11 October 2018
Minutes from 27th August

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of Meeting held at Tin Hut Gartly Monday 27th August 2018

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Colin Mumford, Duncan Connon, George Beverly.

In Attendance: N/A
1. Apologies: David Grant, Alistair Rennie, Peter Johnston, Maxwell Wallace, Councillor


2. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Approved by George Beverly; Seconded by Colin Mumford.

3. Matters Arising:
Tap O Noth Community Council Elections/Constitution.

George Beverly proposed the co-option of James Matthew onto the Community Council; seconded by Duncan Connon. All Community Councillors in agreement.

Update on Wetlands/Mosswood

No further update so far. Work is needed however to reinforce the existing shelter as it is starting to collapse.

Progress ref installing defibrillators

No further update. Kennethmont and Gartly still awaiting installation. Some concerns were raised that the defib at Rhynie was not fully functional. This requires to be checked.

Tap O Noth Community Council Website

This is work in progress.

Provision of Dog Waste bins in Rhynie

This was supplied very quickly (with thanks). Janice to find out if this could be relocated 50-100 yards down to the bridge where it would be better placed.

Outstanding issues ref Roads Dept

A list of outstanding issues has now been compiled and will be forwarded to the Roads Dept to expedite resolution.

4. Correspondence:

Road Closures

Two main arteries in the area were closed simultaneously by the Roads Dept which has caused significant disruption and could have been avoided. This needs to be flagged up to make sure this does not happen in future.

Repair of trig point on Tap O Noth:

Janice to contact Historic Environment Scotland to find out whether repairs will be made by the landowner.

Signage for Tap O Noth is work in progress and it is planned that the path will be renovated with the addition of hardcore.

5. Planning Applications: No objections.

6. Individual Area Reports:


Concerns have been raised over dangerous drainage works in the area. The road works and road diversions have been causing issues.

Pruning of roadside vegetation still to be addressed.


The dog waste bin in the park on the muirside is corroded and needs to be rewelded or replaced.

Trees in the park around the playing field need trimming back/thinning. Signage for Tap O Noth to be done. (Work in progress)

Clock face on the church on the west side is not lit. Community Council in agreement to fund a replacement. George Beverly to look into arranging this.

Thank you to Aberdeenshire Council for repairing the street lighting in Essie Road so promptly.

Concerns were raised that there are now six council houses empty in Rhynie and they have been empty for a considerable period. Janice to contact Councillor Latham to see what is happening.


Trees/hedging between Birchlea and Pinewood Croft still in need of cutting back.


Bus shelter and the surrounding area on the A97 entrance to Gartly village in a disgraceful state.

7. Public Question Time:

The question was raised as to whether or not funding could be obtained for the Tap O Noth path renovation. Community Council to look into possible funding.


Suggestion was made to arrange an energy saving public meeting involving Home Energy Scotland. Colin to look into this.

Community Councillors’ meeting on 15th Sept- Colin confirmed that he would be attending this.

Possible training date with Aberdeenshire Council suggested for 19th November 2018.

Next Meeting:
Monday 8th October 2018 at 8pm

Rannes Hall Kennethmont 



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