Members of the public are very welcome to attend Community Council meetings and take part in the discussions under the guidance of the Chairman. This meeting will be recorded and will be archived and available for viewing for twelve months thereafter.
- Introductions and Apologies
- Declarations of interest
- Approval of the draft minutes of the last ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 3 September 2024 and matters arising
- Treasurer’s report
- AOB from Community Council members
- AOB from members of the public
- Screening reports, scoping reports and consultations
8. Building warrants, planning issues and licensing issues
9. Dates of future meetings
Issued at 1.00pm on Monday 9 September 2024.
An ordinary meeting of the Garve & District Community Council (whose area covers from Garve to Aultguish and from Garve to Achnasheen) was held online on Tuesday 3 September 2024. Updates at the ordinary meeting included Local Place Plans, windfarms, proposed powerlines and battery storage facilities, Avenue trees, fencing, winter service plans, signage, Bottle Banks, sightlines, Achnasheen Public Toilets and Hall, Motorhome levy, various road issues and traffic calming measures. Grass cutting, rubbish and the mobile library service were also discussed. We noted one consultation and three new planning applications. If anyone in our area would like to be co-opted onto the Community Council, do please get in touch. Our website - and our social media page where you will find further updates - The meeting can be viewed over the next 12 months here -
DRAFT Minutes of the Garve & District Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 3 September 2024 on webcam
Community Council elected members present on webcam: Kenny Maclean (Chairman & Secretary), Bob Moir (Vice Chairman), Caroline Gamble (Treasurer) and Sadie-Michaela Harris.
Also present on webcam: Cllr Liz Kraft, Scott Vallance (Principal Project Manager, Statkraft UK from 7.30pm until 8.30pm) Seumas Skinner (Community Liaison Manager, Statkraft UK from 7.30pm until 8.30pm), Peter Kane (Kane Partnership from 7.30pm until 8.30pm), Anthony Palmer (Field Corriemoillie from 8.00pm until 8.30pm) and one member of the public (Flora Smith).
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed everyone. He also confirmed that this meeting would be recorded as per the agenda and will be archived and available for viewing for twelve months thereafter - He reminded members of the public that although our meetings are not public meetings, they were still very welcome to attend Community Council meetings even on webcam and take part in the discussions under his guidance (see section 12 of the Constitution). Those who cannot attend our meetings can, as always, write to us by post or email with any issues they wish raised at Our website continues to receive 150-200 visitors per month (out of a community of around 230 people). The Community Council area covers from Garve to Aultguish and from Garve to Achnasheen and is the only organisation that represents the whole community. We are elected by the community every four years or so and usually meet once a month. Draft minutes and a list of current members of the Community Council can be viewed at our website. We are also on social media - where we now have 120 followers. Since we started recording our meetings in April 2024, viewing figures are as follows …. April 31 views, May 29 views, June 32 views and July 27 views.
Community Council members were sorry to hear Gill Cameron of Garve & Dingwall passed away on Friday 19 July 2024. Our thoughts are with the family.
Declarations of Interest – the Vice Chairman is a Garve Public Hall Trustee and a Friend of Garve War Memorial. The Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris are all members of the traffic calming group. Community Council members confirmed that they had read all documents due to be discussed tonight before the start of this meeting that had been received before lunchtime today.
Approval of draft minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 23 July 2024 via webcam were proposed without amendment by Bob Moir and seconded by Caroline Gamble, unanimously agreed. Minutes are available at Garve Post Office, Achnasheen Village Noticeboard, on our website or via email. Hard/electronic copies are also available on request. Minutes will be signed by our Chairman and Treasurer in due course via post. The draft minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be approved at next year’s AGM but no amendments have been received to the draft.
Matters arising – Local Place Plan – the draft version following initial community responses was put out for final consultation in August. The plan will now be amended if necessary before being submitted to The Highland Council by Friday 27 September 2024. Our thanks to all who took part. Tina Hartley was appointed an associate member for six months or until this project was completed at our ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 9 April 2024 so Tina’s time with us will be ending shortly. Our thanks to her for all her help on this matter. Torridon & Kinlochewe and Contin communities have also shared their proposed Local Place Plans with us, our thanks to them. (Post meeting note – on Thursday 5 September 2024 Tina emailed to say she was sorry for not sending her report in time but it reads as follows (thanks to Tina for sending) … August 2024 – as per the publicised timescale and working within the legal framework, the draft Local Place Plan, and required information notices, were issued to Ward 5 Councillors and all Community Councils adjoining our boundary on 31 July 2024. The plan was then issued publicly on 1 August 2024, to Company members, community organisations,, social media platforms with paper copies sent for display to Achnasheen Notice Board, Garve Post Office, Kinlochluichart Church and Garve Public Hall. During the month of August, comments, regarding minor amendments to the plan were received from The Highland Council and two community residents. Other comments received complemented the plan’s content acknowledging the amount of work that has gone into its preparation to date. In line with regulations, the closing date for comments was 31 August 2024. Next steps – To demonstrate requirements of Regulation 4 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Place Plans) (Scotland) Regulations 2021, a Supporting Statement is now being prepared. This, along with the draft plan issued on 1 August, and final plan dated 1 September will be forwarded to The Highland Council for checking prior to registration. The deadline for passing all checks with The Highland Council is Friday, 27 September 2024. We are on line with meeting this deadline.
Boralex – – Fiona Milligan confirmed today there are no updates at this time but will keep us updated, our thanks to her.
Kirkan Windfarm – - as reported previously, they are still in the phase of considering options for Kirkan and working through the various planning conditions. Community Benefit is something Kirkan would like to give the community but those discussions will take place much later once everything else is known. We thank Trevor for his regular updates.
Proposed Tarvie windfarm – - Koehler Renewable Energy (KRE) were invited to attend this meeting to update us. Alastair Stewart, Orbit Communications on behalf of the proposed Tarvie Windfarm were also invited. No updates received. Seumas Skinner noted that Orbit Communications had worked on Statkraft projects in the past but were not currently involved in any projects with the company. Our thanks to Seumas for the clarification.
Proposed SSE Fairburn extension – - no updates received.
SSEN Spittal – Beauly 400kV project - - we still await the recording of the joint Community Council meeting held on Thursday 7 March 2024 with SSEN, otherwise no updates received.
SSEN underground cable from the Western Isles to Beauly – - test holes have been dug in Little Garve and at Killin Farm. The works were done in 2-3 days in each location with more drilling to take place around Killin in due course. It was noted full discussions had taken place with landowners before drilling took place. As a permitted development, no planning permissions are needed. Our thanks to Flora Smith and our Treasurer for the updates.
Field Corriemoillie – – Field had been invited to attend this meeting but no show at this stage. The Community Council elected members had several questions such as what size will these storage batteries be – 20-foot or 40-foot containers? Is 72 storage batteries a worst-case scenario? 200MW is around 4 times the size of their Fort Augustus project so how much land will be needed at Corriemoillie? First public event was only advertised a week in advance, not very helpful. We also noted and planning 24/02669/PAN. Copies of display boards used at both events are available in the library section of our website. When Anthony Palmer from Field joined us at 8.00pm, he apologised for being late and was able to clarify that battery size will depend on product availability in 2027 as the technology is improving all the time but he thought 20foot containers. The area would be 5-7 ha. 72 is only a guide with 2-3metres between containers depending on manufacture’s guidance. 200MW may not be 4 times the size of Fort Augustus as it will depend on product used, denser, improvements in the technology all the time. The red line on the maps show maximum land use and includes cable route to substation, cut/fill, landscaping, existing tracks etc … It was also clarified that it is a global market so product used in 2027 may already be in use elsewhere in the world. Batteries can last 7-14 years before needing replaced, depends on charge and discharge just like a battery in your mobile phone. What is the Corriemoillie Substation capacity if all projects in the area do get planning permission? Nobody was sure so our Chairman will double check. Our thanks to Anthony for joining us once again. (Post meeting note – see planning application 11/00155/FUL from 2011 for the substation details).
Proposed Carn Fearna windfarm – - Scott Vallance updated us by apologising for not been able to join us at our last few meetings. Statkraft have held their design freeze meeting to finalise plans including number of turbines, site layout, substation location etc … No final layout yet but it will be shared with the Community Council in due course. Regarding the Met Mast, the Planning Officer has asked for more details which included the request for the inclusion of wire lines as additional information to the application. As this is a Town and Country planning application, the mast will be determined by The Highland Council while the S36 application for the windfarm with be determined by Scottish Ministers. It is thought the Planning Officer is off sick so no further update since information was provided. The box on the hill was a SoDAR (Sonic Detection And Ranging). It is a meteorological measurement system used for precise measurement of wind speed and direction at the height of typical wind turbine nacelles. The SoDAR unit simultaneously captured wind data at multiple heights to enable interpolation of hub height wind speeds in accordance with the IOA Good Practice Guide. It was removed in July 2024 as it was only on site for a short time to coincide with our noise monitoring campaign which had been requested by The Highland Council’s Environmental Health Officer. Seumas Skinner explained that the consultation report following the public exhibitions held in Garve, Contin and Strathpeffer in May 2024 was in draft form but a copy was sent today to the Community Council (received) to check all points had been covered. It was noted less attendees this time. In total, 23 people attended the in-person exhibitions across the three separate events. This included the attendance of some Community Council elected members. The number of attendees is based on those who signed in at the welcome desk of the exhibition (which was optional). Contin Community Hall – 8. Garve Public Hall – 9. Strathpeffer Community Centre – 5. It was perplexing so few attended especially as the weather was good. The team responded to feedback given by this Community Council to host an exhibition at the newly reopened Garve Public Hall and to extend the time of that event further into the evening. 74 responses were received by Statkraft which is down from around 100 after the first round of exhibitions last November. 1,777 properties within a 10km radius of the proposed site were sent information so 74 responses is around a 4% reply rate. Key issues raised included overhead line, visual impact, ownership, community benefit etc … This feedback was discussed at the design freeze meeting. Replies to those who left contact details will be going out shortly. Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris felt the language used in the SSEN application for the proposed overhead powerline made it feel like permissions were already granted. Statkraft were not consulted by SSEN and one project will not go ahead if the other does not get planning permission. Our Chairman noted no comments for or against the proposed Met Mast on the planning website - 24/02379/FUL. Sadie asked if all public comments are published on the planning website – yes and if there are issues, contact Cllr Kraft straight away. Cllr Kraft asked for this example to be sent to her to check and follow up. (Post meeting note – Sadie passed on the example she was aware of next morning and Cllr Kraft has already passed it onto the Chief Planning Officer to investigate.)
Sadie also asked about data from noise monitors in people’s gardens, will that be made available? Data will be in the EIA Report which forms part of the S36 application so yes and a non-technical summery document will also be available. Statkraft also hope to hold another public information day during the planning consultation process to help people understand what is being proposed in their community. Statkraft hope to attend the Strathpeffer Community Council meeting next week. In related news, SSEN plan to hold a public consultation event in Garve Public Hall TOMORROW from 3.00pm until 7.00pm about a possible route for a new overhead power line between Carn Fearna and the Corriemoillie substation should the windfarm be granted planning permission. This update has already appeared on our online channels. Scott did offer to attend so that a Statkraft representative was in the Hall but SSEN declined.
Scott Vallance, Seumas Skinner, Peter Kane and Anthony Palmer were all thanked for joining us and left the meeting at 8.30pm.
The Highland Council updates – – The Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Area Committee met on Monday 12 August 2024 where they agreed the 2024/25 winter service plan for the roads. We are still served by Silverbridge, Lochcarron and Gairloch depots and the A832 remains a priority primary route treated from 6.00am or 5.00am if conditions dictate.
Replanting Trees in The Avenue – over the summer, a decision was made by The Highland Council to carry out this project in house rather than to contract out so the Environment team within The Highland Council will be carrying out the planting works. There is no date set yet when this will happen however, the Community Council will be updated in due course. Our thanks to all involved. A full list of the monthly updates since February 2022 are available in the library section of our website. This update has already appeared on our online channels. Our Chairman was disappointed that this topic continues to yo-yo around the departments but Cllr Kraft felt it was going in the right direction, some projects stall as land ownership becomes an issue.
Wooden fencing next to the old Cemetery in Garve is still outstanding. Is the wooden fencing even needed? Cllr Kraft to seek guidance on the matter, it is an eyesore that serves no purpose. Can anyone in the community remember who put it up and why?
Grass cutting in both Garve Cemeteries was poorly done at the start of the summer but has improved greatly since. Cllr Kraft confirmed there was illness in the team and then strimming in wet conditions was not ideal.
Signs directing people up the A835 to the Wyvis Natural Playpark and nearest toilet signs for Silverbridge have been promised to Cllr Kraft but are yet to appear, she will chase up for us once again. Should Rogie Falls toilets also be advertised better? Car park a bit small for bigger buses but there are toilets at Achility.
Hedge cut back in Stirling Drive, Garve still requires attention. The bushes are now covering the speed limit signs at the junction outside Garve Public Hall. Cllr Kraft noted the issue. (Post meeting note – this work will be attended to as part of this water maintenance regime, our thanks to all and to Cllr Kraft for the update.)
The Vice Chairman also noted the speed limit signs (20’s plenty) are still up and no roundels painted in Stirling Drive/Matheson Road, Garve. Cllr Kraft confirmed this will be attended to when the 20mph zone is made permanent early next year.
Lack of white lines, and where is the Hotbox? Cllr Kraft noted works are taking place in Ward Five and that the A832 west of Achnasheen will need to go on next year’s capital plan.
Strathgarve potholes – not filled in! Matheson Road potholes were getting worse (now filled in) and Stirling Drive pothole filled in next day.
A dumped sofa at Lochluichart has been reported to The Highland Council FS635396476 and has been removed. An office chair and rubbish has been dumped in “Jock’s Layby” east of Grudie. Our Chairman will make enquiries and report accordingly but The Highland Council notes that residents should report issues directly to them by calling The Highland Council’s Call Centre on 01349 886606 or via In all cases, you will be given a reference number. The Highland Council also appreciates photos showing the actual problem. (Post meeting note – the items appear to be on private land but Glyn Robson and staff at Lochluichart Estate have already collected the items to help deal with the matter, our thanks to them. Our Chairman inspected all laybys between Achnasheen and Gorstan on Wednesday 4 September 2024 and has found no other issues.)
Bottle Banks in Grave and Achnasheen have been emptied but not in other areas including Lochcarron. Cllr Kraft noted there had been an issue with the lorry but it was now on catch up duties. During this meeting she emailed the appropriate department about the Lochcarron bottle banks. (Post meeting note – Garve and Achnasheen bottle banks are already getting full again so a request has gone in to get them emptied again. The reply notes the council’s glass contractor Biffa is experiencing vehicle difficulties which has impacted on emptying the bottle banks across the region. Biffa is working hard to catch up and they will be taking delivery of replacement vehicles imminently. Our thanks to all concerned and Cllr Kraft).
Future of Achnasheen Public Toilets and Hall – we have asked for an update regarding the toilets which have been closed since Thursday 4 July 2024. Our understanding from emails sent on Monday 19 August 2024 is that the septic tank may need replacing, which may not be considered due to costs and the possible Hall sale, so we have asked if there is any way the toilets could be opened even on a temporary basis in the meantime. We understand another contractor has been on site for a second opinion and are awaiting their views on the matter. This update has already appeared on our online channels and we are keeping Achnasheen Amenities Association updated and have asked they do the same. The community owned toilets in Kinlochewe opened last week following renovations so a sign has been placed at the Achnasheen toilets explaining where the nearest available toilets are after members of the public were seen using the village pond as a toilet. It is perhaps worth noting that public convenience provision is not a statutory obligation therefore The Highland Council do not need to provide toilets and the budget is therefore limited. At the current time, The Highland Council are not able to find a suitable Comfort Scheme provider in the nearby area as local businesses are not open all year round. It is felt once the toilet issue is resolved one way or another, the possible Hall sale may then go ahead but there was general agreement you cannot keep the building just to provide toilets. Cllr Kraft confirmed the Midge Bite had been approached but they too would have capacity issues with their septic tank and Ledgowan Hotel close in the winter months. She had hoped an officer from the property department could have attend the latest ward business meeting but this was not possible as annual leave delayed in June/July for the General Election was now been taken. Discussions continue within The Highland Council but opening toilets anytime soon looks very unlikely. The new Tourist Visitor Levy would help fund toilets in the future but that is some way down the line. Cllr Kraft will keep us informed. She has also requested more bins for Achnaheen village centre, but they are not in place yet. It was noted signs before people get to Achnasheen advertising where toilets are was needed but then again, those toilets freeze in the winter months, then what? Portaloos would need emptied on a regular basis. What about self-cleaning loos? Again where does the waste go and where is the money? Grey waste/chemical waste also an issue. (Post meeting note – roadside signs in Achnasheen pointing down to where the toilets are have now been covered up and the Achnaheen Amenities Association social media page is now advising that they have received notice from The highland Council to move out. The hall will be passed back to the council on Wednesday 23 October 2024. AAA would like to thank all their supporters for their hard work and patronage over the years.)
Motorhome levy - Concern has been raised about campervan parking spaces in carparks and what if there was a fire. Cllr Kraft has provided us with the following … Following the pre-budget consultation there was a huge response from the public about the lack of control of camper vans and concerns that they did not contribute to the local economy or infrastructure that they use. The scheme is a voluntary payment of £40 per year. The reason it is for a year and not a week is that the systems used by The Highland Council to operate this financially can only work on a year’s payment so the implementation is cost neutral as we can use existing systems. This gives vans access to the already in use Volunteer to pay car parks and Highland Highlife Facilities. For the latter they must show evidence that they have bought into the scheme. The scheme is aimed at those many vans who opt not to stay at designated sites and is an attempt to encourage more responsible camper van tourism as well as generating some income. The Highland Council are promoting existing campsites in their literature and this scheme should not impact on campsites but complement them. Vans using this scheme are NOT allowed to encamp and all activity must be contained in the vehicle. The guidance used for the spacing and the legislation around this is below. The Highland Council is not in breach of any guidance. We will continue to adapt and review the scheme going forward.
Origins of the 6m spacing guidance - The 6m spacing is referenced in the Caravan Sites and Control of Development (1960 Act). The 6m spacing covers static caravans and reflects that the real spacing is 3m once the use of awnings and external activities is accounted for. Vehicles using Highland Council overnight car parks must be self-contained and the use of awnings, tables, chairs and barbeques are not permitted.
CAMpRA Guidance - CAMpRA is a UK body that represents Campervan and Motorhome users CAMpRA UK Ltd – Campaign for Real Aires UK. They have carried out extensive research and provide separation recommendations for Campervans and Motorhomes staying in overnight car parks. Their detailed fire safety report notes:
- There is no UK definitive guidance
- European guidance is for 3m minimum separation between units (with 4m recommended)
- Recommendation that the 3-4m standard is applied at UK overnight car parks
Examples of adoption in the UK -
- Argyll and Bute have adopted 4m spacing in their overnight car parks
- Forestry and Land Scotland have adopted 4m spacing as part of their ‘Stay the Night’ Scheme Stay the Night | Forestry and Land Scotland
- Fife Coast and Countryside Trust have adopted 3m spacing across their network of overnight car parks Overnight Parking - Fife Coast & Countryside Trust (
Taking all the above into account, The Highland Council has adopted the upper limit of the CAMpRA recommendation. Our thanks to Cllr Kraft for her report which has been shared with all Ward Five Community Councils. Why do some sites not provide toilet waste facilities? It could be added as a planning condition for new sites going forward. Cllr Kraft felt it was an issue that perhaps should have been addressed years ago but is now with this new guidance. Tourist Visitor Levy will take time to take affect and this new scheme has not been well advertised, only around 40 people have taken it up this summer. Costs in setting up the system had to be considered but Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris felt a weekly charge system was not impossible at little cost to the taxpayer. Those who sign up get access to Highlife Highland facilities. Shop local, take rubbish home, discourage wild camping were all the key drivers in this new policy that was agreed at a Highland Council meeting some time ago. Hire companies are also encouraging people to buy into the scheme. More promotion needed. Some campsites are not happy but The Highland Council feel they could benefit too. Can NC500 website promote this scheme? Yes but that is up to them. Our Chairman felt we must encourage tourism but it must be responsible tourism, no wild fires etc … (Post meeting note – Cllr Kraft informed us that she has been in touch with the revenue department and they are about to publish details following an FOI request as some incorrect information around the cost of this policy is circulating. Our thanks to Cllr Kraft for the update).
Future of the Mobile Library service – we note from WLECC meeting held on Wednesday 31 July 2024 that they have had confirmation from Steve Walsh, Chief Executive of Highlife Highland that the business case for replacing the fleet of library vans has been approved. The procurement and delivery schedule is not yet available and they have no information about the number of vans being purchased. In the meantime the hire vans will continue to cover the runs.
A835 Trunk Road issues - We note the damage to the crash barrier at the “Check Rail Corner” which the MSP is also chasing up is ongoing. We understand planning for how these works will be undertaken are still taking place.
The request for a Inchbae settlement sign was responded to on Tuesday 13 August 2024 by Transport Scotland. They apologised for not responding to our query sent on Thursday 27 June 2024 sooner and confirmed they are in dialogue with The Highland Council to decide how best to address the request, as it appears that both The Highland Council and Transport Scotland provide similar signage for such requests, usually for different reasons. We await the outcome of those discussions. Cllr Kraft was not aware of the request but would chase up.
We received notice today that the concrete works on the Inchbae Bridge (A835) will continue until Friday 27 September 2024. Traffic lights remain in place. This update has already appeared on our online channels.
Faults on the Trunk Road (A835) should be reported via
Future of the Traffic Calming Group – Tina Hartley has been in touch to say that this is now the second highest community priority and is very much in the limelight with the development of the Local Place Plan. Historically, the Development Company have led (in terms of getting the group together, arranging meetings, chairing meetings and feeding back progress to the community etc) on this priority following its inclusion in the Active Travel Plan, but ultimately the Community Council have done most of the work in liaising with and getting answers from public agencies. Following discussion at a Development Company Board meeting it was felt this was more the Community Council’s remit to take forward. We will call a meeting in due course to discuss the matter with group members. Nobody from the community has written in with any further ideas for the traffic calming group.
The next joint meeting of LCT/G&DDC/G&DCC is due this month. We have asked that as much advanced notice is given due to the many other commitments we all have. Suggestions for agenda items include Garve Hotel.
Garve mains water – no update provided. Community Council elected members were very disappointed though we acknowledge plans may be coming together behind the scenes. The last update at our April 2024 ordinary meeting talked about works in November 2024.
Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris had hoped to join a community transport meeting on Tuesday 27 August 2024 but was unable to in the end however, we understand no minutes were taken as it was an informal networking group but the Community Council are happy to work with Dingwall Medical Group and others on how we can best promote the service to the communities once the bus is up and running. Sadie offered to help with some simple graphic design/posters to help convey the message and will talk to Ewan Bush when she gets time. It is still hoped the new community bus which will take around 9 months to be built will also serve Tarvie, Contin and Jamestown.
Nobody from the community has written in specifically requesting an in-person meeting of the Community Council. Tina Hartley did suggest other ways of meeting which we have considered in the past such as one meeting per quarter in person. Our Chairman did ask other Community Councils in Ward Five for their experiences since Covid of in person/online meetings and as he had thought, around half meet in person, the other half online depending on local circumstances and most meet online in winter months. It was also noted that conference call facilities and sitting next to our Chairman during our meetings in his office are also still available to anyone offline, both of which have been taken up in the past. Also, anyone can sit next to our Vice Chairman in his office in Garve. Those who still cannot attend our meetings can, as always still write to us by post or email with any issues they wish raised.
Garve & District Community Council currently has vacancies on the Community Council. The Community Council elected members consider it to be very important to have as broad a representation of our community as possible, as we cover a wide variety of community issues and to do this well, we would like members from all corners of our large area. We usually meet on the first Tuesday of the month. If you are aged 16 or over, live in the Community Council area and are on the electoral roll and would like to be considered for co-option onto the Community Council, please email with your name and contact details. This update has already appeared on our online channels. We note both LCT and TG&DDC also have vacancies on their boards, contact them directly for more information.
Remembrance Sunday wreath – Our Chairman has purchased a Community Council wreath for Sunday 10 November 2024. Community Council members were asked to consider who should lay it, for discussion next time, service time tbc. Cllr Kraft confirmed she hopes to attend again to lay The Highland Council wreath. We also note the Memorial itself will be 100 years old next month. A service is planned for Saturday 26 October 2024, more details tbc.
Emergency Planning - Met Office Weather Warnings -
Met Office Weather Ready -
Scottish Flood Forecasting – Provides up to date information on when and where flooding is expected to occur over a three-day period.
Flood line Scotland -
Ready Scotland – preparing for emergencies -
Police update - as reported at previous Community Council meetings, anyone who wishes to raise an issue with the police are asked to call them directly on 101 at the time of the incident and make a witness statement. Video, dashcam or photo evidence is also welcomed, indeed encouraged by the police. The police can also be contacted on Police patrols were seen on the A832 Achanalt to Achnasheen road last Sunday.
Press reports inform us that a man was arrested in connection with alleged road traffic offences following an accident between Garve and Gorstan on Tuesday 13 August 2024. The crash saw the car ending up on its roof, enquiries are ongoing. It was also noted an incident took place at the Gorstan Junction on Sunday 18 August 2024 involving two vehicles which appeared to have met head on.
Road policing officers are appealing for information following a serious crash on the A890 between Achnasheen and Achtertyre. The incident happened around 3.45pm on Sunday 25 August 2004 and involved a blue Volkswagen Tiguan and a black Range Rover. Emergency services attended and the driver of the Range Rover, a 33-year-old man, was taken by air ambulance to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow with life-threatening injuries. The driver of the Tiguan, a 78-year-old man, was taken by air ambulance to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary where his condition is described as serious but stable. Anyone who can assist is asked to call Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 2181 of Sunday 25 August 2024.
Officers are appealing for information after a woman was found injured in Aviemore. Police were made aware of the incident around 1.40am on Sunday 25 August 2024. The 62-year-old individual had sustained a serious head injury and was found in an area close to hotel staff accommodation blocks within the Aviemore Resort. Emergency services attended and she was taken to hospital. Anyone with information is asked to call Police Scotland via 101, quoting incident number 0349 of Sunday 25 August 2024. The individual is a resident of our area who was visiting Aviemore that weekend for the Thunder in the Glens event. Our Chairman visited the family on Sunday who confirmed the individual remains in a serious but stable condition in Hospital.
Treasurer’s report - the Treasurer noted our total bank balance (checked online today) is £2,313.18. The breakdown is as follows … Treasurer's account was £-132.07 minus £75.00 gift voucher plus £445.20 2024/2025 grant received today = £238.13. Reserve remains at £1,613.45. Wreath fund (in memory of Eliza) remains at £461.60 but £41.40 will be deducted for this year’s wreath in due course. There were no questions for the Treasurer. The Vice Chairman has now found his card, card reader and PIN.
(Post meeting note - £580 was allocated to the Community Council in 2020 by LCT for a community ceilidh that never took place because of Covid. It seems the fund is still being held by LCT pencilled in for the Community Council’s use although an updated fund application form might be required to be submitted. It was suggested a Hogmanay party in Garve might be a way of spending this fund to the benefit of the community. We would like to hear if people in the community would like to attend such an event.)
Memories from 20 years ago – as part of our Chairman’s long service to the community (Kenny was first elected to the Community Council in September 2003), we will be looking back from time to time to remember some issues from the past. Tonight our Chairman recalled the August 2004 meeting held in Achnasheen where seven members of the public are noted as being in attendance. Scottish Water attended to discuss the recent issue of Achnasheen running out of mains water even though the new water treatment plant had only opened some 9-10 months earlier. Capacity was the issue as businesses had not been included when calculating how much water would be needed each day but Scottish Water were going to address the issue (which they did). Running out of water meant the Achnasheen public toilets were unavailable to the public, how some things never change! Word processing lessons were suggested as being of use to help residents update their IT skills (lessons were made available). A community printer was suggested to help print the local newsletter and be made available to residents for their own use (in due course, a printer was purchased). All minutes covering the last 30+ years of Community Council meetings are available in the library section of our website - It has also been noted that tonight is thought to be our Chairman’s 200th meeting in the chair.
AOB from Community Council members – The Treasurer noted mail deliveries appear to be getting later. Our Chairman had to declare a financial interest (his day job) in this matter but confirmed the whole network across the UK is now working later so there will be a knock-on to household deliveries.
AOB from members of the public - no issues raised by those present. Those who cannot attend our meetings can, as always, write to us by post or email with any issues they wish raised at
Screening reports, scoping reports and consultations – we have received one consultation from The Highland Council. The Highland Council has published the new Delivery Programme for its Local Development Plans having been agreed at the Economy and Infrastructure Committee on Thursday 22 August 2024. The consultation is available at The purpose of the Delivery Programme is to identify what services and infrastructure and other actions are likely to be needed to support delivery of the development plan, and the responsibilities for delivering these actions. This consultation asks for views on the infrastructure and services required to support and mitigate the impact of development. It is not an opportunity to comment on the merits or otherwise of a particular development or a planning policy. The programme can also be read via the consultation portal - where comments should be made by Friday 11 October 2024. This update has already appeared on our online channels.
All Highland Council consultations are available at All Scottish Government consultations are available at
Building warrants, planning issues and licensing issues - Three previous applications have been determined by The Highland Council since our last ordinary meeting. 24/02638/TPNO was the proposed Installation of a 20m telecommunications lattice mast and associated equipment at Tollomuick, Strathvaich Estate. Prior approval will be required.
24/02669/PAN was noting the proposed construction and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) up to 200MW along with associated infrastructure and ancillary works, earthworks, access, drainage, cable route, landscaping, and biodiversity enhancements at Corriemoillie. The North Planning Applications Committee noted the application and would like more details on the technology proposed.
24/02809/TPNO was the proposed installation of 20m Lattice tower, 3no. antenna, 0.3m dishes, foul weather enclosure, 2no. cabinets, 1.2m high fence on land 880M SW of Lubriach. Prior Approval Granted.
There are currently six planning applications awaiting determination by The Highland Council for our area. One is the proposed battery storage facility above Grudie which we noted at our March 2024 ordinary meeting (23/05905/FUL). SSE Renewables have objected claiming as landowners they were not informed of this proposal but are happy to discuss the matter with developers. The planning application suggests all land owners were informed at the time. (Post meeting note - 24/02695/FUL, proposed change of use to two short term let units on land 40M East of Woodlands, Little Garve which we considered at our last ordinary meeting in July 2024 has been granted planning permission with four conditions.)
Three new planning applications have been received by The Highland Council since our last ordinary meeting. 24/03111/FUL is the proposed erection of dwelling and barn (amended 04/00609/FULRC) on land 257M North of Foresthill, Lochluichart. To meet planning consultation deadlines, the community was informed via our online channels and Community Council elected members were informed via email. They raised no objections.
24/03272/FUL is the proposed installation of a 25m lattice mast and ancillary works on land North of the A835 West of Loch Glascarnoch. To meet planning consultation deadlines, the community was informed via our online channels and Community Council elected members were informed via email. They raised no objections.
24/03495/PNO is a Prior Notification Order for Forestry-related tracks (Non-residential) on land west of Garbat. To meet planning consultation deadlines, the community was informed via our online channels and Community Council elected members were informed via email. They raised no objections.
A possible planning breach can be reported at
All planning applications can be viewed at
There were no new licensing issues for us to consider this evening.
Dates of future meetings - (Ordinary meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of every month unless stated otherwise). Tuesday 1 October 2024, 7.30pm, online – agreed. Future meetings may be held on Tuesday 5 November 2024 and Tuesday 3 December 2024, tbc.
As usual, our Chairman started to draw the meeting to a close by asking all present if anyone had any final questions or thoughts on anything they had heard this evening, a question he often asks throughout the meeting too. Nobody had any final questions or thoughts. Although our meetings are not public meetings, members of the public are still very welcome to attend Community Council meetings and take part in the discussions under the guidance of the Chairman (see section 12 of the Constitution). A copy of our Constitution is available in the library section of our own website and hard/electronic copies are available on request. Those who cannot attend our meetings can, as always, write to us by post or email with any issues they wish raised at The Chairman thanked everyone for attending. He also thanked Community Council member Sadie-Michaela Harris for hosting the webcam session. The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50pm.
This set of minutes were first published (in draft form) at 1.00pm on Monday 9 September 2024.
Since our last meeting ...
Garve & District Community Council currently has vacancies on the Community Council. The Community Council elected members consider it to be very important to have as broad a representation of our community as possible, as we cover a wide variety of community issues and to do this well, we would like members from all corners of our large area. We usually meet on the first Tuesday of the month. If you are aged 16 or over, live in the Community Council area and are on the electoral roll and would like to be considered for co-option onto the Community Council, please email with your name and contact details.
CONCRETE REPAIRS PLANNED FOR A835 AT INCHBAE BRIDGE. Traffic lights will be in place from Monday 8 July 2024. BEAR Scotland, on behalf of Transport Scotland, is set to start essential concrete repair works on the A835 at Inchbae bridge. The essential repair works are scheduled to start on 8 July until 27 September. Throughout the duration of the works, the A835 at Inchbae will have temporary traffic lights to give safe access to allow BEAR Scotland to carry out crucial repairs.
£580 was allocated to the Community Council in 2020 by LCT for a community ceilidh that never took place because of Covid. It seems the fund is still being held by LCT pencilled in for the Community Council’s use although an updated fund application form might be required to be submitted. It was suggested a Hogmanay party in Garve might be a way of spending this fund to the benefit of the community. We would like to hear if people in the community would like to attend such an event.
The Local Place Plan is now available for viewing in the library section of this website.
As ever, any questions or comments on anything we are doing, please contact us directly at
This website was last updated at 1.00pm on Thursday 12 September 2024.