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18 September 2010
Minutes August

Draft Minutes of the Meeting held in Tore Primary School, 7.30 pm, 26th August 2010

 Present John MacIntoshMiss S Bain Mr A Cameron Mr S Hudson. Mr A Mackay Mr Hugh Macpherson Mr Jim Holden (Parent Council Tore) Ms Sandra McGowan (Parent Council Tore) Mrs A Mackay (Secretary) Apologies Cllr McCallum

Minutes of May 27th approved -; Miss S Bain; Mr H. Macpherson 1 Matters Arising

Tore Cemetery – Cllr McCallum has spoken to Mr Keith Potts re-pest control.

2 CC Review. Map showing suggested Boundary Changes has been handed over to Ms D Agnew at Forum

.3 Core Paths. Offers of volunteers- interest in clearing old path from Tore School to Ferintosh Schoo

l4 Tore Play Park. No plans to replace removed equipment. Information in email reply to Mr Holden. Matter to be referred to Cllr MacCallum

.5 Website- activated; material being collected by secretary. •

CorrespondenceHC: Meetings & Planning Application Lists NHS updates; Fairburn Windmill Fund bids; Forum Poster; Letter Donald Ross (re Sustainable Energy – Kiltarlity plant); AM BAILE (Website); Letter – Mr Peacock re Broadband; Transition Black Isle – meeting November; letter – Nigel Hunter Gordon re quality of Telephone and Braodband reception in Redcastle.•

Fairburn Windfarm FundFollowing detailed discussion, the decisions listed below were taken.a) Full grant to Killearnan Survey History Project - £750b) CAB- £200c) Muir of Ord Skate Park (Gap fill only) £500d) Carefree Club(towards card tables) £500

Points CAB – we commend work of CAB but project not specific to this area. Doubt as to whether fund can support officer already in place.Skate Park – No evidence that Killearnan residents use the park – Muir of Ord is already well provided by the Fund and in the years to come.Carefree Club – North Kessock is a separate CC. Only a small number of Senior Citizens attend the club – no evidence that Killearnan residents are actually involved.Locally based projects are in the pipeline. The short time available between the opening of the bidding period and the June deadline meant certain groups were not able to cost/organise prospective projects.

.Planning Matters Proposed development at Redcastle Station – application withdrawn.New application for servicing plot. Mr Holden made the point that signs advertising the prices of the plots are sited on council owned land

.Tore School Notice Board Project Mr Hudson and Mr Mackintosh have erected the board beside Tore Hall. Total cost £670.04.Official opening to take place before the October break. Many thanks to Steven for all his work.

Black Isle Ward Forum. June 10th. Small Business support gave useful information. August 26 – Topic Support for the older Community.


1 A warm welcome to Mrs Audrey Buchanan as headteacher in Tore Primary School. The CC appreciates the benefits of having a permanent headteacher in pos

t.2 Recycling Depot (Mulbuie) CC to email Planning expressing concerns that Planning conditions are still not being met. Roads Department also to be contacted concerning the increased traffic hazard arising from additional traffic exiting from the side road onto the A835

.3 CC to send letter to BT in support of Mr hunter Gordon and other residents concerns regarding poor reception

.4 Complaints concerning traffic entering A 832 from the Shore Road at Garguston causing slow downs and dangerous overtaking. Stop sign is needed. Letter to Roads Dept

.5 Transition Black Isle. Ms Wendy Price is invited to speak at the November meeting.

6 Switchover. Mr Cameron asked for information about any residents who might find the switch over difficult

.7 Kessock Bridge. Representative present at the Black Isle Show were unwilling to give any update on plans to base park and ride park at Tore.

Meeting closed at 9.40 pm Next Meeting – September 30th

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