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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 26/08/2024.



To view a specific application - click on the Planning Application Reference this will open in Midlothian Council's Planning Portal.

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   SITE          LOCATION       


                DESCRIPTION                               STATUS
Former Rosslynlee Hospital, Roslin 21/01025/DPP

Formation of cark parking and bus turning area; erection of stone walls and associated works at Former Rosslynlee Hospital, Roslin

Awaiting Decision
Land South of Kirkettle farm, Rosewell 21/00904/DDP Formation of footpath / cyclepath

Awaiting Decision

RDCC Comment/representation

Developer's response

Rosewell Waste Water Treatment Works Whitehill Road Rosewell 21/00870/DPP


 Installation of Submerged Aerated Filter with associated cabins and equipment; formation of access track and hard surface; and associated works | Rosewell Waste Water Treatment Works Awaiting decision
Land At Drummond Moor Rosewell 20/00268/DPP Erection of 64 holiday lodges and associated reception and amenity building; formation of access roads, footpaths, SUDS features and associated works 

 Awaiting     decision

The Pavilion  Carnethie St


Extension to building to facilitate nursery and after school club

Decision Notice (Grant with conditions)

Rosewell Mains Steading, Gorton Loan 18/00840/DPP Erection of community hub facility; formation of access and car parking and associated works Grant with conditions
Banks Property Development; Site Hs14 Rosewell North 21/00732/DPP Erection of 100 dwellings (including amendment to previously approved site layout and house types); formation of access roads, car parking, open space, SUDS and associated works Awaiting decision
Banks Property Development; Site Hs14 Rosewell North 18/00403/DPP Erection of 100 dwellinghouses; formation of access roads and car parking and associated works Decision Notice (Consent)
Land and Buildings at Firth Road and Farm Road (Rosslynlee Hospital)  16/00716/DPP Alteration and change of use of existing buildings to form 8 dwellinghouses and one office builiding; erection of 5 dwellinghouses and associated works.  Decision Notice (Consent)
Former Rosslynlee Hospital 17/01001/DPP Alterations and conversion of former hospital and existing buildings to form 71 dwellings; erection of 30 new dwellinghouses and associated works Grant with conditions
Land at Former Rosslynlee Hospital 17/00980/PPP Application for planning permission in principle for residential development of up to 280 dwellings; commercial use of Class 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 with a floorspace of up to 250sqm; and associated works. Grant with conditions

Former Rosslynlee Hospital


Internal and external alterations to the former Rosslynlee Hospital and associated listed buildings to form 68 dwellings and one office including; demolition of the former morgue, boiler house, outbuildings and elements of the main building, reslating of roof, installation of replacement windows, alterations to existing window and door openings and associated works 

Awaiting decision

Upper Dalhousie Quarry 18/00081/DPP Extension to existing area of sand and gravel extraction (this application is accompanied by an environmental impact assessment report submitted under the town and country planning (Environmental Impact Assessment)(Scotland) Regulations 2017) Awaiting decision
Firth Road And Farm Road (Rosslynlee Hospital)      16/00720/LBC Alterations and conversions of existing buildings to form 5 dwellinghouses and an office building

Decision Notice (Consent with conditions)

Whitehill House Grounds 09/00370/FUL Erection of 88 dwellinghouses and 6 flatted dwellings and formation of associated access roads, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) features Decision Notice (Consent with conditions)
Avant Homes (Bett Homes) (Field to the rear of Rosewell Parish Church up to the A6094 Rosewell bypass) 14/00518/DPP Erection of 290 dwellinghouses; formation of access roads and (SUDS) features; and associated works at land south of Gorton Loan, Rosewell (the site borders Carnethie Street/Rosewell Mains/Gorton Road/Lindsay Circus) Under Construction
Banks Property Development; Site Hs14 Rosewell North 15/00810/SCR EIA Screening Opinion for proposed residential development Screening/Scoping Issued
Banks Property Development; Site Hs14 Rosewell North 15/00774/PAC Proposal of application notice for residential development Pre Application Consultation Agreed
Rosslynlee Hospital 16/00267/PAC Proposal of application for the change of use, alterations, extensions and partial demolition of the former Rosslynlee Hospital, including new build development with associated landscaping and infrastructure Pre Application Consultation Agreed
Rosslynlee Hospital 16/00266/PAC Proposal of application notice for residential development and complimentary land uses with associated landscaping and infrastructure Pre Application Consultation Agreed
Site AHs1, Rosslynlee  15/00701/SCR EIA Screening Opinion for proposed residential development Screening/Scoping Issued
Shewington, Rosewell; Access Road 14/00678/DPP Formation of access road to Shewington Farm Granted Consent with Conditions
Whitehill  House 09/00374/DPP Sub-division of building to form 26 flatted dwellings and associated external alterations Under Construction
Whitehill House  09/00372/LBC Internal and external alterations to building associated with sub-division of building to form 26 flatted dwellings Under Construction
Shewington, Rosewell; Test Piling 15/00158/DPP Formation of temporary test piling facility; associated car parking, access roads and buildings Refuse - Withdrawal of Review
Land between Rosslynlee, Gourlaw and Carnethie St. 19/00495/DPP Formation of footpath and erection of fence | Land between Rosslynlee, Gourlaw and Carnethie Street Rosewell Decision Notice Refused



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