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Killearnan Community Council



Draft Minutes of the Meeting held by Teams on Sept 1st 2021

Present: Mr K Mackenzie, Mr A Mackay, Mr A Brown, Mr A Cameron, Mrs A. Mackay, Mr S Hudson.

Apologies: Cllrs: Maclean Mackenzie, Adam.

Correspondence. Email from D. Agnew explaining the position of Killearnan CC following the division  of the Dingwall, Seaforth & Black Isle Area Committee into Black Isle Area Committee and Dingwall & Seaforth Committee.


Minutes of the last meeting adopted. Proposed: A Brown. Seconded: A Mackay

1          Joint Meeting of the Black Isle Community Councils

A virtual meeting took place on Aug 24. Minutes pending

There was general concern among the CCs about their relationship with Highland Council, especially regarding representation at area committees and communication. It was felt that unelected bodies could not be given precedence over the statutory rights of elected Community Councillors with regard to the representation of their residents’  views and concerns.

CC representatives were asked whether they had received the annual grant.


2          Division  of the Dingwall, Seaforth & Black Isle Area Committee into Black Isle Area Committee and Dingwall & Seaforth Committee.       

Members remain confused about the exact constitutional position of this CC with regard to representation on the 2 separate committees.

The non-availability of any councillor to represent either committee at the present meeting reinforces our concern as does the lack of response from the newly appointed Community Support Co-ordinator.

3          Licence matters

The CC has been contacted by a member of the public informing that an objection had been made to an application for a licence to hold a public event at Linniewood cottage. The Licensing team in emails in response to the CCs objection had stated that there had been no objection. Members were also informed that a complaint  had been made about a breach of privacy by the Licensing team.

Residents are making complaints about a recent public event held at “Wild Woodz” where music playing after 11.00 pm was heard over a wide area, possibly in breach of the terms of their licence.

 4         The Rev. Cord has contacted the CC to suggest that the centenary of the adoption of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance should be commemorated in some way. The Secretary contacted Tore Primary School to ask whether they would like to be involved as they had been for the centenary of the end of WW1.


a)  Members unanimously confirmed that non-attendance at the CCs meetings held over the last year, including the AGM,  automatically meant that membership of the CC has been forfeited

b)  An email regarding a pre-planning application from Springfield Inc. contained a map showing the outline of a ‘Bogroy’ development area which included land not in the ownership of the applicant.  An email had been sent in reply requiring clarification. The CC has informed WSP and Transport Scotland.

c) Mr Mackenzie has repaired and painted the CC notice-board beside Tore Hall.

d) Users of Tore Hall, who can no-longer meet at the venue, have been enquiring about the situation following the resignation of the previous committee. Members understand that the Hall is Community property.

e) Mrs Mackay was unable to join Cllr. Adam’s Tuesday Zoom meeting. P7 at North Kessock Primary School had been asked to self-isolate and be tested on account of Covid 19. She had to take care of her granddaughter. There is general concern about the outbreaks of the viral disease among school pupils.

Meeting ended at 8.00pm




 Notice of Meeting


The Community Council will meet by Teams on September 1st at 7.00pm

Any resident wishing to join the meeting, please contact the Secretary on email:killearnanccouncil2@gmail.com.

Latest from Highland Council Resilience Group

Community Resilience Group Weekly Briefing - 31

20 August 2021

Covid Update

Over the last 7 days there have been 412 new positive cases in Highland (to 19 August), an increase from last week when 360 were reported.  This means the latest 7-day rate per 100,000 has increased from 152.9 per 100,000 last week to 175 per 100,000 as of 19 August.  It remains important to be careful and stick to the Scottish Government guidelines.


In terms of neighbourhood data, the map below and accompanying table, highlights the positive cases per 100,000 in communities across the Highland area. The test positivity rate on was 6.5% on 17 August, up from 5.8% on 10 August.


Scotland has Moved Beyond Level Zero 

From 9 August 2021 the whole of Scotland moved to beyond Level 0.  You can find Scottish Government guidance for everyone on how to stay safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19 here.


People at highest risk (those formerly classed as ‘shielding) from Covid are advised to follow the same advice as the rest of the population. You can find advice for people at highest risk here https://www.mygov.scot/covid-highest-risk



Asymptomatic Testing

It continues to be important that people test themselves even if they don’t have symptoms. Taking a rapid LFD test twice a week can help stop new variants earlier, limiting the spread of the virus.


Test kits are available at pharmacies, or to order online from www.nhsinform.scot/testing, or by calling 119. 


Test kits are also available at Community testing sites.  The details for where these are next week is outlined below.


Symptomatic Testing

If you do believe you have symptoms, please self-isolate and book a PCR test.


Postal PCR kits are available through NHS Inform either online here or by calling 0800 028 2816.


In addition to the local support that is available, people can get support to self isolate by calling the Council’s helpline number: 0300 303 1362.  This can include access to food and supplies to self isolate and individuals may be entitled to a £500 self isolation support grant. 


Community Testing 23 – 27 August for those without symptoms

The community testing programme offers rapid COVID-19 tests for people without symptoms.  

Next week a mobile testing unit will be in Golspie


The mobile testing unit “Testalot” will be in the main car park at Fountain Road, Golspie, KW10 6TH:

Wednesday 25 August, 11am – 4pm

Thursday 26 August, 9am – 4pm

Friday 27 August, 9am – 3pm

Just to emphasise that there is no specific outbreak in this community, this is to support normalising testing across the area.  


No appointment is necessary, and it will be open both for asymptomatic testing and to collect LFD test kits.


Please note that these drop-in sessions for community testing are only for people without symptoms.  Anyone that becomes unwell should isolate immediately and seek a PCR test. PCR tests can be booked through NHS Inform online or by calling 0800 028 2816.  


I would appreciate it if you could encourage people across your networks to attend.


Vaccination Update

The latest update from NHS on the vaccine can be accessed at the following link: www.nhsinform.scot/covid19vaccine.


Vaccination of 16-18 year olds
From 7 August, 16-18 year olds are now eligible for vaccination and will be directed to the drop in clinics - see NHS Highland website for details https://www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk/COVID19/Pages/Vaccination.aspx.


Universal Credit: Claimants being informed of the end of the uplift
The UK Government introduced a £20 a week increase in Universal Credit payments in April 2020, to support struggling households through the coronavirus pandemic. The measure was intended to last for 12 months, due to end on March 31, 2021 but were extended for six months to the end of September. 

Communications with claimants have been undertaken over the Summer to make it clear that the uplift will no longer be included in their standard allowance after the end of September, however we understand that claimants are now being notified via their online accounts of the date of the last payment of their universal credit 'uplift'.

The entry in the claimant's online journal will trigger an alert via email or text, depending on their preferred method of communication. DWP are not writing letters to claimants.

The notification then invites the claimant to 'get help with managing your money' via the DWP's Help with debt and managing money resource.


Post Office card account (POca) service is coming to an end
The Post Office card account (POca) has been a mechanism for DWP to pay state pensions and benefits to people, but its contract with the Post Office ends in November 2021. Customers who receive their benefits and/or pensions into a POca are encouraged to take action as the end of the POca contract approaches.

Customers can phone the DWP Customer Service centre on 0800 085 7133 (8.30am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday) to provide new account details for their benefit or State Pension payments.

All POca customers who are unable to provide a bank, building society or credit union account will be moved to the DWP voucher-based scheme called the Payment Exception service which provides access to payments via the PayPoint network. Payment Exception service payments can also be accessed via the Post Office network from the end of August 2021.

Customers will start to be moved to the Payment Exception service from the end of August 2021 if they haven’t yet contacted DWP with new account details.


Consultation on a national health and social care service

A national consultation was launched on 17 August setting out the Scottish Government’s proposals on the way social care is delivered in Scotland.

Social care includes support for people with physical disability, learning disabilities or mental health conditions, older people and those with dementia, people with or recovering from alcohol or drug addictions, those who are, have been or are at risk of being homeless, and children and families who may need additional support, or where children are unable to live with their own families. 

This consultation seeks views on creating a comprehensive community health and social care service that supports people of all ages.

Views are sought from as many people as possible – including people who access care and support, carers, members of the workforce and those who may access care and support in the future - which includes everyone. 

A series of online engagement events are being held in August, September and October 

Find details below for online events and registration and a link to the consultation at https://consult.gov.scot/health-and-social-care/a-national-care-service-for-scotland/


Help inform the future of the NHS Highland website

NHS Highland are seeking views from people to help understand what they need online in order to help scope, design and deliver an effective future NHS Highland website.

To help us to ensure that the brief for the website redesign reflects the needs of its users, an Edinburgh based design research consultancy, Graft, would like to engage with current and potential users to understand what a new NHS Highland website should consider. The engagement can take different forms:

You can complete a short online survey:  

We can facilitate an online focus group 

If you are interested in taking part, please contact: melody@graft.global or iain@graft.global


Food Support for Groups

We know that a number of you continue to provide support to the most vulnerable in your communities and that most of you already have well defined routes for accessing food to provide this support or are supporting individuals to access their shopping or community fridges/food tables.


If you are struggling to access food to continue support to vulnerable people locally, please do contact us through the policy mailbox and we can look at ways that we can support your group going forward.


Contact: policy6@highland.gov.uk


Helpful Links

Welfare Support Team - www.highland.gov.uk/directory_record/102970/benefit_advice 


Self Isolation Support Grant - www.highland.gov.uk/info/20016/coronavirus/940/self-isolation_support_grant 


Energy Advice



AbiltyNet - IT advice or support AbilityNet 

Helpline 0800 048 7642.    


Covid Resilience Grant Support - www.highland.gov.uk/directory_record/1422811/supporting_community_resilience/category/155/grants_for_community_groups 


HTSI Community Group Helpline

Telephone Number 01349 808022





Mr K Mackenzie (Chair)
Mr A.P. Mackay (Treasurer)
Mrs A.C.Mackay (Secretary)
Mr A. Cameron
Mr A Brown

Mr S. Hudson

In these trouble times, Killearnan more than ever needs the support of its Community Council.  Any new volunteers out there?


Dear Stakeholder,


A9 North Kessock to Tore – Public Consultation closing - 27 August 2021


The Public Consultation for the A9 North Kessock to Tore Study will close on 27 August 2021 at 23:59.


We have had a great response so far but we still want to hear as many views as possible. We are therefore asking for a final time, if you would like to share the consultation link within your own network then it may be useful to do so now, with a reminder that we are into the final ten days for people to make their views heard.


The consultation can be accessed at this link:



An alternative format of the consultation can be obtained by calling 0141 418 7309 or emailing: A9-North-Kessock-to-Tore-Study@wsp.com.


Kind regards,   Michelle Van der Stighelen



Draft minutes of Meeting

Tore Primary School, Thursday 29th March 2018, 7.30pm

   Chair & Secretary                               Vice-chair                                       Treasurer

    Anne Mackay                                  Alasdair Cameron                   Andrew Mackay

    Cnoc Eile Beg                                  Wellhouse Farm                      Swallow House

    Tore                                                 Killearnan                                Tore

    By Muir of Ord                                By Muir of Ord                        By Muir of Ord

    Tel: 01463 811336                          Tel: 01463 870416                  Tel: 01463 811980


Meeting started at 7.52pm as no janitor on site to let members in. This has now happened several times over the last year.


Present                                                          Apologies

Miss C Fitzsimmons – Minutes Secretary       Mr S Hudson  

Mr A Cameron                                                                                                                       

Mr K Mackenzie                                             

Mrs A Mackay                                                

Mr A Mackay

Ms A Dalgetty


Minutes of January 2018 approved by Mr A MacKay and Mr A Cameron.


Matter Arising

Mrs A Mackay attended an event held by ARCH in Dingwall. This was reported to be very interesting and a well attended event.

As yet we have no residents from Craigrory area attending the meetings.

Craig Fraser has informed KCC he will be chasing up the progress of the Killen Road sign.




Copies of emails circulated to members. Items are attached to this minute.

Shona Fleming – Bank closures, see agenda

Scottish Water – Shaping the future survey to be filled in by individuals at www.yourwater.scot

Grass Cutting – This will remain in house at HC and listed in paragraph 5 is the importance level of cuts. This however could still change. For any queries or comments you can contact the service centre on 01349 886606.

Highland Senior Citizens Network – The AGM will be held 25/04/2018 at 9.30 to 3.30pm. Mr and Mrs Mackay to attend.


BICC meeting, March 15th 2018 – Hosted by KCC at Teclan Offices. This was a successful meeting that was well attended and all members agreed with a sense of feeling proud in supporting the parent councils. Updates from discussion between the Mid Ross Joint PCs and Care and Learning ( Bill Alexander) to follow.

Grant cuts and Insurance – In the light of the severe cuts to CC grants, it was determines that the KCC must keep running to represent the residents of Killearnan. With reducing the secretarial payments this would leave KCC with funds for office items. All members agreed. Mrs A Mackay wishes to stand down from Chair this May but offered to remain as secretary. Members will vote at the AGM.  The Insurance for 2018-2019 has been paid to Zurich direct from HC . 

Senior Citizens Conference (Black Isle Cares) – Lochardil House Hotel on Wednesday 25th April, 9.30am to 3.30pm. The title is “Making Better Connections” with a hope to explore ways as to how we can improve communication between ourselves and older people….. Mrs Mackay and 1 other member hope to attend.

Bank Closures – Douglas Robertson of Indigo House Group commissioned by HC wishes to organise a telephone interview with community representatives in order to gain information on local attitudes to the possibility of having no bank within a reasonable distance and what impact this is likely to have.

Police report – None received. PC Fleming to be contacted again.




Mr A Cameron raised concerns from the residents of Drynie Park to Greenhill road that big timber lorries travelling this route to the new building site are damaging the roads. Is there a weight limit? Mrs A Mackay to inform the roads department.


Mr K Mackenzie citied a local resident was concerned about the increase in numbers of loud vehicles that appear to be speeding along the Tore Primary school road at night.


Mrs A Mackay received the polling station update, although there has been no change noted on the report to this taking place in the hall members stated the last two had taken place in the school.


DATA Protection. KCC will issue a privacy notice  on website for residents.


Details of HC public conveniences savings agreed on 15/02/2018, handed out to members.


Treasurers Report

Attached to these minutes



Meeting Closed at 8.43pm                                         Next meeting Thursday 31st May, 7.30pm





Killearnan Community Council


Draft minutes of Meeting


Tore Primary School, Thursday 26th May 2016, 7.30pm


   Chair & Secretary    Vice-chair                                Treasurer

    Anne Mackay                                  Alasdair Cameron                   Andrew Mackay

    Cnoc Eile Beg                                 Wellhouse Farm                      Swallow House

    Tore                                                 Killearnan                                Tore

    By Muir of Ord                               By Muir of Ord                       By Muir of Ord

    Tel: 01463 811336                          Tel: 01463 870416                  Tel: 01463 811980



Present                                                            Apologies

Ms  A Dalgetty                                                          

Mr A Cameron                                                Mr S Hudson                         

Mr A  Mackay                                                 Mr I Fraser

Mr K Mackenzie

Mrs A Mackay

Cllr I MacCallum

Ms Sheena Taylor

Mrs M Steven



Minutes of 31st March 2016 approved by  Mr A Cameron and Mr A Mackay



Matters Arising


  • No application was put forward to the Postcode Local Trust as  funds were more aimed at projects on a larger scale.



Main Items attached to this minute, circulated at the meeting.





There had been a good response to the Newsletter request for details of broadband speeds from residents. The emails had been passed on to the MP.


Cllr McCollum referred  to the widespread concern over poor broadband speeds and informed that HC had rolled out stage one of the programme and had begun stage two. There was no timescale for completion due to State Aid Funding delays. There is a public service order due in 6 months which should improve the position. HIE would be issuing information on progress with the next fortnight.


Ms Dalgetty informed that the BICC meeting had given details of useful websites.

www.blackislecommunitybraodband.co.uk and the company AB INTERNET (www.WIRELESS.abinternet.co.uk .  The cost involve an initial fee of approx £150 and running cost similar to other internet providers. Landline phone calls free.

These details to be included in the Newsletter.


A9 etc

Smart Signs.

Transport Scotland confirmed that BEAR are monitoring the signs and asked KCC to remind residents that pedestrians do not have right of way on the crossing.


The fixing of one of the streetlamps at the crossing is weakening the field fence. This to be reported to Transport Scotland.


Knochbain and Rosemarkie CC are advising drives to use A9 roundabout and avoid the village of Munlochy. This would lead drivers into equally hazardous road conditions with the bottleneck at Tore and the heavy flow of traffic from the North, Dingwall and the west. Recent housing developments have increased the amount of traffic coming the east. Cllr McCallum advised that only two small developments, one at Munlochy and one at Greenside were yet to be completed. KCC asked the Councillor to press for the long requested 20mph limit from before the entrance to the Bannerman’s Transport Filling Station,, Lorry Park and Café.

Cllr McCallum asked whether speeds were being monitored on that stretch of the road.


HC Roads


A Jetpatcher has been hired for 32 days and HC  have purchased one, due in August. Concentration is now to be placed on side roads. There had been a 30 years cutbacks in funding for road maintenance. Residents are encouraged to report potholes via www.fixmystrret.com and www.highland.gov.uk/info/2005/roads_and_pavements/96/road_faults.


The Tore Sign at School road end has still not been moved. It is obstructing visibility and is therefore dangerous.


Police Crime Report

Ward and Local Policing

Plan Priorities. 

Activities conducted over the reporting period to support those priorities.

1. Road Safety


2. Antisocial Behaviour


3. Alcohol/Drug Abuse



The following are the crimes, offences and antisocial behaviour and other incidents of note dealt  with between 31/03/2016 and 26/05/2016:


1 Person  charged with Drink Driving.

3 Persons charged with Dangerous / Careless Driving.

2 Persons charged using mobile phone whilst driving.

3 Persons charged driving with no MOT.

1 Person charged with no insurance.

7 Persons charged with other road traffic offences - This included Insecure Loads, Number Plate offences and minor non-reportable RTCs.


1 Person charged with Possession of Drugs.

1 Theft OLP at Spud Hut, Garguston – Enquiries still progressing into this and other like offences.



Rabbit Infestation. HC replied very constructively to our concerns and some work has

been carried out. It was suggested that a local ferreter be used to help reduce the rabbit population in the nearby wood at the appropriate time of year. KCC is to contact Colin Clerk about other forms pest control possible. A notice  will be included in the Newsletter requesting help from volunteers.




The Tore disused playground is being used as a dumping ground. HC to be informed.


Ferintosh CC has introduced a Link Scheme to help residents access public transport.

BIC – Black Isle Cars.  It is operating in the Ferintosh area.


Telecare Volunteers.

This service was discussed at the last BICC meeting.

In order to provide the service for those in need,  3 volunteer responders are required as keyholders  for each vulnerable person. Item for the Newsletter.






Meeting Closed at 8.50 pm                             Next meeting Thursday 25th August, 7.30pm




BROADBAND  From Ian Blackford





May 4th


Dear Anne

Just to keep you informed on our progress we have written to a number of the constituents regarding the broadband issue to request their full contact details including their addresses.

When I have received their replies we will then contact BT to see what can be done.

thank you again for bringing this to our attention and I will keep you informed of any progress.
Kind Regards
Steven       Steven Brown

Office Manager to Ian Blackford MP
29 High Street
IV15 9RU

August  2018  MINUTES


The KCC have received a reply from Transport Scotland regarding the reduction in speed limits at the Tore Roundabout independent survey.  Members were not happy with the results and Mr Mackenzie will request an updated survey to include peek travelling times. Cllr Paterson suggested a representative be invited to attend a future KCC meeting to discuss further.

The request from Kinlochbervie CC regarding toilet closures has been submitted by Mrs A Mackay.




Copies of emails circulated to members. Items are attached to this minute.

Susy MacAulay, Press and Journal - Members agreed this is not applicable to KCC at this time.

Highland Community Council Scheme Review - Drop-in session dates have now been confirmed as Dingwall Town Hall, 18th September 2018, 2pm – 4pm. Members attending to be confirmed.

Highland Council Quality Awards 2018 – Mrs A Mackay stated a request to put resident Morven MacCallum forward but it was noticed she was not a HC employee.  Suggest MFR Awards.

Minister of Killearnan – Susan Cord of Killearnan Parish Church is happy with the KCC taking on responsibility of the WW1 plans for Remembrance Sunday. Meeting with Rev Cord on 25th Sept. Full article regarding the Remembrance Day will appear in the next newsletter.



Social Inclusion – Ms Wanda Mackay and Mr Fraser Thompson from Highlife/HC gave a talk regarding the activities their charity provides for young adults and the elderly on the Black Isle and how residents from Tore can be included. Due to the public transport restrictions in this particular area it solely relies on the parents to transport the children around. Wanda explained there are a range of options to try and accommodate all situations. KCC should contact Lyndsey McGarry in Dingwall for updated numbers academy age young adults.

Schools Plan Update – No update available at present.

Remembrance Service – See correspondence – KCC and the Royal British Legion intend to plan this centenary of WW1. At present research is being carried out to locate the graves of 24 men that are named on the Fettes Memorial. Mrs Mackay suggested that local children read out the names of the men. Cllr Paterson recommended speaking to Mr B Shanks, Chair of Seaforth Highlanders. Mrs Mackay has a meeting with S Cord on 25th September to finalise arrangements for the day.

HC Quality Awards – See correspondence, item c.

Playground provision – KCC have not responded yet. Mr MacKenzie to action.  


Planning request from Safehands of Lossiemouth – Erection of a single storey training building, improved access and associated services, land 45m east of Jacaranda, Muir of Ord.

This is referred to as a Class 4 Industrial Development and with short time-lapse since the approval of the Ord Industrial site Mr And Mrs Kitson are distressed and concerned the area is fast becoming too industrial. Not only will their house be looking directly onto the proposed car park which at present is a field with thriving natural habitat there is also worry about the amount of traffic flow that will increase to and from this site. The amount of heavy goods vehicles already travelling just 0.8 miles away on an unsuitable single track road with very few passing places, congestion will just continue to grow for our residents.

The KCC have been asked to support an objection on behalf of residents, Mrs Mackay has already objected on a neutral capacity.

The grounds for complaint will be as follows-


Water Pressure

Environmental Issues

Encroaching on a residential area.



May 24th 2018

Killearnan Community Council Privacy Statement

(to meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR))


Killearnan Community Council (KCC) holds some residents’ contact details, with their consent, within password-protected databases. The purpose for holding and using the contact details to communicate is both to inform and to seek views of residents. The purpose is a lawful public task for KCC to undertake in its legal obligation to ascertain and co-ordinate views of residents and to inform residents of its activities and other matters that KCC considers to be relevant to residents. Personal data may also be held, with consent, for other community activities that KCC considers appropriate. The personal data held is not shared with any third party without specific consent of the individual resident.


Residents have the right, at any time, to access their own personal data for checking and updating and to request immediate removal of their data. Personal data may include email addresses, phone numbers and addresses but no other information. Please contact Anne Mackay, Secretary, either on 01463811336 or on killearnanccouncil2@gmail.com


Access to the data is restricted to the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of KCC. Personal data will be held only for as long as the consented purpose continues.


Within the meaning of GDPR, the Data Controller is Killearnan Community Council which can be contacted through the Secretary (see above).


The supervisory authority to whom complaints can be directed is:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 123 1113





March 15 2018


Black Isle CC Group  Meeting


at Kilcoy House,  (Teclan)  

Members of the BICC and Black Isle Parent Councils met to discuss the many concerns associated with the Highland Council's Management of Schools Plan (Cluster Schools). Since the meeting CCs and Parent Councils have been informed by the Care and Learning Department that plans will be put on hold and new discussions will take place with Parent Councils and other groups after the Easter break.

Message to Craig Rory Residents.

Killearnan CC needs to get in touch with residents of this area of the CCs coverage so that we can represent their concerns.

Is anyone from the Craig Rory area willing to join us at our next meeting in Tore School on May 31st at 7.30 pm?


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