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Members of the public are very welcome to attend Community Council meetings and take part in the discussions under the guidance of the Chairman.  This meeting will be recorded and will be archived and available for viewing for twelve months thereafter.


  1. Introductions and Apologies


  1. Declarations of interest


  1. Approval of the draft minutes of the last ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 1 October 2024 and matters arising including traffic issues


  1. Treasurer’s report


  1. AOB from Community Council members


  1. AOB from members of the public


  1. Screening reports, scoping reports and consultations


8.   Building warrants, planning issues and licensing issues


9.   Dates of future meetings

Issued at 3.00pm on Wednesday 9 October 2024.


An ordinary meeting of the Garve & District Community Council (whose area covers from Garve to Aultguish and from Garve to Achnasheen) was held online on Tuesday 1 October 2024.  Updates at the ordinary meeting included Local Place Plans, windfarms, proposed powerlines proposed battery storage facilities, signage and fencing, sightlines, Achnasheen Public Toilets and Hall, school buildings, Post Office closure in Achnasheen, community land, NHSH issues, various road issues and traffic safety concerns.  We noted one consultation and no new planning applications.  If anyone in our area would like to be co-opted onto the Community Council, do please get in touch.  Our website - http://www.community-council.org.uk/garveanddistrict/ and our social media page where you will find further updates - www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552992414355  The meeting can be viewed over the next 12 months here - http://bit.ly/GDCCmeeting1OCT2024   


DRAFT Minutes of the Garve & District Community Council ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 1 October 2024 on webcam

Community Council elected members present on webcam: Kenny Maclean (Chairman & Secretary), Bob Moir (Vice Chairman), Caroline Gamble (Treasurer) and Sadie-Michaela Harris.

Also present on webcam: Cllr Liz Kraft and Antony Palmer (Field Corriemoillie from 7.35pm until 8.10pm).

Apologies: Seumas Skinner (Community Liaison Manager, Statkraft).

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.35pm and welcomed everyone and thanked them for managing to attend despite the local IT issues in Garve today.  He also confirmed that this meeting would be recorded as per the agenda and will be archived and available for viewing for twelve months thereafter - http://bit.ly/GDCCmeeting1OCT2024  Our website www.community-council.org.uk/garveanddistrict/ continues to receive 150-200 visitors per month (out of a community of around 230 people).  The Community Council area covers from Garve to Aultguish and from Garve to Achnasheen and is the only organisation that represents the whole community.  We are elected by the community every four years or so and usually meet once a month.  Draft minutes and a list of current members of the Community Council can be viewed at our website.  We are also on social media - www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552992414355

Congratulations to Tayler Grant and her partner after the birth of their baby boy on Saturday 21 September 2024.  Charlie weighed in at 8lb 9oz.

Our Chairman attended the Strathpeffer Community Council meeting on Wednesday 11 September 2024 and was joined by representatives of Contin Community Council and Marybank, Scatwell & Strathconon Community Council.  Discussions around windfarms and pylons were the main areas of common concern.

Our Chairman and Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris attended the online Marybank, Scatwell & Strathconon Community Council meeting on Tuesday 24 September 2024.

Declarations of Interest the Vice Chairman is a Garve Public Hall Trustee and a Friend of Garve War Memorial.  Cllr Kraft confirmed she is still a member of the North Planning Applications Committee at The Highand Council.  Community Council elected members confirmed that they had read all documents due to be discussed tonight before the start of this meeting.

Approval of draft minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 3 September 2024 via webcam were proposed with two typos corrected by Bob Moir and seconded by Caroline Gamble, unanimously agreed.  Minutes are available at Garve Post Office, Achnasheen Village Noticeboard, on our website or via email.  Hard/electronic copies are also available on request.  Minutes will be signed by our Chairman and Treasurer in due course via post.

Matters arisingLocal Place Plan – Tina Hartley’s time as an associate member ends as her six-month appointment is about to expire.  A big thank you to Tina for all her help and support with this project (round of virtual applause for Tina)  https://garve.org/local-place-plan-update8  The plan is also available in the library section of our website.  At the recent Marybank, Scatwell & Strathconon Community Council meeting it appeared some communities are further ahead than others but Cllr Chris Birt did point out that Area Place Plans will not be getting drawn up just yet so there is still time for those communities to register their Local Place Plan.  Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris asked if our Local Place Plan had been formally accepted yet by The Highland Council.  Our Chairman’s understanding (via Tina) is that it is still going through due diligence procedures but Tina will update us when there is news.  Sadie also noted the Dingwall and Seaforth Place Plan, interested parties can learn more on that plan at https://engagehighland.co.uk/dingwall-and-seaforth-place...


Boralex windfarm – https://www.boralex.com – North Planning Applications Committee notes that the application was approved by them in January 2023.  Details for the satisfaction of pre-start planning conditions are pending consideration by the planning department. 

Kirkan Windfarm http://www.kirkanwindfarm.co.uk - as reported previously, they are still in the phase of considering options for Kirkan and working through the various planning conditions.  Community Benefit is something Kirkan would like to give the community but those discussions will take place much later once everything else is known.  We thank Trevor for his regular updates.  North Planning Applications Committee notes the Scottish Government issued consent on 25 July 2023.

Proposed Tarvie windfarmwww.tarviewindfarm.com and Proposed SSE Fairburn windfarm extensionhttps://www.sserenewables.com/onshore-wind/in-development/fairburn-extension - no updates received.

SSEN Spittal – Beauly 400kV project - https://www.ssen-transmission.co.uk/projects/project-map/spittal--loch-buidhe--beauly-400kv-connection  We have again been advised that the joint Community Council meeting recording cannot be shared by SSEN due to internal security settings.  The meeting was held on Thursday 7 March 2024.

SSEN underground cable from the Western Isles to Beauly – https://www.ssen-transmission.co.uk/projects/project-map/western-isles - no news but the Treasurer noted drill hole works in the Little Garve fields have been done and the men are away.

Field Corriemoilliewww.fieldcorriemoillie.co.uk – we note 24/02940/SCRE, construction and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System exceeding 50MW, earthworks, access, drainage, cable route, landscaping, biodiversity enhancement, associated infrastructure and ancillary works on land at Corriemoillie Quarry - Screening Application EIA not required.  Antony Palmer confirmed that, in his experience, this was not unusual for such planning applications.  The ECU (Energy Consents Unit) at the Scottish Government would probably take the lead on such matters from the local authority.  An ecology survey has been completed looking at the natural vegetation, quality etc and if planning permission was granted, Field would want to enhance what is already on site.  Biodiversity is key in planning decisions along with landscaping.  It is an English modelling program that is followed as no such guidance yet exists in Scotland but it is acknowledged that Scotland and indeed the Highlands are different to England.  It is hoped a Scottish version will be introduced by politicians in due course.  Fire risk was raised as a concern.  The outline battery safety plan is a framework in how to operate and maintain the site safely including preventing fires so warning systems if a component is heating up too quickly for example.  This safety plan will be updated once products are chosen and advice is considered.  The technology is improving all the time.  Fire thermal runaway has to run its course until the chemical reaction ends but warning systems should signal a problem long before things get to that stage so the battery can be shut down.  Detection is not just temperature increase, fire alarms and gas detection also in place.  Prevention is key to the safety plan along with spaced out battery units.  Guidance also taken from Scottish Fire & Rescue and National Fire Chiefs Council - https://nfcc.org.uk  The Vice Chairman was surprised an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) was not required.  Field have other sites in Fort Augustus, London, Manchester, Newport and Blackburn.  Our Chairman requested a site visit be made to Fort Augustus to see for ourselves the facility in place and how it works.  Antony will see if a site visit can be arranged.  Community Council member Sadie-Michaela Harris asked if the land is sold to Field or just leased?  It can be either but usually leased as is the case at Corriemoillie.  Limited Companies are set up for each “Field” project.  Sadie also wondered if one of the founders of Bulb Energy is the same individual who more recently founded Virmati Energy who are behind Field?  Bulb Energy went out of business (special administration affecting 1.5m customers) after the individual left Bulb Energy but yes, same individual. Field are funded by private investment so a different business model to Bulb Energy.  Antony concluded by saying it is still their intention to finalise their plans by the end of this month.

Antony Palmer was thanked for attending and left the meeting at 8.10pm.  (Post meeting note – update from Dafydd Jones, Area Manager North Highland via Cllr Kraft … The Highland Council has acknowledged that Battery Energy Storage Scheme (BESS) is an emergent technology.  The principle of battery storage to help deliver renewable energy and achieve net zero accords with the aims and aspirations of NPF4 and is broadly welcomed.  The Highland Council will continue to assess and consider proposals within the parameters of the available policy and regulatory framework which is available, however The Highland Council acknowledge and recognise the wider concerns associated with this and which has been reflected in concerns both by the North and South Planning Applications Committees.  Areas of continued concern relate to health and safety, fire risk and the lack of a consultation protocol with appropriate agencies such as the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, SEPA, HSE and Building Standards colleagues given that there appears to be no regulatory role for these agencies within this field.  The Highland Council have written twice to the Chief Planner to outline our concerns in relation to this requesting the provision of specific guidance.  In response to these concerns from The Highland Council and other Local Authorities, as well as Heads of Planning Scotland, the Chief Planner has arranged a workshop with all local planning authorities and relevant stakeholders and consultees including SEPA, Nature Scot and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to consider the issues associated with BESS this month.  It is hoped that further guidance will follow in due course after the workshop.  Our thanks to both Dafydd and Cllr Kraft for the update.)

Possible windfarm on the Strathvaich Estate - Coriolis Energy (on behalf of Glasa Wind Farm Limited and who have permission to build Kirkan Windfarm) are currently exploring the potential of developing a windfarm on land owned by Strathvaich Estate and Kildermorie Estate.  As part of the process, they will be submitting a planning application to The Highland Council shortly for the installation of a meteorological (met) mast on land approximately 18 kilometres north of Garve, which will allow Coriolis to monitor wind conditions on site.  Their initial assessments for the site suggests it could accommodate a windfarm over 50MW.  Whilst the project is at a very early stage, it appears the site will be to the North East of our area but we have asked to be kept informed.

Marybank, Scatwell & Strathconon Community Council have asked us and other neighbouring Community Councils about geothermal energy as a possible way to heat homes in the area.  We have asked for more details before commenting further as improving home energy efficiency (37 votes) and community renewable energy (35 votes) both featured in the Local Place Plan.

Proposed Carn Fearna windfarmhttps://projects.statkraft.co.uk/Carn-Fearna - the report on their May 2024 public exhibitions is available on our website.  Seumas Skinner emailed today to update us as follows …

  • Statkraft are continuing to work on the final application - there is no update on the timeline.
  • Issue of replies to individuals following the exhibition has been delayed due to staff availability. Statkraft apologise for this - they will be sent out soon.
  • Following the previous Community Council meeting, Statkraft can confirm that Richard from Bow Acoustics is available to attend the November meeting to provide more information on what noise monitoring is and how it impacts the design and operation considerations.
  • Seumas, Scott and Peter attended a meeting of Strathpeffer Community Council last month and picked up several questions.  The presentation from the visit is online in the Project Documents section of the webpage: Project documents (statkraft.co.uk) (under Presentations and supporting documents)

Our thanks to Seumas for the update.  Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris felt it would be good to hear from acoustics as a sound machine was in her garden but she never heard what the findings were.  In related news - www.ssen-transmission.co.uk/carn-fearna-wind-farm-connection - Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris attended the SSEN engagement event on Wednesday 4 September 2024 regarding a proposed overhead power line which would run from Carn Fearna windfarm (if consented) to the Corriemoillie Substation.  Unfortunately Sadie and SSEN’s delegate, Lorna, found the maps to be very poor in detail/scale.  Maps on laptop were even worse.  Sadie pointed out that the language used in all their public information spoke of the windfarm as though it was already a forgone decided application – Lorna agreed with that on reflection and said that was not the case.  Lorna will contact Sadie with a precis measurement from their preferred route (route two) as their mapping currently shows.  Poor scale maps highlighted in yellow made it difficult to see how close the line will come to Strathgarve Farm and the Wyvis Natural Playpark.  Sadie noted SSEN seemed to have a vast number of people there compared to public in attendance, this made car parking difficult.  Our Chairman and Vice Chairman attended at 6.00pm and noted there were plenty SSEN people there, only one member of public in at the time.  Our Chairman thinks Lisa Marchi said they had about twelve public in (tbc).  Maps were small.  About 100 wooden poles will be needed if route two chosen.  They will be back with more detailed plans in about 6 months’ time at a future engagement event.  We understand local landowners have already been approached by SSEN.  Some SSEN people were viewing our latest ordinary meeting on a laptop when our Chairman and Vice Chairman were leaving.  The Vice Chairman again noted the poor maps on display but that the process to consult, plan and then build a powerline takes time.  We will ask Lisa for some updates.  Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris felt to encourage people to attend to view detailed, large-scale maps but they were no better in person than those online was poor.  “Do not give hooks that fail to live up to the promise!”  (Post meeting note – ten people attended the engagement event, the line will be 9.7km long if route two is selected and a map is now available in the library section of our website showing the three possible routes, thanks to Lisa Marchi at SSEN for the updates.)

The Highland Council updateswww.highland.gov.uk – Cllr Helen Crawford’s Major Infrastructure & Planning Policy Motion was supported by us and 61 other Community Council’s in Highland, 11/20 Community Councils in ward five also agreed with the motion which was passed yesterday by Highland Councillors (33 votes for the motion, 31 votes for an amendment) which supported more training for Community Councils to deal with major infrastructure projects and better mapping on The Highland Council website to view all major projects in the Highlands.  https://www.highland.gov.uk/info/198/planning_-_long_term_and_area_policies/152/renewable_energy/  Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris noted https://renewables-map.robinhawkes.com/#5/55/-3.2 and felt the amendment did not specify how much a Community Council may receive.  Cllr Kraft acknowledged that it had been a hard few weeks but it is hoped we can all now move forward.  Exact date of extra training for Community Council’s still tbc along with mapping improvements.  Our Chairman will forward current planning training documents onto all Community Council elected members as a refresher.  Cllr Kraft confirmed that Cllr’s agreed with the reasons behind the motion but noted some Community Councils wanted it to go further.  Sadly Cllr Kraft and other Cllr’s have had to pass emails to the Police due to their nature on this subject, a toxic mix in the end.  Our Chairman confirmed that would not be tolerated here and Cllr’s always welcome at our meetings.  Cllr Kraft also explained, in general terms, how the planning committee works.

Replanting Trees in The Avenue – awaiting news.  A full list of the monthly updates since February 2022 is available in the library section of our website.  A Strathgarve resident has also noted the issue of tree cutting required in The Avenue and through Garve village, as the trees are now encroaching on vehicular access, especially by HGV’s.  We have asked for photographs which we are happy to forward on but delivery drivers should be raising such matters through their line manager who in turn should raise directly with The Highland Council.  Again, photos are appreciated.  Trees/bushes in Stirling Drive are on the winter program of works.  The Treasurer took a closer look last week and noted that the branches of the trees in Matheson Road are encroaching slightly.  The roadside trees leading up to the playpark from the lodge corner may need cut back.  In the long term the roots of these same trees may cause damage to the road as they have done up near the playpark.  As noted at the recent Marybank, Scatwell & Strathconon Community Council meeting, sometimes it is quicker just to do things yourself just like our own Chairman has done with his pruners in the past!

Wooden fencing beside Garve Cemetery – to be reviewed.

Wyvis Natural Playpark sign for Garve is still outstanding, Cllr Kraft continues to make enquires.

Nearest public toilet signs for Garve - Cllr Kraft hoped a sign could be placed at Gorstan for the Silverbridge public toilets.  Transport Scotland have informed her that they have reviewed the matter with the Operating Company BEAR, and after careful consideration, they feel that signing toilet facilities located on the A835 for people travelling northbound and destined for the A832, would not be desirable from a road maintenance and management perspective.  People travelling north along the A835 towards the A832 would be presented with potentially confusing information, in that there would be signage for the left turn into the A832 (which incorporates a long deceleration lane), along with signage directing them to toilet facilities almost 2.5km ahead on the A835.  In addition, the erection of toilet signage on the A835 prior to the junction of the A832 is likely to provide drivers with too much information, given the number of signs already in place.  Our thanks to Cllr Kraft for trying.  In related news, we learnt today that due to a health and safety issue with loose toilet fixings, The Highland Council have had to close the Silverbridge public toilets with immediate effect.  Recently, work was done to clear blockages and it is suspected this may have led to the pans coming loose from the walls.  As the fixtures are reaching end of life, the council have requested that new modern floor mounted toilets are installed.  It is hoped the toilets can re-open again soon.  Again, our thanks to Cllr Kraft for letting us know.  This update has already appeared on our online channels.

Strathgarve Potholes – our Chairman felt they had been partly filled in but still water laying on the corner, others begged to differ!  Passing places have also been suggested for Strathgarve via the Local Place Plan information day but concern has also been raised that they would be used as parking spaces or just encourage more traffic to go that way to the Wyvis Natural Playpark.  As Forestry & Land Scotland own the land either side of the road, we have asked for their views on the matter, especially as the Wyvis Natural Playpark is on their land and their machines are in the area now.  Campervans parking inappropriately should be reported to Cllr Kraft with pictures who will pass onto parking enforcement.

Outer building of Strathgarve Primary School continues to stand empty with fencing around the building to keep everyone out.   There was general agreement that it does not look good.  Is there asbestos?  If so, bits of the building can break off in bad weather, potentially not only is it a hazard with flying objects but also that harmful particles of asbestos would be in the air.  The school was inspected in May 2024 and has received a good report - https://www.highland.gov.uk/downloads/file/29123/strathgarve_primary_school_sq_report_2023-24  School role and future role figures are available here - https://www.highland.gov.uk/downloads/file/28659/dingwall_academy  (Look for Dingwall Academy, then scroll down to see the figures for feeder schools such as Marybank, Strathgarve and Strathconon.)  Thanks to Cllr Kraft for the link.  At the recent Marybank, Scatwell & Strathconon Community Council meeting, parents in attendance confirmed that only one primary six pupil will remain at Strathconon Primary School after next summer’s holidays.  Concern was expressed what will happen to the child and the school, especially after £800,000 has been spent on the building in recent years.  Also, what, if any, knock effect will there be for other primary schools in the cluster (Marybank and Strathgarve)?  A meeting with Education Officials and the parents concerned is due to take place this week and we have asked to be kept informed.  Parent Council in Marybank have also been made aware.  Cllr Kraft confirmed there are NO plans to close Strathgarve Primary School and parents at Strathconon are encouraged to take part in the ongoing discussion process as education officials have a duty of care to both parents and the children involved.  Some of the £800,000 came from The Scottish Government Pre-School funds and it is thought the local Estate also donated.  Kinlochewe Primary School (currently mothballed) will need to be considered for closure depending on parent’s views there.  Achnasheen village is within Kinlochewe’s school catchment area.

Future of Achnasheen Public Toilets and Hall – the toilets closed on Thursday 4 July 2024 and Achnaheen Amenities Association have been given notice to move out of the Hall by Wednesday 23 October 2024.  It is believed the building including toilets will be sold off by The Highland Council in due course - https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx20l15gv2po  Page 20 of the Local Place Plan does state that the community wanted to see a decision on the building taken sooner rather than later.  Roadside signs for the toiles have been covered up and a notice placed at the toilets stating the nearest toilets are in Kinlochewe where chemical waste facilities are also available.  The community survey about the future of the Hall undertaken last year is available here - https://garve.org/aaa-survey-feb23  89/178 of surveys sent out by The Highland Council to Garve & District residents were returned.  82% of respondents indicated they had attended events or functions within the hall but when asked if they would use the hall in the future, 64 out of the 89 participants answered no.  Towards the end of the survey respondents were asked if they felt the hall was an important part of the community and 71% (59) answered no with 28% (23) stating yes.  There was no mention of the Post Office service in the survey but strong support for retaining public toilet facilities.  A previous survey of just Achnasheen and Achanalt residents undertaken by Achnasheen Amenities Association in October 2021 gave the following result - 31 responses were received from the 49 questionnaires that were sent out (turnout 63%).  The responses were: 22 not in favour of buying the hall from The Highland Council, 8 in favour of buying the hall and 1 abstention.  In related news, Post Office Counters have confirmed that the Achnasheen Outreach Post Office service will close on Tuesday 22 October 2024 due to the Hall closure.  The formal notice is due to be published by Post Office Counters shortly.  They have confirmed that following a review of the service, they are not looking to replace it.  It was noted Kinlochewe Post Office is only 10 minutes up the road and is open Monday-Saturday 11.00am-1.00pm, Garve Post Office is open every Wednesday & Thursday from 3.30pm-5.30pm and services are also available online at https://send.royalmail.com/  Achnasheen school building – will it also be sold?  Should “school” signs still be up in Achnasheen?  Cllr Kraft will raise Hall and school(s) buildings at next ward business meeting and noted Skye Cllr’s are still asking for facilities in Achnasheen.  Cllr Kraft hoped something like the tap and pay scheme in Gairloch could be looked at if TG&DDC would take such a facility on.  Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris asked if proceeds of the sale of the Hall would go into toilet facilities for Achnasheen or repair the school in Strathgarve?  Cllr Kraft felt the money would go back into the property department but her and her fellow Cllr’s are keen to see something in Achnasheen.

Dafydd Jones, Area Manager North Highland has confirmed that public comments are published on The Highland Council planning website, but are removed after the planning application has been determined.  This also applies to comments from statutory bodies such as Community Councils.  The only files which are meant to remain are the decision notice, report of handling and actual consented plans.  Our thanks to Dafydd and Cllr Kraft for seeking clarification on this matter.

The Highland Council notes that residents should report issues directly to them by calling The Highland Council’s Call Centre on 01349 886606 or via www.highland.gov.uk/report  In all cases, you will be given a reference number.  The Highland Council also appreciates photos showing the actual problem. 

A835 Trunk Road issues - we note the damage to the crash barrier at the “Check Rail Corner” which the MSP is also chasing up.  The wall and barrier were damaged in January 2024.  We have now written to the acting CEO of Transport Scotland.  The new Road Safety group have also raised concerns.  The response to the Community Council received yesterday from Transport Scotland informs us that work has been ongoing in the background and can advise that an assessment of the existing wall has been undertaken and unfortunately, it has been concluded that it is not suitable for repair.  A land survey has been undertaken and a geologist has visited the site to undertake an inspection to help inform the various options for rebuilding the wall.  Operating Company, BEAR, and their consultant, Jacobs, have been exploring various options for a permanent repair and have concluded that a potential solution may be to provide a new reinforced concrete wall at the side of the road to replace the existing dilapidated masonry wall.  However, it will be necessary to tie this wall back into the rock with strong metal anchors.  The design is still being developed and is yet to be presented to Network Rail for approval.  The work will be challenging given the restricted working area and proximity of the railway line.  If this solution is found to feasible, and meets with Network Rail’s approval, it is anticipated work would begin on site in Spring 2025 with traffic management being removed and the road being fully reopened by Summer 2025.  Our thanks to all for their updates.  This update has already been shared on our online channels.  Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris wondered if trees cut down perhaps contributed to the original incident.  She recalled our former Secretary Jennifer Haslam worrying about such issues.  It was felt Jennifer was talking about a section of road further along the A835 nearer Tarvie but it all does make you wonder …

BEAR, on behalf of Transport Scotland, started essential concrete repair works on the A835 at Inchbae bridge on 8 July 2024.  Unfortunately, due to the extent of the defective concrete found, repair works have had to be extended again and are now not due to finish until Friday 4 October 2024.  Throughout the duration of the works, the A835 at Inchbae will have temporary traffic lights to give safe access to allow BEAR to carry out these crucial repairs.  This update has already appeared on our online channels.

Inchbae settlement signs – following publication of our last draft minutes, two Inchbae residents objected to more signs being put up, feeling there were enough signs already.  Community Council elected members agreed the request for the signs should be withdrawn which was done on Thursday 12 September 2024.  Inchbae residents who contacted us have been informed.  We will now ask all Inchbae residents for their views on this matter before proceeding, a survey will hopefully be delivered later this week.

Faults on the Trunk Road (A835) should be reported via www.bearscot.com/report-a-defect/ 

Network Rail need to carry out essential maintenance work at Garve Level Crossing.  The work involves removal of the units which make up the ‘road surface’ of the crossing to thoroughly inspect the full length of both lines and check the rails for signs of corrosion and silt build up.  Work will also include replacing of rails, sleepers and ballast either side of the crossing.  To enable the work to be carried out safely and efficiently, the A835 will be closed at Garve Level crossing as follows:
Half road closure 21:00hrs - 04.00hrs each night - October 1 / 2 / 3.
Full road closure 21.00hrs – 06.00hrs each night - October 19 & 20.
Half road closure 04.00hrs – 21.00hrs day-time Sunday October 19.
Half road closure 21.00hrs – 04.00hrs each night October 21 & 22.
During the full road closure there will be no vehicular access over the crossing, except for emergency vehicles.  During periods of half road closure vehicles will be able to cross over the railway in either direction under the control of temporary traffic lights.  Pedestrian and access for cyclists will be maintained via the station footbridge.  Those living closest to the crossing may experience some noise from site and some disturbance from lighting used on the night’s works are taking place.  Network Rail have issued a letter to neighbouring properties notifying of these works and the associated road closure.  This update has also been shared with all neighbouring Community Council's to help spread the word as people have been caught out during previous overnight closures.  This update has already been shared on our online channels but Community Council elected member
Sadie-Michaela Harris noted some dates/days still do not match up and trying to contact Network Rail has been impossible, thanks to Sadie for trying!  The Vice Chairman confirmed no noise during the works last night and it appeared the night ferry had sailed earlier to help get traffic through before the 9.00pm closure of the road.

Concern was raised at last Friday’s Road Safety group meeting that the works at the Killin Railway Crossing has not worked as hoped for by users of the crossing.  We have asked Network Rail for comment as a large sum of tax payers’ money was spent as well as time spent by various volunteers and officials.  (Post meeting note – Network Rail are not aware of any issues; users of the crossing are asked to contact them directly if such issues are still arising.)

The Traffic Calming Group (Garve & District Road Safety Community Group) met online of Friday 27 September 2024 - http://bit.ly/TrafficDiscussionSept2024  BEAR at the request of Transport Scotland intend to make an on-site visit to Station Road, Garve to see the difficulties residents are having entering/leaving their properties.  BEAR feel “Concealed Entrance” signs are not appropriate but are willing to consider alternatives if they feel it necessary.  It is hoped some of us can also attend, Morag Fraser in Garve will keep the Community Council informed.  (Post meeting note – it appears a site visit has already taken place in August 2024 and a further site visit is to be arranged regarding the vegetation.)  All Inchbae residents will be asked if they want a settlement sign or not.  Various signs that are needed or need to be taken down are in hand with Cllr Kraft.  Forestry & Land Scotland will be contacted about passing places for the Strathgarve Road as they own the land either side.  New name for the group - Garve & District Road Safety Community Group to make it clearer what the main aim of the group is.  Link on Garve.org to remain and be updated.  Continued concern of issue on check rail corner (A835) and the time taken to find a solution - will ask for an update.  Request update from The Highland Council for Lochluichart/Achanalt/Achnasheen gateways which are due to be installed this financial year.  Use local newsletter to make people aware of this renewed group, increase numbers and gather support for change.  Date of next meeting tbc.  Sadly the vast majority of those invited did not attend or even send apologies which is very concerning.  Previous group meetings can be viewed here -

bit.ly/TCGNov21  bit.ly/TCGMar22  bit.ly/TCGMay22  bit.ly/TCGAug22  bit.ly/TCGDec23  Our Chairman noted 38 people from the community felt traffic issues was a high priority for the Local Place Plan.  We would now like to ask those 38 people plus anyone else from the community to write to us directly and share their experiences of travelling in our area be it by vehicle or on foot.  This information will help build up a picture of the true concerns of the community which we will then share with the road authorities.  We have been asked in recent days if there is an equivalent of a mission statement or similar that could be shared to further clarify what this group hopes to achieve.  There are still a lot of details to be worked out such as a mission statement.  The Vice Chairman (and others) were not sure such a statement existed before so we will ask Tina for clarification.  (Post meeting note – Tina has confirmed no such statement exists, thanks Tina and perhaps worth noting https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cwye8yn7z2lo)

A joint meeting of the Community Council, LCT and TG&DDC took place online on Monday 23 September 2024.  Topics discussed included LCT budgets, the Community Support Grant - https://garve.org/support-grant, GD CORe land and the Garve Hotel.  It still appears to be unclear who now owns the Garve Hotel.  If anyone can point us in the right direction, please contact us directly.  It will be our turn to chair/host the next joint meeting.  Our Chairman suggested Tuesday 28 January 2025 as a possible date, tbc.  Cllr Kraft thinks The Highland Council knows for business rate purposes so will see what information she can share with us.

GD CORe land are setting up a panel to discuss the way forward.  Bob Moir will attend as a Hall Trustee but will keep the Community Council updated.  He will not take part in any discussions at the panel meetings that could lead to a planning application to avoid any conflict of interest.  Not clear who is on the panel yet or date of a meeting.  20 people felt the land was a priority in the Local Place Plan. 

Parking lines have been painted at Garve Public Hall by the Trustees and look very good.

Community Council elected member Sadie-Michaela Harris attended the Mid Ross Community Partnership Meeting on Wednesday 25 September 2024.  Topics covered included Directory of Service update, Social Security changes, Mental Health issues, care beds and Wills & Powers of Attorney.  A full report by Sadie is available on our online channels, thanks to Sadie for attending and reporting back.  Sadie also attended The Dingwall Medical Group meeting yesterday, only four Community Councils were represented but agreed to minutes being produced more quickly, perhaps using an AI process, mental health was also discussed.  Sadie thought overall a good meeting, good to compare notes with the Community Councils that did attend.  In related news, Ross Memorial Hospital, Dingwall - NHSH advised that there are significant challenges around fire compliance in the General Ward and it features on NHSH risk register as a high risk.  However confirmation was received last week that funding has been secured and work can progress.  During the reconfiguration some services will be temporarily reduced for a period of 10 weeks.  Inpatient compliment will be made up of 6 General Ward beds and 3 HRU beds.  OPD will be reconfigured a little so that HRU and OPD services can be accommodated.  Once the work has been completed the bed numbers will return to 14 and the OPD services will continue to grow.

Garve mains water – no update provided.  Community Council elected members were very disappointed though we acknowledge plans may be coming together behind the scenes.  The last update at our April 2024 ordinary meeting talked about works in November 2024.

Remembrance Sunday wreath – Our Chairman has purchased a Community Council wreath for Sunday 10 November 2024.  Community Council members agreed the Treasurer Caroline Gamble should lay the wreath this year, service time tbc.  Cllr Kraft confirmed she hopes to attend again to lay The Highland Council wreath.  We also note the Memorial itself will be 100 years old later this month.  A re-dedication service is planned for Saturday 26 October 2024 from 12.15pm at the Memorial.  Garve Public Hall will be open from 11.00am where a buffet lunch will be served after the service.  It is hoped representatives from local groups, armed forces (both serving, retired and cadets), local churches and the Lord Lieutenant will attend.  Cadets will be asked to read out the names of those named on the Memorial.  Bob Moir will attend on behalf of the Community Council, all welcome.  Thanks to the Memorial group for putting the day together.

Garve & District Community Council currently has vacancies on the Community Council.  The Community Council elected members consider it to be very important to have as broad a representation of our community as possible, as we cover a wide variety of community issues and to do this well, we would like members from all corners of our large area.  We usually meet on the first Tuesday of the month.  If you are aged 16 or over, live in the Community Council area and are on the electoral roll and would like to be considered for co-option onto the Community Council, please email garveanddistrictcc@yahoo.com with your name and contact details.  This update has already appeared on our online channels.  We note both LCT and TG&DDC also have vacancies on their boards, contact them directly for more information.  The LCT AGM is next Monday, TG&DDC AGM tbc.

Community Safety and Resilience

Police update - as reported at previous Community Council meetings, anyone who wishes to raise an issue with the police are asked to call them directly on 101 at the time of the incident and make a witness statement.  Video, dashcam or photo evidence is also welcomed, indeed encouraged by the police.  The police can also be contacted on www.scotland.police.uk/secureforms/contact/  Police patrols have continued to take place throughout the community in recent weeks, especially on the A832 at Achanalt and Achnasheen.




Treasurer’s report - the Treasurer noted our total bank balance (checked online this morning) is £2,271.78.  The breakdown is as follows … Treasurer's account remains at £238.13.  Reserve remains at £1,613.45.  Wreath fund (in memory of Eliza) was £461.60 minus £41.40 = £420.20.  A suggestions of a community event/Hogmanay event attracted 10 “likes” on our social media page, some from those who do not live in the area so the Vice Chairman will compare notes with the events group.  There were no questions for the Treasurer but the Treasurer has been reading her late mother’s diaries and noted that Ilsa attended a Hogmanay party in Garve in 1993 which she thought was “very very good”.

AOB from Community Council members – the Vice Chairman noted the 20mph and white lines in Garve are still due to be done but we note the traffic order to make the 20mph permanent is due in the New Year so will probably need to wait until that is agreed.

The Treasurer noted “Escape To The Country” on BBC television recently featured Wades Bridge as part of the program - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0022f29/escape-to-the-country-series-25-1-the-highlands?seriesId=unsliced&page=1 (22 minutes in).

AOB from members of the public – no issues raised.  Those who cannot attend our meetings can, as always, write to us by post or email with any issues they wish raised at garveanddistrictcc@yahoo.com 

Screening reports, scoping reports and consultations – one consultation regarding The Feadon Wood Felling Permission Consultation – NH124590.  This wood is located around three miles west of Achnasheen.  The main objective of the felling is to remove non-native species and clear historic windblow.  Community Council members have seen the maps and plans and have raised no objections.

Payphone removal update?  Cllr Kraft will seek an update for us.

All Highland Council consultations are available at http://consult.highland.gov.uk/portal  All Scottish Government consultations are available at https://consult.gov.scot/consultation_finder 

Building warrants, planning issues and licensing issuesone previous planning application has been determined by The Highland Council since our last ordinary meeting.  At our September 2024 ordinary meeting we considered 24/03111/FUL, proposed erection of dwelling and barn (amended 04/00609/FULRC) on land 257M north of Foresthill, Lochluichart.  The Case Officer has granted planning permission with five conditions.  Full details are available on the planning website.

There are currently seven planning applications awaiting determination by The Highland Council for our area.

No new planning applications have been received by The Highland Council since our last ordinary meeting.

A possible planning breach can be reported at https://www.highland.gov.uk/info/180/planning_-_applications_warrants_and_certificates/170/planning_enforcement/2

All planning applications can be viewed at www.highland.gov.uk/info/180/planning_-_applications_warrants_and_certificates/143/planning_permission/4 

There were no new licensing issues for us to consider this evening.

Dates of future meetings(Ordinary meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of every month unless stated otherwise.)  Tuesday 5 November 2024, 7.30pm, online – agreed.  Future meetings may be held on Tuesday 3 December 2024 and Tuesday 4 February 2025 tbc.

As usual, our Chairman started to draw the meeting to a close by asking all present if anyone had any final questions or thoughts on anything they had heard this evening, a question he often asks throughout the meeting too.  Nobody had any final questions or thoughts.  Although our meetings are not public meetings, members of the public are still very welcome to attend Community Council meetings and take part in the discussions under the guidance of the Chairman (see section 12 of the Constitution).  A copy of our Constitution is available in the library section of our own website and hard/electronic copies are available on request.  Those who cannot attend our meetings can, as always, write to us by post or email with any issues they wish raised at garveanddistrictcc@yahoo.com 

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.  He also thanked Community Council member Sadie-Michaela Harris for hosting the webcam session, especially with all the local IT issues today.  The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.00pm.

This set of minutes were first published (in draft form) at 3.00pm on Wednesday 9 October 2024.



Since our last meeting ...

Garve & District Community Council currently has vacancies on the Community Council.  The Community Council elected members consider it to be very important to have as broad a representation of our community as possible, as we cover a wide variety of community issues and to do this well, we would like members from all corners of our large area.  We usually meet on the first Tuesday of the month.  If you are aged 16 or over, live in the Community Council area and are on the electoral roll and would like to be considered for co-option onto the Community Council, please email garveanddistrictcc@yahoo.com with your name and contact details. 

The Garve & District Road Safety Community group met online on Friday 27 September 2024 - http://bit.ly/TrafficDiscussionSept2024  

We learnt on Tuesday 1 October 2024 that due to a health and safety issue with loose toilet fixings, The Highland Council have had to close the Silverbridge public toilets with immediate effect.  Recently, work was done to clear blockages and it is suspected this may have led to the pans coming loose from the walls.  As the fixtures are reaching end of life, the council have requested that new modern floor mounted toilets are installed.  It is hoped the toilets can re-open again soon.  Achnasheen public toilets closed on Thursday 4 July 2024 so the nearest public toilets are in Kinlochewe, Lochcarron, Ullapool or Rogie Falls.

We note 38 people from the community felt traffic issues was a high priority for the Local Place Plan. We would now like to ask those 38 people plus anyone else from the community to write to us directly and share their experiences of travelling in our area be it by vehicle or on foot. This information will help build up a picture of the true concerns of the community which we will then share with the roads authorities.  If we could have your feedback sent to garveanddistrictcc@yahoo.com or posted to 4 Bignold Place, Achnasheen, IV22 2EG by 31 October 2024, that would be very helpful.

Community Council elected members were saddened to learn that the Lucky2BHere family announced the sudden death of their dear friend and founder Ross Cowie.  Ross died on Sunday 6 October 2024 having been transferred to Raigmore.  Lucky2BHere supplied our local defibrillators.  We extend our sincere condolences to Ross’s family and friends.

We note one new licensing issue in Garve - https://www.highland.gov.uk/directory_record/2191288/garve_loch_ewe_brewing_co_stall_at_market_3_november_2024/category/35/ross_skye_and_lochaber  

One new planning application has been received by The Highland Council since our last ordinary meeting.  24/04147/FUL is the proposed erection of 25m lattice tower, 2no. shared antennas, 4no. transmission dishes, with 3no. associated equipment cabinets, formation of access and off grid generator within a fenced compound on land 3.4KM SW of Ault Dearg. https://wam.highland.gov.uk/wam/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=SKMK2RIHIME00    Any comments to the Case Officer by Friday 1 November 2024.

AREA Place Plan for ward five - consultation here - https://engagehighland.co.uk/wester-ross-strathpeffer-and-lochalsh-place-plan

Thank you to all of you who have been in touch regarding the ongoing issues at the A835 "Check Rail Corner". The overall problem is Network Rail own the land that the wall is built on and so will need to give permission for roadsmen to work on their side of the fence/wall.  We would encourage all road users to contact Network Rail and encourage them to give that permission - https://www.networkrail.co.uk/communities/contact-us/  The full story is here - https://www.ross-shirejournal.co.uk/news/someone-will-die-if-you-continue-to-dither-on-notorious-lo-363947/

The Friends Of Garve War Memorial cordially invites the community to the re-dedication and centenary commemoration of the Garve & District War Memorial on Saturday 26 October 2024.  Gather at Garve Public Hall from 11.00am, 12.30pm - 12.40pm public walk to memorial, 12.45pm British Legion and Cadets march to memorial, 12.50pm Lord Lieutenant’s party proceed to memorial, 1.00pm service begins.  Return to Garve Public Hall for refreshments after, all welcome.

Proposed Tarvie windfarmwww.tarviewindfarm.com - Koehler Renewable Energy UK Limited (KRE) are developing proposals for a wind farm on land south of the A835, approximately 3.7km northwest of Contin that would have 11 (was 5) x 6MW turbines, with a 200m tip height and 30MW battery energy storage system (BESS).  KRE are committed to meaningful and ongoing community engagement so have invited Community Councils, Cllr’s, MSP’s and the public to an informal meet the developer event to introduce their team ahead of future public consultation events to be held in spring 2025.  The event will be held in Contin Hall on Thursday 7 November 2024 from 4.00pm until 7.00pm.

As ever, any questions or comments on anything we are doing, please contact us directly at garveanddistrictcc@yahoo.com


This website was last updated at 3.00pm on Monday 21 October 2024.

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