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The Cradlehall and Westhill Community Council

Next meeting:

Wednesday, 8 October 2024 at 7 p.m.

Cradlehall and Westhill Community Council (CWCC)
usually meets on the second Wednesday of the relevant month
in the Community Lounge at the rear of the Cradlehall Primary School,
Cradlehall Park, Inverness, IV2 5DB

Facebook page

All welcome.

Come along and listen or have your say.

Find out what's happening in your area.

See the News page in the left-hand margin.

Provisional dates in the following months:

13th November 2024

11th December 2024

New Traffic Lights at Tower Road and Culloden Road junction

Inshes Phase 2 Planning Application outside Raigmore Hospital

New Cradlehall Pharmacy

A9 Flyover

Your Councillors and News items in the menu on the left for details.

You can respond online to Transport and Planning issues

The Highland Council has a facility allowing the public to respond directly online to planning applications.  It is available at:


The public is encouraged to response online to these consultations.

Cradlehall and Westhill Community Council Meetings

Meetings are normally held in the Community Lounge at the rear of the Cradlehall Primary School, Cradlehall Park, Inverness, IV2 5DB at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month (except the summer months July and August).  You are warmly invited to attend, ask questions and meet your community councillors and Highland Councillors face to face.




11 Sep 2013

Welcome.  This website is to help residents in Westhill and Cradlehall, Inverness, to interact with the Community Council, and vice versa.

We began this process in 2012 with our first Newsletter and, while this is on-going, we are improving our service with this interactive website.  We have a Facebook page but no-one to administer it, so it simply links to this website at present.

Meetings are normally held monthly, except the summer months July and August.  You are warmly invited to attend, ask questions and meet your community councillors and Highland Councillors face to face.  If you have an issue to raise, you will get an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting to state what it is and if there is time it can come up under any other competent business, or as an agenda item at the next month's meeting.  Better still, you may email the secretary at admin@westhillcc.co.uk to put it on the next agenda.

We aim to have the Agenda for our next meeting, and Minutes for previous meetings on the side menu, but there are reasons when this does not happen.

The Community Council meetings give you an opportunity to meet your local Councillors, make your feelings known about local issues, and learn about the provision of local authority services such as planning, policing and so on.

It is about your community - about where you live - and the Community Council is stronger with your support.

If you want to know more about local issues and how decisions are made by your local authority, the Community Council is a good place to begin.

This new website was launched on 11 Sep 2013 and replaces the previous one. 

The easier URL www.westhillcc.co.uk from our old website is still functional and will take you to this website.

You can contact Dr Donald Boyd the webmaster on 01463 796952.

More details in the News menu on the left.

Please come along to have your say.

Consult the Map in the menu on the left for the location of our usual meetings.

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