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A Community Council is a voluntary organisation set up by statute by the Local Authority and run by local residents to act on behalf of its area. As the most local tier of elected representation, Community Councils play an important role in local democracy. They bridge the gap between local authorities and communities, and help to make public bodies aware of the opinions and needs of the communities they represent.  Their primary purpose is to ascertain and express the views of the community to the local authority and other public bodies.  Community Councils have a statutory right to be consulted on major planning applications.  There are currently around 1200 Community Councils in Scotland, all of which are composed of elected volunteers from the community. 

Click on the following links to view the Midlothian Council and Scottish Government website pages to read further information on community councils.  

NEW MIDLOTHIAN COUNCIL SCHEME FOR COMMUNITY COUNCILS (This Scheme must be adopted by all Midlothian Community Councils by June 2017) - Midlothian Scheme June 2014

SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT - http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Government/PublicServiceReform/CommunityCouncils

Please click on links below to read our Constitution and Standing Orders:



Aims and Objectives

Rosewell & District Community Council is consulted by The Scottish Government, Midlothian Council, The Police, The Crown Estate (its agents Savills UK), and numerous public and charitable organisations on all matters affecting Rosewell, such as major planning applications, roads and traffic, transport, education, health, environmental and community issues. 

Our responses to the local authority are informed by consultations with developers, public community consultations held by developers, and views received from residents on these consultations.   All our responses to major planning applications and Local Development Plans reflect the information gathered during these processes.   If you are unable to attend RDCC meetings, or any of these consultations, please email or call us to let us know your views.   YOUR VIEWS INFORM THE RESPONSES WE SUBMIT TO MIDLOTHIAN COUNCIL.  We also work in close partnership with, and support, all our local community groups and organisations.

We have 7 meetings per year in Rosewell Parish Church Hall.  You’ll find dates and times on our website and on the Community Notice Board in the public garden area at the corner of Carnethie Street/Gorton Road.  All of these meetings are open to the public and we invite all residents to come along and have their say.  

Elections are held every 3 years, and residents of Rosewell & District, aged 16 or over, who are named on the electoral roll, can stand for election.

Our Community Police Officers and Local Councillors all attend our meetings to give their reports and discuss any issues residents wish to raise.  The Police will update you on the Rosewell Crime Statistics – not as bad as it sounds!   And Local Councillors will keep you aware of what’s going on in Midlothian Council. 

Occasionally, we have guest speakers on topics such as new housing developments, consultations, local issues, etc.  

Developers are required to consult community councils prior to submitting major planning applications.  We always invite them along to community council meetings so that you can meet them face to face and ask them questions on how any new developments may affect you. 

Why not come along to our next meeting and see for yourself what we do?  You can either sit in the audience and just listen, or let us know if there’s anything at all we can assist you with that will help make community life better for you.  Our meetings are quite informal and we’ll make you very welcome.  

If you’d like to join our mailing list we will email you advance notice of meetings, agendas, minutes of meetings, plus notification of major planning applications and important community issues.  If there are any community issues you would like to discuss please contact us via FEEDBACK or email rdcc@email.com

Formal Letters of Support

 Rosewell & District Community Council can offer formal letters of support for initiatives that may enhance and improve life in our community. This may include:

  • the economic development of our village and surrounding area within our district boundary
  • the environmental enhancement of our village and surrounding area within our district boundary
  • the promotion of Rosewell and our community

The Community Council will consider representations and if the above criteria are met to the satisfaction of a majority of Council members when put to a vote, a letter of support will be issued by RDCC.  You will be welcome to use this as evidence of our support for your project. Please send your request to rosewellcc@gmail.com





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