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28 September 2019
Tree Felling at Scardroy Estate

Strathconon Estate will be felling trees at Scardroy (above Loch Beanacharain next to the power lines, and in the woodland behind Scardroy Lodge) from 23 September. Lorry movements will start from 3 October and will last for a few weeks, before further felling starts later in the year, weather depending.

Hauliers have been advised not to operate during the morning and afternoon school run and we have a code of conduct for drivers, as per previous felling operations.

Similarly to the last time the hauliers are Jones (green lorries) and Barclays (white lorries).

We would be grateful if there are any concerns regarding haulage from Scardroy during this period that you contact Denis Torley on the numbers below.


Denis Torley MICFor

For Galbraith | Reay House, 17 Old Edinburgh Road, Inverness, IV2 3HF

DD: 01463 245375 | Mobile: 07825 064560


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