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What is a Community Council

The Council has approved a new Scheme of Establishment for Community Councils which came in to force on 1st April 2011.

Community Councils were established as a result of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

Community Councils have statutory duties in terms of licensing and planning however they are essentially voluntary bodies established within a statutory framework.

The key roles of Community Councils are:

  • To represent the views of the community to The Highland Council and other public bodies operating in their area.
  • To act to further the interests of their communities.
  • To be consulted on planning applications within their area (The Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Amendment Order 1996).
  • To consider exercising their powers to object to the granting, renewal or transfer of liquor licences. (The Licensing (Scotland) Act 1976).

Pages extracted from the Highland Council Manual:




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