
Latest news will be presented here.  Older stories will be archived.

09 September 2024ACC Regular Meeting September 2024 / Agenda for October meeting & AGM

The September regular meeting of the Aberfeldy Community Council took place Tuesday September 3rd at 19.30 in the Aberfeldy Town Hall. 

Minutes can be found in the document library and can also be opened directly by clicking on the link (link).  

The main topics of discussion were:

the Taymouth Castle Development progress

the Local Development Plan

the Resilience Plan

The next regular meeting of the ACC will be in October.  The draft Agenda is in the document library and can be acessed directly by this link. 

Before the regular meeting the AGM for 2024 will be held.  The AGM agenda is in the document library and can be accessed directly by this link.  The Chairman's Report to the AGM is also available here.  

10 August 2024ACC Regular Meeting August 2024 / Agenda for September meeting

The August regular meeting of the Aberfeldy Community Council took place Tuesday August 6th at 19.30 in the Aberfeldy Town Hall. 

Minutes can be found in the document library and can also be opened directly by clicking on the link (link).  

The main topics of discussion were:

the Local Development Plan

the Taymouth Castle Development progress

the Resilience Plan

It was noted that:

Karen Mackay had resigned as a member of the ACC

Pat Spicer is to surrender responsibility for the website and Road Safety issues when he moves away from Aberfeldy in the very near future.

Replacements for both are needed; volunteers or recruited replacements are essential! 

The next regular meeting of the ACC will be in September.  The draft Agenda is in the document library and can be acessed directly by this link.  

15 July 2024Recital in Weem Church

Weem Parish Church

August 17 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Sowne of Organe visits Weem Parish Church on 17th August, to survey, record and perform upon the fine 1875 organ by J. W. Walker & Sons. The team are joined by cellist Marina Sanchez Cabello, and will perform a variety of music by composers including Parry, Rheinberger and Saint-Saëns. The Weem organ is the only example from this period of Walker’s output still surviving in Scotland, and the team will share their research and discoveries into its past, alongside the live music.

All are welcome to the event, which will last around an hour; free entry and no tickets required.

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