Parcio yn y gymuned / Parking in the community
Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llanrhystud yn cydnabod bod yna prynder o leoedd i'r cyhoedd cael parcio yng nghanol y pentref ac mae gennym diddordeb mewn clywed eich awgrymiadau. Cysylltwch gyda ni trwy anfon ebost at a rhowch wybod i ni o'ch syniadau.
Llanrhystud Community Council recognise the deficiency of public parking available centrally in the village and are interested to hear any suggestions from members of the community. Please get in touch by emailing us at and let us know your ideas.
Dolen: Gwasanaeth casglu gwastraff yng Ngheredigion dros gyfnod y Pasg
Link: Refuse collection service in Ceredigion over the Easter period
Newidiadau i Wasanaeth Bws yng Ngheredigion
Changes to Bus Services in Ceredigion
Gwasanaethau 22T (Aberystwyth-Pontarfynach), 27T (Penrhyncoch-Penbontrhydybeddau) a T29 (Cylch Tregaron), sy'n wasanaethau sy'n ymateb i'r galw, yn dod i ben ddiwedd mis Rhagfyr 2022. Mae hyn oherwydd y costau sylweddol sy'n gysylltiedig â'u darparu a'r lefel isel iawn sy'n eu defnyddio, sy'n cyfateb i lefelau anhyfyw o gymhorthdal cyhoeddus fesul siwrnai teithiwr.
Newidiadau i wasanaethau bws lleol yng Ngheredigion o ddydd Mawrth 3 Ionawr 2023 ymlaen:
- 525 (Aberystwyth-Ponterwyd)
- 526 (Aberystwyth-Penrhyncoch)
- 585 (Aberystwyth-Tregaron-Llanbedr Pont Steffan)
The 22T (Aberystwyth-Devil's Bridge), 27T (Penrhyncoch-Penbontrhydybeddau) and T29 (Tregaron Circular) demand responsive services will stop at the end of December 2022. This is due to the significant costs associated with providing them and the very low level of usage, which equate to unviable levels of public subsidy per passenger journey.
Changes to local bus services in Ceredigion from Tuesday 3 January 2023:
Cylchlythyr: Rhag '22 / Chwe '23
Dolennau / Links:
Babanod a Genedigaethau yn Hywel Dda (Rhag 2022)
Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl Plant a'r Glasoed - CAMHS (Rhag 2022)
Babies and births in Hywel Dda (Dec 2022)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services - CAMHS (Dec 2022)
Adrannau Damweiniau ac Achosion Brys yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Hywel Dda (15/12/22)
Accident & Emergency Departments in the Hywel Dda Health Board area (15/12/22)
Dyfodol Gwasanaethau Pediatrig (datganiad i'r wasg 24/11/22)
Future Paediatric Services (press release 24/11/22)
Archwilio Cymru: Newyddion
Audit Wales: News
Hysbysiadau gan Heddlu Dyfed-Powys / Notices from Dyfed-Powys Police:
Mannau Croeso Cynnes Ceredigion Warm Welcome Space
Poster: Mannau Croeso Cynnes / Warm Welcome Spaces
Dolenni / Links:
Wrth i'r argyfwng costau byw waethygu a gyda'r gaeaf yn agosáu, mae Cyngor Sir Ceredigion a CAVO yn bwriadu gwneud popeth y gallwn ni i helpu trigolion yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn.
Rydym yn awyddus i ddarparu rhwydwaith o fannau cynnes i helpu unrhyw un sy'n cael trafferth gyda chostau byw dros y gaeaf. Ein bwriad ydy gweithio gydag unrhyw grŵp cymunedol neu sefydliad fyddai'n gallu cynnig mannau cynnes i gynorthwyo y bregus o fewn ein cymunedau.
Mae modd i grwpiau neu sefydliadau sy'n fodlon cynnig lle cynnes dros y gaeaf, gyflwyno cais i fyny at £1,000 i cefnogi eu gweithgareddau.
Cwblhewch y ffurflen yma i wneud cais am gyllid: Ffurflen Cais (dolen)
Os nad oes angen cyllid arnoch chi, ond eich bod yn barod i fod yn rhan o'r gwaith hanfodol hwn, rydym yn dal yn awyddus i glywed gennych, er mwyn i ni gael hysbysebu eich Man Croeso Cynnes i drigolion, cynghorwyr, meddygon teulu a gweithwyr rheng flaen yng Ngheredigion. Mi allai hefyd fod yn ffordd o ddenu mwy o wirfoddolwyr petasech chi angen hynny.
Cysylltwch 01570 423 232 i ofyn am gopi galed o'r ffurflen cais.
Fedrwch hefyd ffonio Carys Huntly ar 07815 993654 i rhoi wybodaeth am eich Man Croeso Cynnes dros y ffôn os yw hyn yn rhwyddach.
As the cost of living crisis worsens and with winter approaching, Ceredigion County Council and CAVO intend to do everything we can to support residents during these difficult times.
We are keen to provide a network of warm spaces to support anyone struggling with the cost of living this winter. We want to work with any community group or organisation that would be able to provide warm spaces within their community and support vulnerable individuals and families through the cost of living crisis.
Groups or organisations that are willing to provide a warm space this winter can apply for up to £1,000 to support their activities.
Please complete this form to apply for funding: Funding Application link
We would also like to hear from you if you do not need funding but are ready to be a part of this essential provision, so that we can advertise your Warm Welcome Space to residents, councillors, GP's and front line workers in Ceredigion. This could also be a way for you to attract more volunteers if needed.
Please contact / 01570 423 232 to request a hard copy of the funding application form.
You can also ring Carys Huntly on 07815 993654 to provide information about your Warm Welcome Space over the phone, if this is easier.
Please see the links below for free handbooks provided by the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG):
Royal British Legion's New Grant Scheme for Veterans and their Families
The Royal British Legion is to give veterans and their families grants of up to £2,400 to help pay bills. Check if you're eligible and how to apply using the following link:
Mae'r Comisiwn Ffiniau i Gymru wedi cyhoeddi ei Gynigion Diwygiedig ar gyfer etholaethau seneddol newydd Cymru.
Mae adroddiad y Cynigion Diwygiedig, ynghyd ag Adroddiad y Comisiynwyr Cynorthwyol i'w gweld ar wefan y Comisiwn.
Gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd i fapiau o bob etholaeth arfaethedig a Phecyn Partneriaid y Comisiwn ar y wefan.
The Boundary Commission for Wales has published its Revised Proposals for Wales' new parliamentary constituencies.
The Revised Proposals report, along with the Assistant Commissioners' Report can be found on the Commission's website.
You can also find maps of each proposed constituency and the Commission's Partners' Pack on the website.
Those wishing to attend should register using the link: Registration Form
Cylchlythyr Hydref CIC Hywel Dda / Hywel Dda CHC Autumn Newsletter
Age Friendly Communities in Partnership Webinar
29 June 2022, 11:00am – 12:50pm
Join the Older People's Commissioner for Wales and partners delivering action to make communities in Wales Age-friendly to explore how we can work together effectively to drive and deliver change for older people and enable everyone to age well. Please find more information attached.
To book your place, please visit:
Please share with any friends, family or colleagues who may be interested
We hope you can join us on the day!
Heneiddio yn Dda / Ageing Well
Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru / Older People's Commissioner for Wales
Adeiladau Cambrian / Cambrian Buildings
Sgwâr Mount Stuart / Mount Stuart Square
Caerdydd / Cardiff, CF10 5FL
Rydym yn croesawu derbyn gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ateb gohebiaeth a dderbynnir yn Gymraeg yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi // We welcome receiving correspondence in Welsh, we will respond to correspondence in Welsh and corresponding in Welsh will not lead to delay
Ffôn / Tel: 029 2044 5030
Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg // We welcome calls in Welsh
Cynllun Setliad yr UE / EU Settlement Scheme
Annwyl Glerc,
Rydym yn cysylltu â chi ar ran yr elusen Settled, i'ch gwneud yn ymwybodol o'r dyddiad cau ar 30 Mehefin ar gyfer ceisiadau i Gynllun Setliad yr UE. Mae'r e-bost hwn yn darparu gwybodaeth am y cynllun.
Mae'r e-bost hwn yn darparu mwy o wybodaeth am y cynllun. Byddem yn gwerthfawrogi pe gallech anfon yr e-bost hwn at eich cynghorwyr oherwydd efallai eu bod yn adnabod pobl a allai gael eu heffeithio. Efallai yr hoffech chi bostio peth o'r wybodaeth a ddarperir ar eich tudalen Facebook gymunedol hefyd os oes gennych chi un.
Sefydlwyd Cynllun Setliad yr UE o dan delerau y cytundeb a wnaeth y DU wrth adael yr UE, mae’n berthnasol i ddinasyddion yr UE ac EFTA a ddaeth i’r DU cyn diwedd y cyfnod Pontio Brexit ar ddiwedd mis Rhagfyr 2020. Mae trefniadau tebyg yn berthnasol ar gyfer dinasyddion y DU sy'n byw ac yn gweithio ar gyfandir Ewrop.
Mae angen i drigolion yr UE ac EFTA yn y DU yr effeithir arnynt gan hyn wneud cais os ydynt yn dymuno cadw eu hawliau i fyw, gweithio ac astudio yn y DU. Nid yw rhai pobl yn ymwybodol bod hyn yn berthnasol iddynt, gan gynnwys hyd yn oed rhai cyn-filwyr oedrannus yr Ail Ryfel Byd a ddaeth i'r DU ymhell cyn i'r DU ymuno â'r UE. Yn ogystal, mae angen i blant rhai sy'n cyrraedd yn fwy diweddar, sydd wedi sicrhau hawliau i fyw a gweithio yn y DU, gael ceisiadau unigol ar eu rhan er mwyn sicrhau y byddant yn gallu cael mynediad at ofal iechyd ac addysg yn y dyfodol.
Mae fideo fer (3-4 munud o hyd) sy'n darparu trosolwg o Gynllun Setliad yr UE a rhai o'r materion dan sylw ar gael ar YouTube gan ddefnyddio'r dolenni a ddarperir waelod yr e-bost hwn:
• Saesneg:
• Cymraeg:
Dear Clerk,
We are contacting you on behalf of the charity Settled, to make you aware about the 30 June deadline for applications to the EU Settlement Scheme. This email provides information about the scheme.
We would appreciate if you could forward this email to your councillors as they may well know people who may be affected. You may also wish to post some of the information provided on your community Facebook page if you have one.
The EU Settlement Scheme which was set up under the terms of the UK's Withdrawal Agreement with the EU, applies to citizens of the EU and EFTA who came to the UK before the end of the Brexit Transition period at the end of December 2020. Similar arrangements apply for UK citizens who are living and working in continental Europe.
The EU and EFTA residents in the UK who are affected by this need to apply if they wish to retain their rights to live, work and study in the UK. Some people are not aware that this applies to them, including even some elderly veterans of World War II who came to the UK long before the UK joined the EU. In addition, the children of some more recent arrivals, who have obtained rights to live and work in the UK, need to have individual applications made on their behalf in order to ensure that they will be able to access healthcare and education in the future.
A short video (3-4 minutes long) providing an overview of the EU Settlement Scheme and some of the issues involved is available on YouTube using the links provided below:
- English:
- Cymraeg:
Edmund Sides
Swansea / Abertawe
On behalf of the charity Settled:
A487 Safety Scheme
Below is a plan of the proposed A487 Safety Scheme which includes a new roundabout at the southern end of the village and 250 meters of overtaking opportunity via an extra lane for southbound drivers. Also, along the length of the scheme, it is proposed to introduce a new shared use foot/cycle path.
The consultation document can be found on the website:
Consultation closes on 9 April 2021.
Mae’r cyfrifiad yma
Mae’n llywio penderfyniadau am y pethau sydd o bwys
i’ch cymuned.
Mae’n bwysig eich bod chi’n llenwi holiadur y cyfrifiad
oherwydd mae’n darparu’r wybodaeth fwyaf manwl
sydd gennym am ein cymdeithas. Rhaid i chi gwblhau’r
cyfrifiad yn ôl y gyfraith.
Mae data o’r cyfrifiad yn helpu i lywio penderfyniadau
am ariannu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn eich ardal
chi. P’un a yw hynny’n golygu cynllunio ysgolion,
meddygfeydd neu lwybrau beicio newydd, bydd y
wybodaeth y byddwch chi’n ei rhannu yn effeithio ar
fywydau pawb sy’n byw yng Nghymru a Lloegr.
Pryd y dylwn i lenwi holiadur y cyfrifiad?
Diwrnod y Cyfrifiad yw dydd Sul 21 Mawrth, ond
gallwch chi lenwi eich holiadur chi cyn gynted ag y
byddwch chi wedi cael eich cod mynediad drwy’r post.
Dylai eich atebion chi sôn am y bobl sy’n byw yn eich
cartref chi fel arfer ar y dyddiad hwn – hyd yn oed os
byddwch chi’n ei lenwi cyn hynny.
Os bydd amgylchiadau eich cartref yn newid ar
Ddiwrnod y Cyfrifiad, gallwch chi roi gwybod i ni.
Os bydd angen help arnoch chi,
ewch i @Cyfrifiad2021
The census is here
It informs decisions about the things that matter to
your community.
It’s important to fill in your census questionnaire
because it gives us the most detailed information
we have about our society. You must complete the
census by law.
Census data helps inform funding decisions on
public services in your area. Whether it’s planning
new schools, doctors’ surgeries or bike lanes, the
information you share has an impact on the lives
of everyone living in England and Wales.
When should I fill in my census
Census Day is Sunday 21 March – but you can
fill yours in as soon as you get your access code
in the post.
Your answers should be about the people who usually
live in your household on this date – even if you’re
filling it before then.
If your household circumstances change on
Census Day, you can let us know.
If you need help, visit @Census2021
Information received by Llanrhystud Community Council on the subject:
from: Mark Richards: Swyddog Opsiynau Tai (Cyswllt Sector Rhentu preifat) /Housing Options (Private Rented Sector Liaison) Officer
Os felly, beth am roi eich eiddo ar les i’r awdurdod lleol i gael gwarant o incwm rhent am bum mlynedd?
Dan y cynllun hwn gyda chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru byddwn yn:
Cynnig grant a benthyciad di-log i wella eich eiddo
Gwarantu incwm rhent misol (dim cyfnodau gwag)
Cymryd cyfrifoldeb dros yr holl waith adnewyddu a chynnal a chadw (ac eithrio gwaith strwythurol)
Darparu gwasanaeth rheoli tenantiaeth a gwasanaeth cymorth llawn
Am gael rhagor o wybodaeth? Cysylltwch â’r canlynol:
Mark Richards- Ffôn: 07971951740
If so why not lease your property to the local authority for guaranteed rental income for five years?
Under the Welsh Government backed scheme we will:
Offer a grant and an interest free loan to upgrade your property
Guarantee monthly rental income (no void periods)
Be responsible for all repairs and maintenance works (excluding structural works)
Provide a full tenancy management and support service
Want to know more? Please contact:
Mark Richards - Tel no : 07971951740
Oddi wrth Cyngor Sir Ceredigion / From Ceredigion County Council
Prynhawn Da,
Mae Grŵp Gweithredu Lleol Cynnal y Cardi (LAG), sy'n gweithredu'r cynllun LEADER yng Ngheredigion, yn chwilio am syniadau arloesol gan unigolion, grwpiau, busnesau a sefydliadau.
Mae gan Cynnal y Cardi gyllid refeniw i gefnogi datblygiad prosiect - yn enwedig gyda ffocws ar brofi a threialu syniadau; gwerthuso; astudiaethau cwmpasu a dichonoldeb; hwyluso; ymgynghori a hyfforddi a mentora.
Gyda ffocws o'r newydd, mae syniadau'n cael eu ceisio ar sut y gallwn wneud Ceredigion, yn enwedig ei threfi marchnad, lleoedd unigryw lle mae pobl eisiau byw, gweithio ac ymweld a sut y gallwn wneud mwy o asedau a thraddodiadau diwylliannol Ceredigion fel y gallwn gefnogi ein cymunedau a'n heconomi leol.
Mae darparu cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc hefyd yn allweddol ac rydym am greu diwylliant o entrepreneuriaeth, gan ddarparu cyfleoedd newydd i bobl wireddu eu huchelgeisiau o fyw a gweithio yng Ngheredigion. Rydym hefyd eisiau cryfhau a chefnogi ein cymunedau lleol, gan helpu i archwilio dulliau newydd; defnyddio cyfleoedd technoleg ddigidol a gweithio tuag at ddyfodol carbon isel.
Cysylltwch â thîm CyC i drafod eich syniadau ac i gael gwybodaeth fanylach am yr uchod. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cyflwyno ceisiadau yw'r 18fed o Ionawr 2021.
Byddem yn ddiolchgar pe gallech gylchredeg y datganiad i'r wasg atodedig trwy eich rhwydweithiau.
Diolch yn Fawr
Good afternoon,
The Cynnal y Cardi Local Action Group (LAG), which implements the LEADER scheme in Ceredigion is seeking innovative ideas from individuals, groups, businesses and organisations.
Cynnal y Cardi has revenue funding to support project development – particularly with a focus on testing and piloting ideas; evaluation; scoping and feasibility studies; facilitation; consultation and training and mentoring.
With a renewed focus, ideas are being sought on how we can make Ceredigion, in particular its market towns, distinctive places where people want to live, work and visit and how we can make more of Ceredigion’s cultural assets and traditions so that we can support our local communities and economy.
Providing opportunities for young people is also key and we want to create a culture of entrepreneurship, providing new opportunities for people to realise their ambitions of living and working in Ceredigion. We also want to strengthen and support our local communities, helping to explore new approaches; utilising digital technology opportunities and working towards a low carbon future.
Please contact the CyC team to discuss your ideas and for more detailed information on the above. The closing date for submissions is the 18th of January 2021.
We would be grateful if you could circulate the attached press release via your networks.
Thank you
Caryl Angharad Jones
Swyddog Cyfathrebu a Marchnata / Communications and Marketing Officer
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council
SA46 0PA
To register interest in the Broadband Upgrade Fund Scheme follow the link:
Deddf yr Amgylchedd (Cymru) Rhan1 – Adran 6
Bioamrywiaeth a Gwytnwch Ecosystemau
Adroddiad Dyletswydd 2019
Cyngor Cymuned Llanrhystud Community Council
Rhagarweiniad a Chyd-destun
Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llanrhystud yn gyfrifol am un man gwyrdd sef ‘y cae chwarae’ yn y gymuned leol.Yn y cae chwarae mae: man chwarae i blant, cae pȇl-droed a garej storio.Mae ffin y cae yn cynnwys gwrychoedd a choed naturiol ac aeddfed sydd yn hafan i adar a bywyd gwyllt arall.Rydym yn hyrwyddo cynaliadwyedd a bioamrywiaeth trwy ddilyn arferion cynaliadwy pryd bynnag y bo hynny’n bosibl.
Y mae tua 430 o aelwydydd o fewn ffin ein ardal. Y praesept ar gyfer 2019/20 yw £8600.00.
Adroddiad Gweithredu Cyfredol
- Mae’r cae yn cael ei dorri’n rheolaidd yn ystod y tymor pȇl-droed, yn llai rheolaidd ar adegau eraill
- Mae’r gwrychoedd yn cael eu tocio bob ychydig flynyddoedd
- Codi ymwybodaeth o’r angen i barchu’r amgylchedd trwy bostio ar gyfrygau cymdeithasol
Newidiadau arfaethedig i reolaeth y maes yn ystod y dair blynedd nesaf
- Nodi ardal lle nad yw’r porfa yn cael ei dorri yn rheolaidd fel ar hyn o bryd er mwyn denu planhigion a bywyd gwyllt brodorol.
- Gwahodd pwyllgor ECO’r ysgol gynradd leol i’n cynghori arb a gamau yr hoffent eu cymryd er mwyn helpu bioamrywiaeth.
Adolygiad o ddyletswydd A6
- Beth sydd yn gweithio’n dda?
- Beth fu’r rhwystrau?
Environment (Wales) Act Part 1 – Section 6 The Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystems Duty Report 2019 |
Cyngor Cymuned Llanrhystud Community Council |
Introduction and Context Llanrhystud Community Council is responsible for one green space namely ‘the playing field’ in its local community. Within the playing field are: a children’s play area, a football pitch and a storage garage. The boundary of the field consists of natural and mature hedgerows and trees which are a haven for birds and other wildlife. We promote sustainability and biodiversity by pursuing sustainable practices whenever possible. We serve approximately 430 households. The precept for 2019/2020 was £8600.00. |
Current Action Report
Proposed changes to the management of the field in the next 3 years.
Review of S6 duty
SSAFA the Armed Forces Charity
VE DAY 75 - marking the end of the war in Europe.
The weekend 8th - 10th May 2020 will be an international celebration of peace - a time to remember, reflect and pay tribute to the millions who played such a vital part in achieving it. This includes the Armed Forces personnel from many countries who gave their lives or were physically and mentally injured; the hard working women and men who kept factories, mines, shipyards and farms operating throughout the years of turmoil; the ARP wardens, police officers, doctors, nurses, firemen, local defence volunteers and many other safeguarding the home front.
More information about the celebrations that may take place on this weekend visit the local SSAFA branch on:
River keep our river clear of garden waste and all other waste.
Environment keep our grass verges free of litter.
Shore keep our beaches free of plastic and all other litter.
Pavements pavements are for pedestrians and not cars.
Environment pick up after your dogs and dispose of the bags responsibly.
Community do your part to make our village a better place to live in.
Traffic respect other road users by driving carefully on our village roads.
Thank You
Cyngor Cymuned Llanrhystud Community Council
Porth y Gymuned Credigion
Beth yw Porth y Gymuned / Gwasanaeth Porth y Gymuned?
Yma yng ngwasanaeth Porth y Gymuned mae gennym dȋm o gysylltwyr Cymunedol sy’n gallu treilio amser gyda chi, i’ch helpu i wneud synnwyr o’r holl wasanaethau a gweithgareddau sydd ar gael yn eich cymuned leol ac yn y cyffiniau ac yn bwysig, i siarad â chi am yr hyn sydd o bwys i chi a sut y gallwch ymgysylltu’n well gyda’ch cymuned a gwella eich lles.
Gallwn eich rhoi mewn cysylltiad gyda grwpiau cymdeithasol, sefydliadau a’ch helpu i dddod o hyd i’r gwasanaeth sydd o bwys i chi ac rydym hyd yn oed yn barod i fynd yno gyda chi,os yw’r camau cyntaf hynny yn eich brawychu.
Ar gyfer pwy mae hwn?
Mae’r gwasanaeth ar gyfer unrhyw un sy’n byw yng Ngheredigion, waeth beth fo’i oed, ei incwm na’i amgylchiadau personol.
Sut alla i gael mynediad at y gwasanaeth hwn?
Gellir cysylltu gyda’r Cysylltwyr Cymunedol drwy linell gymorth benodol. Gallwch hefyd siarad ar lefel un i un gyda Chysylltwyr Cymunedol drwy wneud apwntiad i gyfarfod mewn lleoliad cymunedol, er enghraifft mewn caffi neu Neuadd gymunedol yn eich ardal leol.
Sut alla’i gysylltu â Phorth y Gymuned:
Ffôn: 01545 574200
Drwy’r post: Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, Canolfan Rheidol, Rhoddfa Padarn, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, SY23 3JQ.
Ceredigion Community Gateway
What is the Porth y Gymuned / Community Gateway service?
Here at the Porth y Gymuned /Community Gateway Service we have a team of Community connectors who can spend time with you, to help make sense of all the services and activities available in and around your local community and importantly, talk to you about what matters to you and how you may become better connected with you community and improve your well-being.
We can put you in touch with social groups, organisations and help you find services that matter to you and even go along with you, if you’re finding the first steps daunting.
Who is it for?
The service is for anyone of any age living in Ceredigion regardless of income or personal circumstances.
How can I access the service?
The community connectors can be contacted through a dedicated helpline. You can also speak to a community connector on a one to one basis by making an appointment to meet in a community setting, such as a café or community hall in your local area.
How can I contact Porth y Gymuned / Community Gateway:
Phone: 01545 574 200
By Post: Ceredigion County Council, Canolfan Rheidol, Rhoddfa Padarn, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, SY23 3JQ
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council
Dyddiadau Casgliadau Ailgylchu a Biniau
Yn ystod wythnos Gŵyl y Banc, rydym yn bwriadu darparu casgliadau gwastraff ar eich diwrnod arferol gan gynnwys dydd Llun Gŵyl y Banc.
Fe wna’r Cyngor ei orau glas i gasglu‘r gwastraff. Bydd unrhyw aflonyddwch i’r gwasanaeth yn cael ei hysbysebu ar y wefan
Over the Bank Holiday week, we are intending to make waste collections on your usual day including Bank Holiday Monday.
The Council will aim to provide all waste collections. Any service disruptions will be advertised on the website
Safle Gwastraff Cartref Rhydeinon
O ganlyniad i newidiadau, bydd Safle Gwastraff Cartref Rhydeinon, Llanarth yn cau ar
Ddydd Gwener 30 Tachwedd am 17:00
ac yn ailagor ar
Ddydd Mercher 5 Rhagfyr 2018 am 10:00
o dan yr oriau agor newydd.
Ymddiheurwn am unrhyw anghyfleustra.
Gweler yr oriau agor newydd isod:
Dydd Llun - Ar Gau
Dydd Mawrth - Ar Gau
Dydd Mercher 10:00 - 17:00
Dydd Iau - Ar Gau
Dydd Gwener - Ar Gau
Dydd Sadwrn 10:00 - 17:00
Dydd Sul 10:00 - 17:00
Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â Chyngor Sir Ceredigion ar 01545 570881
Household Waste Site Rhydeinon, Llanarth
Due to alterations, Rhydeinon Household Waste Site, Llanarth will close on
Friday 30 November at 17:00
and reopen on
Wednesday 5 December 2018 at 10:00
under the new opening hours.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
The new opening hours can be found below:
Monday - Closed
Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday - Closed
Friday- Closed
Saturday 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday 10:00 – 17:00
For more information contact Ceredigion County Council on 01545 570881
Cambrian News - This is this month's Cambrian news article which it failed to publish last week / Dyma erthygl y mis yma, ddylai fod wedi cael ei gyhoeddi wythnos diwethaf.
Llanrhystud Community Council met on 11th July to discuss the correspondence and matters raised by the community. Ceredigion had replied to the request for signs and a lower speed limit on Church Street but as the meeting was not satisfied with the reply a site meeting with Ceredigion has been requested. Whilst discussing road issues it was decided to write to ask the Trunk Road authority for the results of the traffic survey carried out on the A487 in January. A copy of the letter was also sent to Elin Jones AM.
ROSPA Playsafety had carried out the annual inspection of the play area and given it a Low Risk score which is well inside safety levels. Permission was given to pay its bill of £88 and a bill of £6365 to the contractor Mr. Harris for the erection of the agility balance trail and play train in the play area.
Notice of four public consultations was received from Ceredigion County Council. The consultations on the Replacement Local Development Plan Candidate sites, Language Strategy, the closure of the Rhydeinon Household Waste site and the conversation ‘Help us to Help you’ can all be accessed on Ceredigion Council’s website. There were no observations made for the following planning applications: A180599 (Penrhos Golf and Country Club replacement front lobby); A180532( erection of a house on Plot 3, Cae’r Felin); A180517(animal feed store at Maenllwyd);A180616 (extension at Maes y Delyn).
A discussion took place about the state of the hall frontage and it was decided to write to the hall committee to offer the community council’s support if it is needed. The clerk was asked to contact Ceredigion County Council to ask for the overgrown hedges between Pengraig Perris and Bwlch y Gwynt to be cut.
The next meeting is on the 5th September 2018 at 8.00pm in the Memorial Hall.
Casgliadau Gwastraff Calan Mai a'r Sulgwyn / May Day and Whitsun Bank Holiday waste Collections
Fe fydd casgliadau gwastraff yn ystod wythnos Gŵyl y Banc yn cael eu darparu ar y diwrnodau arferol a fydd yn cynnwys dydd Llun Gŵyl y Banc.
Over the Bank Holiday week waste collections will be provided on the usual days which includes Bank Holiday Monday.
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i
For more information visit
PASG 2018 Casgliadau Gwastraff / Easter2018 Waste Collection
Fe fydd casgliadau gwastraff dros gyfnod y Pasg
yn cael eu darparu ar y diwrnodau arferol fydd yn cynnwys
Dydd Gwener y Groglith a Llun y Pasg
Over the Easter period waste collections
will be provided on the usual days which includes
Good Friday and Easter Monday
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i
For more information visit
Neuadd Goffa Llanrhystud / Llanrhystud Memorial Hall
Mawrth 14 2018 /March 14 2018
7.30yh /7.30pm
Mynediad am ddim/ Free entry
Mr. Nick Aitken: (or elusen Calonnau Cymru / from the charity Welsh Hearts)
Dewch i weld sut i ddefnyddio y diffibrilwr / Come to see how to use a diffibrilator
Croeso i bawb / All Welcome
Cynllun Caru Gwenyn / Bee Friendly Scheme
Cynllun Caru Gwenyn
Mae’r cynllun Caru Gwenyn ar agor i ysgolion, cymunedau, trefi, cyrff cyhoeddus, busnesau, prifysgolion ac addoldai yng Nghymru. Y syniad yw y gall grŵp sy’n cymryd rhan gymryd camau o dan bob un o’r pedair thema isod:
1. Bwyd – darparu ffynonellau bwyd sy’n llesol i bryfed peillio yn eich ardal
2. Llety pum seren – sicrhau lleoedd i bryfed peillio fyw
3. Dim plaladdwyr na chwynladdwyr ̶ ymrwymo i osgoi cemegau sy’n niweidio peillwyr
4. Hwyl – cynnwys y gymuned gyfan a dweud wrth bobl pam rydych yn helpu peillwyr.
Mae’r cynllun wedi’i ddylunio fel ei bod yn hawdd cymryd rhan a bod modd ichi eich achredu eich hunain, fwy neu lai. Ar ôl cymryd camau a chyflwyno tystiolaeth (ffotograffau), bydd y Cyngor yn cael achrediad swyddogol gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ddangos bod y gymuned yn un sy’n Caru Gwenyn, yn ogystal â’r hawl i ddefnyddio logo swyddogol Caru Gwenyn.
Gallwch weld yr holl wybodaeth am sut i gael achrediad Caru Gwenyn yma -
Bee Friendly Scheme
The Bee Friendly scheme is open to schools, communities, towns, public bodies, businesses, universities and places of worship in Wales. The idea is that a participating group or Community Council could take action under each of four themes:
1. Food – providing pollinator-friendly food sources in your area
2. Five Star accommodation – providing places for insect pollinators to live
3. Freedom from pesticides and herbicides – committing to avoid chemicals that harm pollinators
4. Fun – involving all the community and telling people why you are helping pollinators.
It’s designed to be easy to engage with and essentially self-certifying. Having taken action and submitted evidence (photos), the Council would then get official accreditation from the Welsh Government as a Bee Friendly Community and would be able to use the official Bee Friendly logo.
All the information about how to achieve Bee Friendly accreditation is here: