted, and the area identified as countryside; and

    A new housing site be included at Cauldcoats (for a first phase of 350 houses).

The Proposed Plan and associated documents will be published for the statutory period for representation/ comment, and this is expected to take place from early March 2015. In the meantime Council agreed that the documents considered at its meeting be made publicly available, and these can be viewed below.

    Report to Council 16 December 2014 (PDF)

    Note of Seminar of 9 December 2014 (PDF)

    Proposed Plan 2014 Pre-Publication Version (PDF)

    Revised Environmental Report Pre-Publication Version (PDF)

    Draft Action Programme Pre-Publication Version (PDF)

    Equalities and Human Rights Assessment Pre-Publication Version (PDF)

[You will find links to all the above documents here:-


(Insert "Rosewell" in the SEARCH box and repeat search to find all entries relating to Rosewell).]

Please note that these documents do not include modifications agreed by Council at its meeting of 16 December 2014. The 'deposit' documents for representation/comment will include the agreed amendments, minor editing changes and all relevant maps, including the proposals map.

We will discuss at the next RDCC meeting on 26th January 2015.

UPDATE 10.3.15 - Please click on the link to view details of the next stage of consultation on the Proposed Midlothian Local Development Plan.  The plan will be published on 14 May 2015 followed by a 6-week public consultation period ending on 26 June 2015.  It is very important that residents engage in this consultation which concerns the future development of our community - documents/l-mackay-r-and-dcc-09.03.15.pdf

UPDATE 6.4.15 - The Development Plan Scheme for Midlothian Number 7 (DPS7) has now been published and can be accessed via the attached link.  (Please note this is NOT the Proposed Midlothian Local Development Plan which is due to be published on 14 May).


The DPS contains a timetable for the development plans (Local Development Plan and Strategic Development Plan) affecting the area, and a Participation Statement, setting out future stages for getting involved in the Midlothian Local Development Plan.  Copies are being sent out to the libraries.

Colin Davidson, Planning Policy Officer, Midlothian Council, 0131 271 3470

UPDATE 14.5.15 - The Council's Proposed Local Development Plan is now published for a formal period of representation starting on 14 May 2015 and running until 3.30pm on 26 June 2015.  Click on this link  http://midlothian-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/planningpolicy/mldp/mldppp  and read the instructions on how to view it.  You may find it easier to download the document and repeat search ‘Rosewell’ to read what is proposed for our area. 

We will have a hard copy of the Plan on view at the Rosewell Development Trust Tea Party and Big Lunch on 6 June and also at the next RDCC meeting on 8 June.  Residents are invited to send RDCC any relevant comments by 16 June if they wish them to be considered for inclusion in the RDCC formal response.  Individuals can, of course, submit comments separately.

UPDATE - Click on the link to view the RDCC response - documents/misc/rdcc-mldp-response-june_2015.pdf

UPDATE OCTOBER 2015 - Midlothian Council has posted this notice on the MLDP web page:-

Please note - The Council is currently processing all representations received (in excess of 800 submissions).  A significant number of representations were submitted in writing.  These (including any supporting information) have to be scanned and uploaded into the consultation system prior to processing and publication.  As soon as is practicably possible the Council will publish all representations.  Please bear with us during this period until the process is completed.

UPDATE - OCTOBER 2015 - Please note that SITE R1 ROSEWELL NORTH has been re-named SITE Hs14.  View current planning applications relating to this site on NEWS page Article dated 8 October 2015.

UPDATE - NOVEMBER 2015 -​ Planning Committee Tuesday 17 November 2015  Item No 5 - http://www.midlothian.gov.uk/download/meetings/id/5140/5_midlothian_local_development_plan_proposed_plan-update_report_november_2015

UPDATE JULY 2017 - Midlothian Local Development Plan reaches key stage - https://www.midlothian.gov.uk/news/article/2248/midlothian_local_development_plan_reaches_key_stage




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