Minutes of Annual General Meeting 13 October 2022
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
1. Attendees: A Pryor, A Gordon, M Boxer, M Cox, J Whyte,
Apologies Cllr S Carr, Cllr K Allen, Cllr Crawford Reid .
2. Minutes of last Annual General Meeting.
AGM 2021 Approved by A Gordon seconded by M Cox.
3. Chairman’s Annual Report
The Chairman explained this would be a shortened AGM as the number of candidates for ! places on the Community Council (CC) exceeded the number of places available (9 ! candidates for 6 places) has resulted in an election to be held at the beginning of November.
This would require an EGM to be held along with the normal CC meeting on 10 November to elect the new Office Bearers.
In summarising the previous year’s events obviously the ‘covid' pandemic had restricted the ! number of meetings however the Chairman and Secretary had attended to any matters ! arising.
Briefly the subject matter of most meetings had revolved around
(a) Roads and Drainage. The CC had maintained regular contact with PKC over a number of
road matters in the area. Response may have been slow but matters were attended to.! (b) Speeding - Traffic on the A822 and B8033 was still a cause of concern. Whilst 20mph
signs might slow traffic it was the aim of the CC to introduce more speed bumps to slow the ! traffic. In support of the request for a speed restriction through Greenloaning the CC had detailed changes to PKC Road Safety Officers to look at the current arrangements.
(c) Primary School It was understood progress had been made with the Landowner as to the site for the school and various plans had been discussed but as to the actual size of the school ! this matter was still in abeyance. This was frustrating parents and dialogue with PKC
Education Dept. as to timetables, progress was non existent.
(d) Recycling A meeting had been held with the relevant PKC Dept. about the bin collections in the Village and the state of the Recycling Centre adjacent to the Village Hall. The Council ! undertook to improve the layout of the containers in the Recycling area. A request had been ! made for bins to be emptied on a more regular cycle especially the cardboard bins.
(e)Village Hall - Progress had not been made with regard to the Storage space despite ! promises this was to be constructed during the school summer holidays. Work was started in the Kitchen area but had been subsequently abandoned. Items provided by PKC for school ! lunches were now being stored in the Hall frustrating both the School and Hall users.
(f) Balhaldie/Kinbuck Lorry Park - Although this was outwith the PKC planning area objections ! were made by PKC residents. Planning permission was not granted and further appeals by .
the developer were turned down.!
(g)Battery/Hydrogen Storage Schemes. Planning Applications for a Hydrogen Scheme on the ! Comrie Road were discussed and no final decision was made. Battery Storage Schemes !
were proposed adjacent to the Substation on Feddal Hill. Planning permission was granted for ! those on the north side of the Hill. The Storage scheme proposed at Bentick Farm was a ! preplanning discussion to give all interested parties an opportunity to put questions to the ! Developer. Planning application has yet to be submitted.
4. Secretary’s Annual Report.
The Secretary concurred with the Chairman’s statement.!
The Secretary thanked the PKC Councillors (past & present) for their support and assistance ! over the last year.
5. Treasurer’s Annual Report
The Treasurer circulated copies of the Accounts for the year ending end of August 2021 in ! accordance with the Constitution.
Adoption of the accounts was proposed and seconded by M. Boxer and A Gordon.
The Chairman thanked the Treasurer for his report.!
6. Election of Office Bearers
In view of an election for Council members at the beginning of November the election of Officers would be held in abeyance.
7. In accordance with the Constitution the next Annual General Meeting will be held on 12 !October 2023 in Braco Village Hall.
8. Meeting closed at 19.45 with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
13 October 2022
Braco Village Hall - 7.45pm
1. Attendees:APryor,AGordon,M.Boxer,MCox,JWhyte.
Apologies: Cllr. K Allan, Cllr C Reid and Cllr S Carr!
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on September 2022 were approved by J Whyte, seconded by A Gordon.
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally Correction to statement last month that PKC Roads were attending to the Footpath adjacent to the Bridge over the Allan at Greenloaning. It was on their list but no timetable has been agreed. The Secretary has recorded with PKC two reports from local residents with regard to near accidents on the A822 where traffic travelling from Crieff direction had skidded at the Knaik Bridge. It was essential these incidents were recorded for future assessment of traffic speeds etc.
The question of travelling at speeds lower than the stipulated speed was discussed, i.e. 20/25 mph in a 30mph limit. 30mph was the maximum speed, vehicles should be driven at a safe speed depending on circumstances. Local residents should be encouraged to drive below the limit on the A822 and B8033 through the Village (Braco and Greenloaning)to set an example to other drivers.
It was recorded a large amount of tree felling was taking place in Comrie and many of these vehicles would be passing through Braco. Their speed should be monitored and the companies informed if their speeds were excessive. Previous contact has been made with forestry haulage companies using the B8033 where road conditions, school parking etc. required caution.
A fallen tree on the B8033 just south of Silverton Farm was to be reported to the landowner as branches were protruding into the carriageway.
Fly tipping of rubbish on the Sheriffmuir Road was reported.
A request was to be made to PKC re the regular clearance of the bins in the Recycling Area, especially the cardboard/paper bin.
(3.02) Braco School/Braco Hall Extension. Whilst these are two separate subjects they were raised together as all parties i.e. the Parents and the Hall Users were frustrated at the lack of information and progress of both projects. At last month’s meeting the PKC councillors believed the school development was being re-examined with regard to including a school hall in the new layout. This has possibly been responsible for the stop on the Hall Extension. The introduction of school meals for all had required Tayside Contract to introduce further equipment in the Hall which they understood would be stored in part of the Hall extension. Many parents and the School Parent Council were happy with the communication they have had from PKC but disappointed with the lack of progress over the past 5 years. It was suggested a further consultation meeting should be held involving all interested parties - School, Parent Council, Community Council, Hall Committee and the Church to try and find some common ground to put to the Education Committee to try and resolve this impasse.
(3.03) Battery Storage Proposal, Bentick Farm The preplanning consultation meeting had been well attended by community members. Whilst not all questions were answered, concern was expressed at the choice of a site on the south side of Feddal Hill.!
Planning permission had already been passed for possibly two storage schemes on the north side of the Hill adjacent to the SubStation. Access to these sites were by the Whistlebrae road access. Contact had been made with the developer as to the outcome of the meeting and they responded that further work was still to be done.
(3.04) Community Council Elections There have been 9 nominations for the 6 places on the Community Council. PKC will conduct a postal vote at the end of October. The count would be on the 3 November and the successful candidates informed. There would be an EGM on the 10 November when the Community Council Officers would be appointed.
(3.05) Stage Coach 15A Bus Timetable. Following a petition from various parents and residents on this Bus Route from Crieff to Stirling and the return route, the Bus Company has agreed to reinstate the missing bus. The CC supported the parents and wrote to Stagecoach requesting the bus be reinstated and is obviously delighted this matter has been resolved.
(3.06) Energy Costs - Cost of Living Crisis. At the last meeting the PKC councillors announced that PKC were looking to introduce various forms of help to residents struggling with the cost of living crisis. A range of different grants etc have been announced and are listed below, details of this information will be on the CC website (Braco and Greenloaning Community Council) also be made available on various community noticeboards.
Community Investment Fund
Support for Older Groups
Community Empowerment Webpages
Gannochy Trust New Grant Strategy
Cost of Living Community Fund - this fund is open to any group or organisation who are offering a cost of Living support service or activity in their community. The CC would recommend this to the Ardoch Church who have suitable premises etc. to enable an activity/service be offered to all members of the community.
4. Community Police Report
Contact has been made with Sgt. Rob Southern, the new locality Police Officer to establish a link for any police matters that may arise in the Community.!
It has been reported an Ardoch in Bloom flower tub has been removed in Greenloaning, this is the second large tub to have gone missing recently in this area.
5. Planning.
No items for discussion in recent Planning Applications.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
A meeting of the Trust was held on 27 September in Braco Village Hall when various grant applications were discussed and awarded. The Trust through their newly appointed Development Officer was in discussion with three companies to process a Community Action Plan to promote the workings of the Trust and its contribution to the quality of life in the Village. A Beer Festival is arranged for the end of October.
7. Strathearn Forum
No meetings have been held.
8. BGCC Accounts
The Treasurer, the Secretary reported the end of year accounts (31 August 2022)had been prepared, audited and submitted to PKC.
(9.01) Grinnan Hill Notices A complaint had been received from a resident in Greenhaugh Court with regard to notices being removed from his property next to Grinnan Hill. The resident was also concerned the public were using his private ground to access or exit Grinnan Hill. Members of the public are reminded access to Grinnan Hill can be made from the picnic site adjacent to the Keir Bridge. A circular walk can be made around the Hill and along the boundary to the Ardoch Estate. A portion of the Hill backing onto the Greenhaugh estate is privately owned.
(9.02) Road Closures In order for Scottish Water to repair covers etc. temporary road closures will be in place on 10 November at Feddal Road, Braco also Greenhaugh Way, Braco. Road closure will also be in place at Commanders Grove on the 14 November 2022. Pedestrian and emergency vehicular access to premises will be maintained.
(9.03) Community Investment Fund Applications and guidance for the 2022/2023 CIF is now available. There is an allocation of £32,167 available to the Strathallan Ward. more information is on www.pkc.gov.uk/pkoffer or application form at www.pkc.gov.uk/cif!
or CommunityPlanningPartnership@pkc.gov.uk
(9.04) Re Engage, Scotland - this is an independent organisation who offer assistance and services to reducing loneliness and isolation amongst the older (75 and over) members of the community. They run a telephone befriending service. Contact
reengage.org.uk for further details.
(9.05) Scottish Planning Update In response to the pandemic, the Scottish Government introduced several temporary legislative provisions to enable aspects of the planning system to continue operating in the context of coronavirus restrictions. Those temporaryprovisions which remain in place will cease to apply after 30 September 2022. Thefollowing regulations come into force on 1 October 2022:
The Town and Country Planning (Pre-Application Consultation) (Scotland) Amendment
Regulations 2021 (legislation.gov.uk) (The PAC Regulations)!
The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 (Commencement No. 9 and Saving and Transitional
Provisions) Regulations 2022 (legislation.gov.uk) (The Commencement Regulations).
(9.06) Scottish Community Safety Network Scottish Govt. is setting out on policies relating to antisocial behaviour The Govt are planning to host a ‘Team’ calls for about 60-75 mins or so sometime in October to hear from community councils about their experience, views and suggestions - essentially discuss ASB, what it means to you and what you think are the best solutions to the problem.
(9.07) Braco New Cemetery Following complaints from residents contact was made with PKC waste awareness dept. to clear the bins and rubbish in the Car Park area.
(9.08) Emergency Power to Village Hall Information is being researched as to the feasibility of providing a standby generator to power the Village Hall. Various Health & Safety factors require to be examined especially regarding the housing and protection of a generator and the restrictions regarding fuel storage. Enquiries are to be made through various channels.
(9.09) Village Hall, Water Boiler The Hall Committee would seek quotes to replace the boiler on the wall in the Hall kitchen.!
(9.10) PKC Key Priorities A meeting is to be held by PKC Chief Executive to outline the draft 5 year Corporate Plan for the Council. Strathearn Campus Tuesday 1 November 1pm - 3pm.
(9.11) Memorial Service. A service to commemorate the life of Queen Elizabeth is to be held on 30 October at 11am in St John’s Kirk, Perth. Anyone interested in attending should contact the Secretary by 17 October 2022.
(9.12) Boundary Wall, Braco. It is understood the work to repair the wall from the New Cemetery to Gentlecroft is being handled through PKC. New prices are being sought.
The Meeting concluded at 21.25hrs.
Please Note: Next meeting - 10 November 2022 at 7.30pm, Braco Village Hall.
This will involve reporting the result of the Election and appointment of the New Community Council.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
8 September 2022
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
Following the announcement of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 at the beginning of the proceedings a One Minute Silence was held in her remembrance.
1. Attendees: A Gordon, M.Boxer, J Whyte,, Cllr. K Allan and Cllr S Carr
Apologies: A.Pryor, M Cox
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 18 August 2022 were approved by J Whyte, seconded by A Gordon.
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally An acknowledgement had been received in respect of the Footpath at Greenloaning adjacent to the bridge over the River Allan. Councillor Allan confirmed PKC proposed to repair the fence and improve the existing footpath across the bridge and any other necessary repairs to the bridge. This would result in traffic control being introduced whilst the work was being carried out.
The PKC councillors reported they were awaiting a meeting with the Roads Dept. to discuss the many outstanding roadwork items that have been reported over the past 5 months in the Strathallan area.
(3.02) Braco Hall Extension. No future starting dates have been confirmed. A number of persons at the meeting expressed concern at the volume of items now stored on the Hall floor. They felt many items were duplicated ie chairs, tables etc. Many of the additional tables/ chairs were the property of Tayside Contracts (TC) for school use. Other items had been purchased, both by the Hall Committee and the Community. Currently chairs are being stored on the Hall floor when in the past they would have been on the Stage. Additional items for serving school lunches etc. had also been purchased by TC also on the understanding a storage facility was to be constructed. Whilst the proposed new school premises was still being discussed the PKC Councillors stated this was probably having an effect on decisions to build the Storage facility. Following a discussion and request for a new hot water heater in the kitchen the CC agreed to speak with the Hall Committee to have a replacement asap.
(3.03) Braco School Cllr Allan and Cllr Carr understood some progress had been made with the landowner and plans prepared for a new school. However a proposal that the new school should also accommodate a school hall instead of pupils having to walk to the existing Hall was having an effect on the school budget. This Hall may be built at a later date.
The Community Council raised the matter of a previous request that there should be sufficient car parking space along the entrance road to the new school. A new access road from the A822 adjacent to the entrance to the Castle Drive and Lodge Park was to be formed to the new school, the Landowner and the CC had requested some form of parking area adjacent to the new school road to alleviate the congestion in Feddal Road. This would serve both the Church and the Hall. Part of this additional cost could be funded by Community however at the negotiations for the sale of the land it was requested that some compensation should be made to the community for the loss of an area of land which was used by the Community. A question was raised with respect to the existing Braco school and the Greenloaning School in the future? Who owned the land on which the existing Braco School was built? It was believed to have been given to the community for ‘educational’ purposes.
It was hoped a further public consultation with PKC Education Dept. and a meeting be arranged to resolve many of the questions still being raised by the Community.
(3.04) Battery Storage Proposal, Bentick Farm A preplanning consultation meeting was held on 30 August where outline plans were presented by the Developer for a proposed battery storage scheme to be build on a green field site at Bentick Farm. A number of locals attended the meeting and were given the opportunity to record their comments on a questionnaire sheet. Comment was made at the lack of publicity of the meeting. Currently there are two known storage facilities planned for the North side of Feddal Hill, both of which are not visible from the B8033. The Secretary was asked to contact the developer for their response to the consultation meeting.
(3.05) PKC Community Network Meeting The Secretary attended the meeting at the Strathearn Campus with approx. 30 other representatives from Strathearn and Strathallan. The meeting was mainly an opportunity to revive interest in various projects etc. which the Council promotes for the local area.
(3.06) Community Council Elections The Secretary reminded the meeting that there are 6 positions on the CC and nomination papers should be submitted by Thursday 22 September 2022. If there are more than 6 nominations an election for Community Councillors would be held in November 2022.
4. Community Police Report
(4.01) Items taken from the Commanders Bulletin mainly dealt with protecting your car - mark all valuables in car (Sat Nav), check car alarm and wheel locking nuts. When refuelling remove keys etc. Home owners were reminded to make sure their properties were secure.
The PKC Councillors stated with the shortage of Police Officers, the attendance at meetings was unlikely unless a specific requests was made. The Secretary did ask for a response from the police in respect of the previous month’s problem at Kinbuck Bridge and wheel change in Braco.
5. Planning.
No items for discussion in recent Planning Applications.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
A meeting of the Trust was held on Tuesday the 23 August at 7.30pm in Braco Village Hall when various grant applications were discussed and awarded. The Trust through their newly appointed Development Officer was in the process of organising a Community Action Plan to promote the workings of the Trust and its contribution to the quality of life in the Village. It is hoped to hold the Braco Beer Festival at the end of October.
7. Strathearn Forum
No meetings have been held.
8. BGCC Accounts
In the absence of the Treasurer, the Secretary reported the end of year accounts (31 August 2022)has been prepared and submitted for Audit. The Accounts will be forwarded to PKC.
(9.01) Waste Bins A resolution has been tabled by the Scottish Govt. to resolve the dispute by the Refuse Collection employees and no strike dates are tabled at the present time.
Concern was expressed at the state of the Recycling area in Braco. The bins are overflowing resulting in members of the public leaving items out side the bins for collection.
A member of the public noted a number of local bins were being marked by the Council where the wrong items were being deposited in their bins by the Public. Leaflets have been circulated to assist the public deposit materials in their correct bins. It was proposed to erect a notice board at the Recycling area to assist members of the public in making the right decisions.
(9.02) Stage Coach Bus Timetable The announcement by the bus company that certain buses (15A) were being withdrawn has caused a great deal of concern for members of the public especially parents. The 8am bus (to Stirling) and afternoon bus used by the school children as well as commuters is an essential service. Parents and Commuters are petitioning the Bus Company to keep these services. This would also effect those using the Bus for journeys on to Perth. The Community Council has contacted the Bus Company supporting the reinstatement of services. There has been little or no consultation with the Public over the withdrawal of these buses. Apparently there are a shortage of Drivers employed by the Bus Company. PKC councillors recognised the problem but this service is not controlled by the Council but a Government contract.
(9.03) Emergency Power Supply. In view of the lack of response from PKC an investigation was to be carried out on the cost and practicality of supplying a generator for the village hall for emergency purposes. (Power cuts). The original proposal for an emergency refuge was instigated by PKC for travellers stuck on the A9 not a refuge for the members of the Village.
(9.04) Energy Bills The Councillors reported PKC were looking to assist anyone in the Community who had problems with energy bills during the current cost of living crisis.
(9.05) Speed Limits in Braco & Greenloaning In response to a question from a member of the public the CC confirmed they were pursuing with PKC road safety Officer a request that speed limits in Braco should be examined. Areas to be taken into consideration were Front Street, Feddal Road and Greenloaning. See Item 3.01 of these Minutes.
(9.06) Front Street Parking The number of vehicles that appeared to be permanently parked in Front Street, especially adjacent to the Village Shop was questioned. It is understood these vehicles are legitimately parked by residents. There are more spaces in Gentlecroft for parking and a pathway through the wall into Front Street opposite the Shop.
The Meeting concluded at 21.15hrs.
Please Note: Next meeting - 13 October 2022 at 7.30pm, Braco Village Hall.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
18 August 2022
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
Attendees: A Gordon, M.Boxer, J Whyte, M Cox, Clr. K Allen and Clr S Carr
Apologies: A.Pryor
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2022 were approved by J Whyte, seconded by M Cox
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally No further response from PKC on proposed road signage and speed restrictions on A822 and B8033. Clr Allen reported PKC were looking at some 850 road problems in Perth & Kinross, many were to do with signage repairs, cleaning etc. The damaged signs on A822, both in Braco and Greenloaning have not been replaced.
Whilst it was recognised road surfacing and marking has improved generally the road through Greenloaning was still in need of attention. It was noted the potholes in Carseview had recently been attended to with fill material.
The B8033 had suffered damage on Friday 12 August when a large vehicle had severely damaged the Kinbuck Bridge, also damaging two tyres.. The vehicle continued to Braco before coming to a halt just passed the New Cemetery heading towards Greenloaning. The Police were in attendance as traffic required to be controlled whilst the tyres/wheels were replaced. The Police were contacted re the Kinbuck Bridge damage prior to the details of the tyre change in Braco being known.. No acknowledgement has been received from the Police. The PKC Councillors requested all accidents on local roads should be notified to the Police and Council even if no injuries had been sustained. If there was no report these accidents were not recognised in future assessments when complaints were raised about speed, road signs etc.
(3.02) Braco Hall Extension The Contractor was on site for two days, disconnecting the cooker in the kitchen and preparation work for the new exit door in the kitchen. No work has commenced on the proposed extension storage area which was programmed to commence at the beginning of July. Contact was made with Schools Property Dept. as the kitchen would be required for school meals from 17 August.
PKC would advise the Hall Committee when the Contractor would be back on site.
It was noted additional items of furniture were being stored in the Hall which would further restrict the Hall capacity for use by Community Groups. A brief discussion was held relating to ownership and management of the Hall. The Secretary agreed the Hall was owned by the Council, but there was Management Agreement whereby the Hall Committee had a responsibility for the use and maintenance of the Hall for community use.
The original proposals for the storage extension was initiated by the Hall Committee. This had now been taken over by the Council after discussions on the increased number of items now occupying the Hall which originated from the Education Dept. Example - chairs, tables gym mats, gym equipment, cupboards, kitchen trolleys etc. - many of these duplicated items that were already in the Hall. The addition of two storage containers adjacent to the Hall did not reduce any of these items from within the Hall.
(3.03) Braco School The Community Council has no further information on the progress for resiting the School in the field adjacent to the Play Park. Clr Allen and Clr Carr understood some progress had been made with the landowner and plans prepared for a new school. This would also incorporate a new access from the A822 adjacent to the entrance to the Castle Drive and Lodge Park. Pressure was on the Education Dept. to progress this project as there was a lack of nursery places in Braco, Greenloaning and Auchterarder area.
It is understood no changes have been submitted to incorporate a Hall for lunches, gym or other school activities in the new project to date. A request that some form of parking area adjacent to the new school road to alleviate the congestion in Feddal Road also does not appear to be under discussion at the moment.
(3.04) Footpath , Greenloaning. The dangerous unprotected gap between the footpath and the abutment to the bridge over the River Allan had been reported to PKC. Clr Allen had inspected the area and also noted the poor condition of the paved area across the Bridge and the subsequent pathway towards the railway bridge and raised the matter with the Council.
4. Community Police Report
(4.01) The Police were not in attendance. Items taken from the Commanders Bulletin mainly dealt with Rural Crime. Advising Farmers, Landowners to make sure all vehicles especially farm vehicles etc. were securely parked, keys kept safely. Fuel storage was secure. Customise their vehicles to make identification easier. The Drink Drive and Drug campaign in July had resulted in 585 Breath Tests and 295 Drink and Drug Offences.
5. Planning.
No items for discussion in recent Planning Applications.
It was noted a proposal to construct a new Battery Storage Compound sited at Bentick Farm FK15 9RD, (near the Electricity SubStation). The company proposed to hold a Public Exhibition in Braco Village Hall on Tuesday 30 August from 2.30 to 8pm. This is to be a pre-application consultation to engage with the local community.
To date adjacent Land Owners have not been advised of the meeting and there has been no publication in the local papers. The present green field site has limited access.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
The next meeting of the Trust is on Tuesday the 23 August at 7.30pm in Braco Village Hall.
7. Strathearn Forum
No Forum Meetings are being held currently. (See item in 9.04 AOCB)
8. BGCC Accounts
The Treasurer reported a balance of £1669.64 in the Bank. This incorporated all monies held by the Community Council. The end of year accounts date is 31 August 2022 and all expenses etc.are required to be with the Treasurer asap.
(9.01) Battery Stoage Area Bentick - this item was discussed in the Planning Application Minute (5.00).
(9.02) PKC Recycling Pamphlets. These had been circulated through various sources in the Village. There was a requirement for all Householders to take more time and care in placing items in the correct bins prior to collection. PKC Officers would inspect household bins on occasion and condemn bins where items did not comply with the new requirements. Councils were being penalised by recycling companies if items were incorrectly sent to centres. This was at a cost to the Council which eventually came back to the Ratepayers. The Council were looking for cooperation from the Householder in reading the literature provided and making sure they complied with the current legislation.
Further information could be obtained from wasteawareness@pkc.gov.uk
A question was raised as to the state of the Recycling Centre adjacent to the Village Hall. There appeared to be an inadequate number of bins resulting in a general mess in the area. It was understood some months ago the PKC Recycling Team were to improve this site. The response from the PK Councillors was this appeared to be on hold as there was a dispute between the Landowner and the Council. The CC would seek clarity.
(9.03) Community Council Elections The CC Elections are to be held on Thursday 3 November 2022. All existing Community Councillors will have to resubmit if they wish to stand for reelection. Close of Nominations is 4pm on Thursday 22 September, nominations to include a 50 word statement of support for nomination. |If there are more nominations than places an election will be held. Braco & Greenloaning has 6 Community Councillors (minimum of three forming a Quorum for a meeting.) Further information can be obtained from the Secretary. Detailed notices will be published on CC Noticeboard.
(9.04) PKC Community Network Meeting. A meeting has been arranged for CC Officers to attend on Tuesday 23 August in Strathearn Strathallan Community Campus. This will be the first meeting since the Covid Shutdown and an opportunity for CCs and PKC Officers to discuss future plans and activities in their areas.
(9.05) Community Capacity and Resilience Funds Funding opportunities for any Community projects can be obtained from various sources published by PKC. To date most local community applications have been funded through the Ardoch Development Trust.
(9.06) Electoral Registration Annual Canvas 2022. All eligible members of the public are encouraged to register onto the Electoral Roll.
(9.07) Braco Show - Community Council Shield. Braco Primary School were the successful entrant in this year’s schools collage competition.
(9.08) Emergency Power Supply There was a request for the CC to follow up the PKC proposal (a few years ago) that emergency generators would be sited at various community halls etc. to provide back up electricity in the event of a major power failure. An initial enquiry a few months ago was being investigated by PKC.
(9.09) Noticeboard, Lodge Park It has been reported this noticeboard has been ‘stolen’ at the Lodge entrance. Various enquiries are in place. Any details to the CC Secretary please.
(9.10) Carseview Road Communication was to be made with the residents of the four properties in Carseview to find a way forward to resolving the problem of the unsurfaced road. There are various funds for road improvement and ‘Perth Offer’ (PKOffer@pkc.gov.uk)
(9.11) Grinnan Hill It is understood all rogue signs have now been removed.
The Meeting concluded at 21.15hrs.
Please Note: Next meeting - 8 September at 7.30pm, Braco Village Hall.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
9 June 2022
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
Attendees: A.Pryor, M.Boxer, J Whyte, M Cox, Clr. K Allen and Clr C Reid
Apologies: A Gordon, Clr S Carr
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2022 were approved by J Whyte, seconded by A Pryor
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally The Secretary reported he had had a response from Perth & Kinross Council on the problems of speeding traffic approaching Braco from the north and the subsequent number of accidents that have occurred. The existing signage would be reviewed and possible traffic calming measures introduced to slow the traffic. The Council would review the traffic flow through the village and speed humps maybe introduced along Front Street. Members of the public also requested the speed limits through Greenloaning should be examined. A previous letter to PKC had identified the various housing developments that had taken place in Greenloaning over the years but the road speeds had not been changed. Feddal Road (B8033) was also listed as another road where a narrow road (Mid Lane), Church, School and Village Hall were in close proximity and a traffic calming procedure could be introduced for the safety of all.
The A9 access from the north into Greenloaning had been resurfaced, however the PKC portion of the junction adjacent School House has not been patched. The A822 surface adjacent to the Allanbank (Hotel) and bridges over railway and Allanwater had not been repaired. Previously reported road damage on the B8033 has not been repaired.
It was noted a number of traffic sign posts that had been removed by PKC for replacement have not been replaced.
(3.02) Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations. The Secretary reported a very successful day had been well supported thanks to the fine weather. The Secretary thanked the various community organisations who had contributed to the event from the Coffee Morning at 10.30am to the Barbecue (4.30pm), plus the musicians, footballers, bouncy castle etc who made it a Fun Day for all. The Secretary thanked the Ardoch Development Trust for sponsoring the event and giving many people in Braco and Greenloaning the opportunity to join together after almost 2 years of lockdown. The Chairman thanked Mike Boxer and his committee for organising the Event.
(3.03) Braco School No further progress on the siting of the School or the size of the new development. The Community Council has requested the PKC Education Dept. does consult with the community when proposals are on the table. If a new access road is to be constructed adjacent to the entrance to Lodge Park it would benefit the Community to construct a suitable car park in this area to serve both the Village Hall, Church and School.
The current parking outside the Hall, Church and School is unsuitable.
(3.04) Core Paths, Ardoch Estate A meeting had been held with the Factor (Nigel Murray) of Blackford Farms where the Factor was given the opportunity to outline proposed changes to the existing core footpath especially adjacent to the Roman Camp.
A number of matters raised by the Factor were questionable and the ‘right of way/core paths’ had been adopted into law over a considerable number of years. If Blackford Farms wished to alter the agreements there were procedures to be followed with PKC and others.
It was felt these procedures currently were not being followed and Blackford Farms were reminded of their responsibilities legally in maintaining the safety of the existing agreements.
The Factor thanked the Community Council for the opportunity to put their case and agreed to take into account the requirements to be made before alterations could take place.
4. Community Police Report
(4.01) The Police were not in attendance. Items taken from the Commanders Bulletin included warnings to the general public to wear suitable clothing, boots etc when walking, climbing etc. in the Hills.
(4.02) The Secretary reported he had received a response from the Police in connection with traffic diversions onto the B8033 (Braco to Kinbuck Road) when a major accident occurs on the A9 Trunk Road. Whilst they appreciate the road is totally unsuitable for heavy traffic, especially large vehicles, the use of sat nav direction finders diverts traffic onto B roads before the Police can set up controlled diversions. Notices are sited both in Braco and Kinbuck making drivers aware of both weight restrictions plus narrow roads and bridges, these are often ignored by drivers, which leads to the blockages and congestions.
5. Planning.
No local projects to report. Drummond Estate Senior Forestry Manager reported they were investigating the possibility of creating a woodland area at Langside on the Comrie Road out of Braco. The area in question was approx. 360ha, however a large portion of the hillside was peat which would reduce the planting area to around 240ha. This area would have to be deer fenced. A variety of different species of trees would be planted to enhance the biodiversity in the area.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
There have been no meetings of the Development Trust recently.
7. Strathearn Forum
No Forum Meetings are being held currently.
8. BGCC Accounts
The Treasurer noted a Grant had been received from the Trust for the Jubilee Fun Day. The accounts for this project were being handled by the Platinum Jubilee Committee and the details of Income & Expenditure would be managed by the CC Secretary.
The Treasurer reported the bank balance was £ 3858.77.
(9.01) Braco Hall Extension - At a meeting with PKC Education Dept, the Council reported they intended to commence the construction of the new storage area at the end of June 2022. A contractor was organised and there should be minimum disturbance to Hall users during the construction period. PKC were asked at the meeting to look at the possibility of insulating the existing hall roof to help control the heating costs etc.
(9.02) PKC Recycling Group Perth and Kinross Council’s Waste Services Team are currently running a competition to encourage Glass Recycling into the containers provided at the Community Recycling Centre, adjacent to the Village Hall. The campaign encourages members of the public to take a ‘selfie’ whilst recycling their glass at a local recycling point. This photo can then be posted in the comments of any of PKC glass recycling posts on Facebook or alternatively, can be uploaded to Twitter or Instagram using #glassbottlefamily. There three £30 prizes to be won.
(9.03) Climate Change Together Perth and Kinross Council's Climate Change Team are asking all community groups undertaking climate action to complete this questionnaire and tell us about how they would like to engage with the council and other community groups. We ask that you share this information to any potential interested parties to encourage participation. To complete the questionnaire click on the following link. https://consult.pkc.gov.uk/communities/climate-action-community-engagement-programme/
(9.04) Dangerous Footpath, Greenloaning. A member of the Public brought to the attention of the Community Council a safety risk for members of the public where an unfenced footpath adjacent to the Bridge over the Allan at Greenloaning was a hazard.
A walker progressing along the footpath from Braco to Greenloaning on reaching the bridge will note there is no fence at the bridge but a steep drop down to the river.
A hazard for pedestrian, child, dog or cyclist. This matter to be raised with PKC. To cross the bridge there is a requirement to cross the road, as the path continues across the bridge on the other side of the road and then having crossed the bridge the pedestrian is required to cross back over the road to proceed along the pavement into Greenloaning. Comment from PKC is awaited.
(9.05) Grinnan Hill Notices The Community Council would look at these notices again and remove any which were contrary to the right for walkers etc. to proceed around this ancient monument. A portion of the Hill (back of Greenhaugh Court) is privately owned and access to this area is fenced off.
The Meeting concluded at 20.40hrs.
Please Note: Next meeting - 11 August at 7.30pm, Braco Village Hall. There is no July meeting.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
12 May 2022
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
1. Attendees: A.Pryor,, M.Boxer, J Whyte, Clr. S Carr and Clr. K Allen
Apologies: A Gordon, M Cox
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 14 April 2022 were approved by J Whyte, seconded by A Pryor
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally The Secretary reported another accident had occurred on the A822 at Knaik Bridge. Fortunately no one was hurt but the road conditions at the time indicated the speed of the vehicle was the cause. A member of the public had consulted the local MSP about the on going problem with accidents on this section of road. Unfortunately the reply requested more detail as to dates, police involvement etc. These facts were not readily available. The Community Council (CC) would once again contact the PKC Road Safety Officers requesting the lowering of the speed limit at this corner and improved signage. Requests for speed restrictions for the length of Front Street together with a road ‘hump’ would again be pursued.
A member of the public brought to the notice of the CC of a large metal beam lying parallel! to the verge adjacent Glassick Cottage on the B8033, it had obviously been disturbed by a vehicle running along the verge at this narrow section of the road. The beam was removed the following day. Also on the B8033 the road subsidence prior to the entrance to Knoxfauld Farm has not been repaired. PKC were going to contact the CC. Concern was expressed by members of the public at the state of the A822 and adjacent roads at Greenloaning.
(3.02) Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations. The Secretary reported a series of meetings had been held with a number of Community Groups (ie. WI, Guild etc.) and a Community Jubilee Fun Day has been organised for Saturday 4 June. Coffee morning, Tea Party, Games and Competitions, music, BBQ. A circular will posted around all the houses in Braco & Greenloaning to publicise the event.
(3.03) Braco School Other than a few more exploratory digs to determine any artefacts no further announcements as to the progress of the project have been released. The Community wished to be kept informed as to the extent of the project and if possible the timetable. Currently Greenloaning School is mothballed with no known plans fot the future.
(3.04) Carseview Road Further to last months discussion as to how to proceed with the adoption of this road an approach was made to the Development Trust as to the financial possibility of achieving the prospect of getting this road surfaced. The Development Trust would consider the proposition but only if the present householders researched for a resolution with the Council and what the financial costs involved would be.
4. Community Police Report
(4.01) The Police were not in attendance. Items taken from the Commanders Bulletin included warnings to the general public to be aware of Labour Exploitation and National Mental Health Week.!
The Secretary reported he had asked the police about the controlling of Diverted Traffic onto the B8033 when the A9 is closed. Previous agreements had been ignored with the recent A9 closure and the B8033 had been blocked solid in both directions. To date there has been no response from Police Scotland.
5. Planning. The Secretary reported a planning submission has been made to create a new energy-creation project on the site of the controversial Strath wind farm north east of Greenscares. The hydrogen production facility would be built adjacent to the site of proposed 6 wind turbines - this original project was rejected twice at the Planning Stage in 2019. This new project would see the construction of production and storage units, an office building, substation and associated access roads and car parking. General enquiries made to those whose properties were within sight of this project resulted in very few people in the Community knowing anything about this new proposal. The Planning Application consists of several papers including a document some 46 pages long. There appears to be a ‘sound’ emitted by this process but the developer states the planting of woodland would both mask the project visually and sound proof. The CC would request the Developer makes a presentation to the Community to get a better understanding of their proposals.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
The ADT has appointed a Development Officer (a Government funded position) which would help to promote the image etc. of the Trust in the Community. Grants have been made to the Pins & Needles Craft Group and to the Queen’s platinum Jubilee Community Fun Day Committee. Event to be held on the 4 June 2022.
7. Strathearn Forum
No Forum Meetings are being held currently.
8. BGCC Accounts
In absence of the Treasurer reported there was no change in the Accounts from the previous month. Balance £2240.
(9.01) Results of Local Council Election New Councillors Steven Carr (SNP) and Keith Allan (Conservative) were introduced to the meeting. The Chairman looked forward to working with them both in the future in our dealings with PKC.
(9.02) Core Footpaths - Ardoch Estate Attention was drawn to the construction of a series of buildings on the path behind the Roman Fort, also the erection of a number of new fences and signage all of which requires any persons wishing to use the core footpath being diverted away from its original route. It is understood that a film company (netflix) are working in the area and these were temporary buildings etc. Concern was expressed that neither planning permission appears to have been sought for these temporary buildings or realignment of the fencing and signage. Enquiries are to be made with PKC Planning.
(9.03) Mental Health Teenagers Following the Covid Pandemic assistance was being offered to teenagers seeking help. A free course is being run by Crieff Connexions commencing on 3 June until 8 July 2022. Contact |inda on 07971038741 or Helen on 07486609801 for further details and assistance.
(9.04) Helping Hands project. For those experiencing Anxiety there is an opportunity to meet with others to build a supportive Group to enable people to manage anxiety symptoms and work as a group helping one another. See course offered by Crieff Connexions. www.crieffconnexions.org.uk Course starting 30 May for 6 weeks.
(9.05) Blue- Green Algae. Following the bout of dry weather through April concern has been noted by the PKC Environmental Health Department about blue-green algae blooms on lochs and waterbodies around Perth & Kinross. If any areas are known in this area consult with - Bloomin’Algae I UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology(ceh.ac.uk)
(9.06) Greenloaning Station House An enquiry has been received as to the state of Greenloaning Station internally. This building was subject to a preservation order over a year ago as the only remaining station building of this type in Scotland. The enquiry related to the internal fittings etc., unfortunately the building was stripped of its fittings when Network Rail took over the sidings and ground adjacent to the building.
(9.07) Local Library Review PKC Libraries wish to carry out a survey on the use of the Library service in the villages. Use of libraries have been on the decline over the past few years as people use online book stores and access information in other ways. The pandemic has also impacted library use with lockdowns etc. PKC wish to review their service and wish local communities to indicate the services they would wish. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CulturePerthandKinrossLibraryReview
Members of the public at the council meeting would like to see other services offered through the Library to help those who struggle with the advancement of computer technology and the understanding of the various different forms of computers offered i.e.. iPads, tablets, laptops and computers etc. i.e. Education courses.
The Meeting concluded at 20.55hrs.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
14 April 2022
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
1. Attendees: A.Pryor, A. Gordon, M.Boxer, M Cox, J Whyte, Cllr M. Lyle and Cllr T Gray
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2022 were approved by M Cox, seconded by J Whyte
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally A number of residents in both Braco & Greenloaning have again raised the problem of speeding traffic through the villages. The lowering of the speed limit through Braco & Greenloaning may slow traffic to a small degree but this was unlikely to resolve the problem. The addition of speed bumps would probably be more successful. Contact had been made with PKC Road safety department but limited response to date. The Community Council (CC) would again pursue this matter with PKC and Police Scotland. Traffic conditions on the A9 were raised again by a member of the public - this matter was with Road Scotland and Bear Scotland.
The CC were disappointed to note the repairs to the potholes in Greenloaning had not been successful and the matter raised again with the Roads Dept. The damage to the B8033 had not been attended to and again raised with the Road Dept.
(3.02) Community Noticeboards. An order has been placed with Whitehill Direct Ltd. for two new noticeboards.
(3.03) Braco Recycling Bins No further action has been taken by PKC to improve the layout and install bins for cans and general waste etc. This matter was to be taken up by the Councillors.
(3.04) Braco Hotel Harling. No response has been received to letter of concern to the Owner about safety matters on the pavement.
(3.05) Braco School No further information has been received on the proposed resiting of the school. A meeting with the Landowner has been arranged.
(3.06) Queens Jubilee Celebration The Secretary had been approached by various organisations in the Villages for a proposal to hold a community gathering etc. in the Village Hall. The Secretary would organise a meeting of the interested parties to develop the ideas put forward. Celebration Weekend : 2 - 5 June 2022.
4. Community Police Report
(4.01) The Police were not in attendance. Items taken from the Commanders Bulletin included warnings to the general public to be aware of keeping dogs under control during the lambing season. Lack of Police response to invitations to CC meetings was disappointing.
5. Planning.
An application for planning to construct 11 new properties at the site of the Old Quarry on the B8033 towards the Stirling boundary had been noted. Concern was expressed at the possible traffic flow across the Kinbuck bridge. This matter had also been raised by Kinbuck residents and Stirling Council re: increased traffic flow on and off the A9.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
The Trust has interviewed two prospective candidates for the position of Development Officer. This was a Government funded position which would help to promote the image etc. of the Trust in the Community.
7. Strathearn Forum
No Forum Meetings are being held currently.
8. BGCC Accounts
The Treasurer reported there was no change in the Accounts from the previous month. Balance £2240
(9.01) Strategic Transport Projects Review
Opportunities for local comment be put to a government review of improving Scotland’s transport system over the next 20 years. Comments from the local public identified problems with local Bus Services and the train services from local areas north of Dunblane.
(9.02) PKC Winter Road Services.
The Gritting and Snow Clearing during the winter months had not been tested this year thanks to a mild winter. However it was commented the A822 road from Bishops Bridge to Braco is not gritted and cleared properly.
(9.03) Planning Aid
Information is now available to help understand Planning issues - local and national. Information can be obtained through the Scottish Government Web site Planning circular 1/2022:Local Place Plans and National Planning Framework 4
(9.04) Balhaldie Petrol Station
It was noted the local Staff at this station have all been replaced. It was thought the business may have changed ownership.
(9.05) Carseview Road
Concern was raised again at the total lack of progress on the surfacing and adoption of this road by PKC. Whilst they maintained the lighting and drainage, the surface remained a gravel road. No response has been received as to why the Council did not complete this road when they approved the housing development in Mid Lane. A proposal was put forward to discuss with the Development Trust the possibility of accessing a grant towards the cost of this work.
(9.06) Retirement of local Councillors.
The Chairman thanked Councillors Murray Lyle and Tom Gray on behalf of the community for their support and effort in dealing with local matters at PKC meetings. He wished them well in their retirement. The retiring Councillors thanked the Chairman and took the opportunity to introduce the two respective candidates (SNP and Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party) who would be standing at the local Council elections on Thursday 5 May 2022.
The Meeting concluded at 20.45hrs.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council!
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
10 March 2022
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
1. Attendees: A.Pryor, M.Boxer, M Cox, J Whyte, Cllr M. Lyle and Cllr T Gray
Apologies: A. Gordon.
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2022 were approved by M Cox, seconded by T Gray
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally No response has been received from PKC Roads on the request for gullies on the Knaik Bridge to be cleared. The Community Council (CC) have reported the number of road signs in and around Braco & Greenloaning which are damaged.
The damaged road surface at Greenloaning and on the B8033 have again been reported, photographs have been submitted. A general discussion identified a number of gullies in the area are damaged, the cause thought to be the use of substandard materials to sit the frames in position which was being crushed by the weight of the traffic.
It was noted the road work to be carried out in Allandale Crescent had not been carried out to date , weather conditions had prevented the work proceeding.
(3.02) Battery Storage Project. Contact had been made with the Project Team with respect to the condition of the private road (Whistlebrae access). An agreement should be reached by Contractor and locals prior to work commencing. The Project team were requested to take note the Whistlebrae turning was on a blind summit on the B8033 and a narrow stretch of road. Damage to the verges had been noted in the past when the Substation was under construction. Although the construction traffic may be lighter than the Substation Contract a request was made to restrict volume of traffic passed the Primary School at dropping off time in the morning, lunch time and again at collection time mid afternoon. The heaviest traffic would possibly be the delivery of the battery storage containers.
(3.03) Community Noticeboards. The CC have been advised they have been successful in obtaining a grant towards the supply of new noticeboards in the Villages. One board would replace the damaged board in Allandale Crescent, a new board would be erected in the swing park in the Millhill Estate and the third board would be at the back of the village Hall for the users of the Muga Games area. Any shortfall in the funding would be met from a top up grant from the Development Trust.
(3.04) Scottish Census A reminder to all that official Census Forms are to be completed by 20 March 2022.. Contact census.gov.scot or call free helpline on 0800 030 8308 for help and guidance.
(3.05) Braco Show Community Shield A letter of thanks has been received from the Braco Show Committee for the generous grant made by the CC towards the Schools Community Shield.
(3.06) Braco School Further to last month’s discussions a meeting with the Landowner of the proposed new site has not taken place as the owner is away. If the original school was demolished perhaps the site could be made into a car park to improve the congestion outside the Village Hall and the Church.
4. Community Police Report
(4.01) The Police were not in attendance,. Items taken from the Commanders Bulletin included warnings to the general public to be aware of keeping dogs under control during the lambing season. Police Scotland are being issued with the new ‘naloxone’ drug to assist with persons suffering from a drug overdose. Police Scotland would support any Russian or Ukraine nationals to avoid any hate crimes in the county.
5. Planning.
No applications were discussed.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
At a meeting on Tuesday 22 February 2022 proposals were put forward to employ a local ‘Development Officer’ to help improvement of the Trust’s ambitions and place in the community. Over the last few years the position and aims of the Trust to inspire, support and underwrite community projects has been lacking. Details of the role of the Development Officer can be found on the Ardoch Development Trust web site. The Trust has and still supports a number of projects in the Community - funding for junior football, the Muga Sports Area, music for the school pupils, riding for the disabled etc.
7. Strathearn Forum
No Forum Meetings are being held currently.
8. BGCC Accounts
The Treasurer reported there was no change in the Accounts from the previous month. Balance £2240
(9.01) Braco Hotel, Gable End. A number of residents had expressed concern at the amount of rendering falling from the wall onto the pavement. A letter has been sent to the Owner requesting this matter was attended to.
(9.02) Ukraine Clothing Store Any member of the Public who wishes to make a donation to the Ukraine crisis can do so through the various libraries in Perth & Kinross. A list of suitable items can be found on the PKAVS website - info@thirdsectorpk.org.uk
(9.03) Jubilee Day The CC had been asked whether the Community was proposing to celebrate the Jubilee weekend (3-5 June). No definite proposals have been put forward - a suggestion of a tea party in the Hall plus some music and entertainment was to be looked at involving various community groups.
(9.04) New Scottish Statutory Instruments - coronavirus and Town Planning ! Amendments relating to planning guidance on pre-application consultations for public events currently extended to the period ending 30 September 2022 are being extended to 31 March 2023 and changes for pre-application requirements which are due to come into force on 1 April 2022 will not now come into force until 1 October 2022. These were part of the coronavirus regulations brought in by the Scottish Government in 2022.
(9.05) Bus Survey Route 19 PKC have advised they are issuing a survey on the use of Route 19 Perth to Stirling via Auchterarder and Greenloaning.
(9.06) Recycling Bins Braco Perth Community Waste Services are requesting feedback from the CC regarding this recycling point. Several months ago the Chairman and Secretary met up with Waste Services and agreed necessary improvements to this Point. By coincidence the CC has received a number of complaints from the community as to the state of the Point and noted the cardboard bin had not been emptied for over 4 weeks. The condition of the ‘glass’ bins were as delivered by the Council. Various proposals were outlined in the Waste Services email and hopefully they will be put in place. Cllr Lyle took note of the email from the Community Waste Adviser.
(9.07) Flytipping - Further to last month’s note on flytipping details have been received of a Bill to be put before the Scottish Parliament to improve measures in enforcing penalties against the offenders. Whilst the CC agrees and recognises this requirement, it is concerned the identifying of the perpetrators is the biggest problem.
(9.08) Grinnan Hill Walk Signs. Further to last month’s discussions the CC were grateful to a member of the community for supplying a photo of an offending sign attached to a tree on the Hill. The CC will check the siting of the tree and if it is within the Schedule Monument site it will be removed.
(9.08) Ardoch Church. The Church of Scotland have drawn up a proposal whereby the number of churches in all areas is to be reduced. Proposal that Braco and Blackford Churches unite which would require the closing of one of the Churches, currently the Churches are linked. A question arose from the proposed new school project which has indicated that the school would still require the use of the Village Hall - if Braco Church was closed a number of community organisations that use the Church Hall during the day would have to find a place to meet.
(9.09) CO2 Monitor. PKC have installed a CO2 monitor in the Village Hall to monitor the concentration of CO2 in the room. Hall users will be requested not to tamper with the monitor.
(9.10) Hall Generator, Emergency Supply No further information has been received from PKC on this original Resilience Fund proposal.
The Meeting concluded at 21.10hrs.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
10 February 2022
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
1. Attendees: A.Pryor, M.Boxer, A. Gordon, M Cox and Cllr T Gray
Apologies: J Whyte, Cllr M. Lyle.
1a. Resignation - The Secretary apologised for omitting from the last set of Minutes that Sally Thompson has resigned from the Community Council. The Chairman thanked Sally for her contribution to the Council.
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 09 December 2021 were approved by A Gordon, seconded by T Gray
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally A822 Gullies to the north and on the Knaik bridge were inspected by the Chairman and Secretary after the receipt of an email from PKC Roads Dept. stating that the grids had been lifted and cleaned out. A number of photographs were taken of the gullies which showed the work had not been done. These would be forwarded to PKC. Further photographs of flooded area adjacent to other blocked gullies in Feddal Road/ Mid lane would also passed to the Council. The potholes in Greenloaning have not been attended to. Scottish Water had reset some manhole covers in Feddal Road.
Advance notice had been received advising of road work to be carried out in Allandale Crescent and Grinnan Road. PKC were to be advised of a number of damaged or missing road signs.
(3.02) Queen’s Green Canopy An oak tree has been planted in Lodge Park to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth. The Tree was donated by Crieff Round Table. It is understood a plaque will be fixed to identify the tree for the future. The Community Council would also erect a Corten Steel plaque to commemorate the occasion.
(3.03) Picnic Site Notice A ‘No Exit’ sign has been fixed on a tree in the wooded area adjacent to the path to the top of Grinnan Hill. This is a circular walk and whilst it passes behind gardens of houses on the Ardoch Estate there is no exit onto the estate or further round the Hill onto the Greenhaugh Estate.
(3.04) Emergency Generator. The CC had contacted PKC with regard to the Community Resilience Group A9. This was set up in 2015, when an emergency power supply was proposed to be installed at the Village Hall. Unfortunately the PKC Emergency Planning Officer (Keith Colville) knew nothing of these proposals but did agree to assist if details were passed to him. The Secretary noted SSEN have recently set up a ‘Resilient Communities Fund’ to support and assist communities to improve the resilience of vulnerable c!ommunity members where severe weather has disrupted normal services.
4. Community Police Report.
The Police were not in attendance,. Items taken from the Commanders Bulletin included warnings to the general public to be aware of Winter Road Safety, advice was given for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. Other bulletins were circulated with regard to County Lines Drug Dealing, Bank Transfer Fraud,and Wildlife Crime. Police Scotland is introducing a new digital platform that will protect and strengthen its critical 999 and non-emergency 101 services in the future. These analogue services will be switched off in 2025.
The new Highway Code report on ’Distance Aware’ rules was noted - 8 changes have been made to the Highway Code which can be viewed on the following link - to www.gov.uk/government/news/the-highway- code-8-changes-you-need--know-from-29-january-2022
T!here was a general consensus expressed at the lack of Police presence generally.
5. Planning.
An application for a second ‘Battery Storage Scheme’ on Feddal Hill has been submitted to PKC. The site would be accessed from the Whistlebrae Farm road. It was noted some residents on this road had raised an objection and concern as to the state of the make up of the access road ,the site traffic would cause it to deteriorate further. This is a private farm access road and the agreement of maintenance is the responsibility of all the landowners.
The CC also noted that Site traffic, (christmas tree or construction vehicles,) should be responsible for maintenance of the B8033 road especially as the Whistlebrae junction occurs at a blind summit on this road.! The CC would request the movement of site construction traffic should adhere to the previous agreement to avoid passing the School at particular times during the day i.e.. school drop off and pick up times and lunch t!imes when children were going across the Hall.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
A meeting was scheduled to take place on Tuesday 22 February 2022.
7. Strathearn Forum
No Forum Meetings are being held currently.
8. BGCC Accounts
T!he Treasurer reported there was no change in the Accounts from the previous month. Balance £2240
(9.01) Braco Battery Storage Area - The developer is planning to provide an annual index-linked financial contribution to local community projects. This would commence on completion of the construction period.
(9.02) Community Investment Fund Grant Application - A submission has been made for funding of new noticeboards in Braco & Greenloaning.
(9.03) Funding - (a) Digital Inclusion Fund - Braco received funding from the CIF to instal WiFi in the village hall.
(b) Mental Health Fund - The Scottish Government is funding projects to improve the mental wellbeing in rural communities. For details and eligibility see ‘Support in Mind Scotland’. This is not available to individuals.
(c) Nutrition Services Fund - Tayside Nutrition & Dietetic service are offering funding for the prevention of undernutrition in older people in Perth & Kinross. For information contact - https://api.ltb.io/show/ABBBO !
(d) Sustaining Choices Project (Transport) This project will work with economically disadvantaged and isolated communities in urban and rural Scotland who currently underutilise, or have poor access to, sustainable transport and active travel opportunities.
(9.04) Scottish Census - This will take place in March 2022. All households are encouraged to participate and there is help available for those who require assistance. Information gathered provides government and councils with information on Scottish households which helps decisions be made on services etc. !
The National Records of Scotland (NRS) is responsible for the census.
(9.05) Cycle Racks - Coffee Shop A letter has been received from a Dunblane resident complaining about the lack of cycle parking in Braco. The cycle racks provided opposite the Coffee Shops are the ‘wrong’ type and insecure. They appear to understand PKC/Braco & Greenloaning CC are going to supply bicycle racks.! It is understood the Coffee Shop funded and sited the existing racks in Gentlecroft to deter the cyclists from leaning their bikes against the shop windows or chaining them to drainage pipes etc.
BGCC do not propose to fund the cycle racks and there is ample space available at the rear of the Braco Hotel if the Coffee Shop wishes to advise cyclists of a suitable secure parking space or provide more substantial racks.
(9.06) Braco Show Community Shield - A request was received from the Convener of the Industrial Section of Braco Agricultural Show to donate prize money for the School Section Collage at the Show. After a brief discussion the CC proposed to donate £100 prize money to the winner.
(9.07) Food Waste Survey - PKC Waste Services Team has launched a Food Waste Survey to gather feedback from householders across Perth & Kinross regarding their food waste reduction and food recycling behaviours. A social media campaign is underway to raise awareness of the Survey. No further knowledge was known from those present.
(9.08) National Planning Framework Draft - The Scottish Government has notified all on its planned interactive sessions to raise awareness of its National Planning. Local Place Plan provides guidance to communities and planning authorities on the preparation, submission and registration of Local Place Plans. Local Place Plans are community-led plans setting out proposals for the development and use of land. I!ntroduced by the 2019 Act, these plans will set out a community’s aspirations for its future development. Once completed and then registered by the planning authority, they are to be taken into account in the preparation of the relevant local development plan.
See www.gov.scot/publications/circular-1-2022-local-place-plans/!
(9.09) Kinbuck Lorry Park - The Developers have lodged an appeal. Our objections have been registered.
(9.10) Braco School - An email had been received from Braco Castle Farms re the recent surveys etc. being undertaken on land owned by the aforementioned for a proposed siting of a new school for the Community.! Concern was expressed that this project should not just serve the Education Department but the interests of the Community at large. The community interests could cover the provision of improved parking for the church and the village hall. The CC took note of Mr Muir’s comments and agreed information to date was not clear exactly as to what was planned. It was noted PKC had recently responded after no contact for nearly 2 years as to the proposals to construct an extension to the Village Hall. This extension was originally to create storage space for hall furniture etc. which could no longer be stored in the previous areas (adjacent to the old toilets). It is understood the existing Hall was still to be available to the school. Concern had been expressed that the new storage area was to accommodate the additional school furniture now stored in the Hall. Councillor Gray stated no decisions had been made to date re the new school project or siting but the original proposals to rebuild the school on its present site were not practical.
(9.11) Parking, Feddal Road. - It had been brought to the CC’s attention some cars parked adjacent to the Church gates have had stickers placed on their windscreens threatening fines etc. for illegal parking. Whilst it is acknowledged the road is narrow at this corner it is not illegal to park on this corner. The Church, as recorded some months ago, has placed cones out on Sundays to deter cars from parking on the corner to allow the PKC bin lorry to make the tight turn into Mid Lane. The source of the Parking Fine stickers is known.
(9.12) Flytipping - A Scottish Government consultation is seeking views and aims, objectives and actions on a new National Litter and Flytipping Strategy in Scotland. This matter is close to the heart of many rural communities were rubbish is often dumped illegally in the countryside and the removal and clearing up is the responsibility and expense of the local landowner.
For more information see www.gov.scot/publications/national-litter-flytipping-consultation/ ccvvv! (9.13) Gentlecroft Water Main - It was noted there was flooding at the north end of Gentlecroft in the verge which was suspected to be the old lead mains pipe leaking.!
(9.13) CC Membership - There is currently a vacancy on the Community Council, any interested member of the Community can contact the Secretary at bracocommunitycouncil@gmail.com
The Meeting concluded at 21.25hrs.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
09 December 2021
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
1. Attendees: A.Pryor, M.Boxer, A. Gordon, J. Whyte and Cllr T Gray
Apologies: M Cox, Cllr M. Lyle.
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2021 were approved by A Gordon, seconded by J Whyte
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally A822 Gullies to the north of the Knaik bridge have not been cleared. A number of residents, including our local Councillor, have commented on the damage to the southbound parapet/wall of the bridge following the road traffic accidents, the Community Council (CC) would raise this again with PKC Roads. The road surfaces at Greenloaning (Railway Bridge also A9 junction adjacent Greenloaning School) had been reported to PKC Roads and Bear Scotland , PKC did not intend to repair the surface immediately. A number of local residents complained of the noise from vehicles hitting the pothole.
(3.02) A9 Road Safety Following last months submission from a resident in Greenloaning, the CC submitted a report to PKC Roads (Stuart D’All). PKC responded they would pass on details to Bear Scotland and confirmed this road was the responsibility of Transport Scotland.
(3-03) Repairs to Wall, (Village to New Cemetery entrance) The CC reported they had now sent a letter of Support to Ardoch in Bloom. Clarity had been received by the CC as to the extent of the Work and Contract details which is being lead by PKC Greenspace, Pride in Perthshire. The Secretary of Ardoch in Bloom outlined the proposed work and the discussions between all interested parties. It was understood an agreement in writing had been received from the Landowner’s representative for this work to proceed. Ardoch in Bloom were to confirm whether the proposed accesses through the wall onto footpaths leading to the cemetery would be wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs etc. Ardoch in Bloom were thanked for the work they had carried out to date improving areas around the Village.
(3.03) Queens Green Canopy Project/Platinum Jubilee Ardoch in Bloom are proposing to plant a new tree in Lodge Park, donated by Crieff Rotary, in respect of the above occasion. There were limited other places to plant trees at the present. It was noted that Network Rail had removed a number of trees at Greenloaning- if trees did become available a number could be sited on land adjacent to the railway to help form a sound barrier between the railway and the dwellings.
4. Community Police Report.
The Police were not in attendance,. Items taken from the Commanders Bulletin included warnings to the general public to be aware of Fraud at Christmas. Banking, Cold Calling, pin numbers, Money, Card, On Line, Banking Contactless Payment.
5. Planning. - No items to report.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
The Trust had provided the two christmas trees - one outside the Village Hall and one inside the Hall.
7. Strathearn Forum - No Forum Meetings are being held currently.
8. BGCC Accounts
Due to the absence of the Treasurer it was understood there was no change in the Accounts from the previous month.
(9.01) Storm Arwen - Thanks were expressed to all members of the community who offered their services , help etc. to residents in the Village during the power cuts last week.
(9.02) Community Health and Well Being Fund - Perth and Kinross Association of Voluntary Service (PKAVS) are addressing the mental health inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic and the needs of at risk groups. This fund recognises the significance of early intervention and preventative mental health and wellbeing support that is anchored in local communities.
Funding is open to both individual organisations and to partnerships/collaborations.
Individual organisations can apply for between £1000-£15,000 using the following link; https://
Partnerships can submit applications valued between £5,000 to £40,000 using the following link; https://
For further information contact: communityengagement@pkc.gov.uk
(9.03) 2021-2022 Festive Waste and Recycling Plans - Please note the Waste and Recycling Collection changes over Christmas and New Year. Revised collection times will be posted on Community Notice boards. The Chairman noted a circular from PKC identifying different types of waste that could be deposited in the various recycling bins identified ‘aluminium foil’ as not permitted in recycling bins.
(9.04) Council Meetings, Covid requirements. - Confirmation of the requirement to conform with the Scottish Government rules relating to holding meetings in Village Hall etc. Social distancing, masks, hand sanitisers , track and trace etc.
(9.05) Protect your pipes: heat and insulate As we come into the colder months of the year, and with some wintry weather in the forecast this week for parts of the north, Scottish Water is encouraging customers in communities across Scotland to prepare their homes for winter.
Their winter campaign advises anyone with a home, holiday home or business premises to take action to heat, insulate and protect their properties.
Customers can visit www.scottishwater.co.uk/winter where they can find winter information, films and advice.
(9.06) The Arnold Clark Community Fund Arnold Clark have launched their The Arnold Clark Community Fund which is to offer a helping hand to food banks, toy banks, housing charities and any organisations trying to relieve poverty within their local community.
(9.07) Community Christmas Tree - See ADT report above.
(9.08) Community Investment Fund - A second round of funding is available for applications submitted on 10 January 2022 with a closing date of 18 February 2022. CC to consider making an application.
(9.09) Local Development Plans. PKC are in the process of developing LDP3. The CC have not previously involved the community in circulating questionnaires with regard to planning and development matters which more relate to towns and cities etc.requirement.
(9.10) Picnic Site Notice - A request has been received with regard to notices posted on Grinnan Hill. This area is deemed an ancient monument and as such the notices adjacent to the Picnic area are official signs covering any restrictions re the use of the walks etc. The pathway is open to all users - the walk does not link to the Greenhaugh estate where this part of the Hill is private property.
(9.11) Braco Gullies - A request was made for the gullies in Front Street and surrounding roads to be flushed out and cleaned as areas of local flooding had been noted after the recent heavy rain. Especially Feddal Road corner. As reported last month work has been done on the gullies from Braco to Greenloaning.
(9.12) Power Cuts - A few years ago Braco Village Hall was identified as a refuge for any emergencies that may arise out of bad weather closing the A9. There were proposals for the provision by PKC to install an emergency generator if there was a power failure. A request was to be made to PKC to follow up this original suggestion as the power failure resulting from Storm Arwen meant no electricity in the village for a!pproximately 30 hours. A Generator would have at least allowed hot drinks etc to be prepared.
The Meeting concluded at 21.00hrs.!.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
11 November 2021
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
1. Attendees: A.Pryor, M.Boxer, A. Gordon, M Cox , J. Whyte and Cllr T Gray
Apologies: Cllr M. Lyle.
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2021 were approved by A Gordon, seconded by M Cox.
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally Following the long discussions last month on the state of the roads in Braco & Greenloaning it was noted PKC had carried out specific work on the gullies. However the work north of the Knaik bridge had not been cleared. PKC had requested details of the accidents that had happened over the past 6 months (or more) before they would investigate the problem at the Knaik Bridge. The Secretary was to contact a resident in Bridgend to see what dates and details could be sourced. Clr Gray stated an inspection of the bridge would identify damage caused. Also the repairs to the stone wall adjacent to the Masson’s property. The damaged road surfaces at Greenloaning (Railway Bridge also A9 junction adjacent Greenloaning School) had been reported to PKC Roads and Bear Scotland. The Secretary reported he had had a discussion with PKC on traffic speeds after last months reports and acknowledged the 20mph limits had been installed in certain areas as a trial. Some of those areas had now been adopted. Subsequent to the trial several hundred communities had identified areas that would suit the 20mph limit. The trials had identified a drop in speeds generally but not down to the 20mph limit.
(3.02) Braco Village Hall. Work still remained outstanding to roof repairs. PKC stated orders had been passed to a contractor but the leaks were still evident. No response as to the Hall Storage facility. The Secretary reported the Hall was being regarded by the Community as a ‘cupboard’. The number of items blocking the floor was interfering with community events.
(3.03) Traffic Speed B8033 (Glassick Cottage) After last month’s meeting it was recorded additional road edge markers had been inserted by PKC to slow traffic down on this road. An email had been received from a resident in Ardoch Way complaining of the speed of traffic coming from Kinbuck direction into Braco, this made exit from the Ardoch Estate hazardous. This item had been added to the comments sent to PKC on road speeds.
4. Community Police Report.
The Police were not in attendance, apologies were received but Police Scotland was heavily committed to the COP26 conference in Glasgow. Items taken from the Commanders Bulletin included the ‘Project Servator’ which dealt with the handling of Terrorist activities. This hopefully did not effect this community.!
It was noted the Regulations for fireworks should only be used between 6pm and 11pm.
5. Planning.
No items to report.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
At a recent meeting of the Trust it was reported the MUGA contractor had reinforced the edging boards to retain the drainage fill. The MUGA Sports Committee were proposing to install a secure hut to maintain equipment purchased for maintaining the MUGA. Discussion had been held with regard to the repairs to the stone wall from the Village towards the New Cemetery entrance. See Item 9.04 in these Minutes.
7. Strathearn Forum
No Forum Meetings are being held currently.
8. BGCC Accounts
The Treasurer reported there had been no change in the Accounts from the previous month.
(9.01) A9 Traffic Speeds - This matter was raised by a member of the Greenloaning Community who wished to bring to the attention of the CC the various reports on the safety of the A9, especially between Dunblane and Greenloaning. A report prepared at the time of the proposed Lorry Park/Service Station to be constructed on the A9 at Kinbuck, which did not receive planning permission, highlighted the number of dangerous crossovers, farm accesses and slip roads (on/off) that did not comply with DMRB regulations. The report identified this stretch of the A9 as to be one of the most dangerous roads in the country. The Resident drew attention to the lack of signage warning drivers of the hazards ahead. These signs were more common place on other stretches of dual carriageways and would warn drivers to take care. The CC accepted her presentation and would forward to PKC Roads our concern, however the A9 construction, maintenance and regulations are the responsibility of Road Transport Scotland. Currently there was an ongoing discussion between PKC and Transport Scotland on the large number of hazards on the A9 between the Keir Roundabout and Broxden Roundabout. The failure of the proposed Lorry Park to gain planning application hopefully meant there would not be an increase in traffic using the Greenloaning Junction for crossing carriageways. It is understood Dunblane CC were pursuing a response from Stirling Council on similar road safety matters.
(9.02) Red Squirrel Notices After enquiries from members of the Community as to where these signs could be purchased. Contact could be made through info@penrithredsquirrels.co.uk. It was proposed the CC would purchase some signs which could be used in areas of the community.
(9.03) Recycling Bins No action has been taken by PKC to reorganise the Braco Recycling site.
(9.04) Repairs to A822 Stone Wall from Village towards the New Cemetery Entrance The proposal to repair and tidy up this stretch of wall was welcomed but concern was expressed as from where the stone was to be sourced? If the damaged wall on the Greenloaning side of the entrance was removed then this should be replaced with a post and wire fence up to the existing field gate to keep the place tidy. It is understood a pathway on the field side of the wall was proposed to enable people visiting the Cemetery on foot, avoid the road traffic. A previous suggestion of a post and wire with a hedge to replace the old damaged wall was no longer being considered.
(9.05) Citizens Rights - Eu Citizens There was a reminder from PKC any European citizens in the Community needed to register their position before the middle of March 2022.
(9.06) Community Groups The Open Day held in the Village Hall 23/10/2021 had attracted a number of visitors and some of the Societies welcomed new members. It is hoped with the easing of covid restrictions the community organisations would begin to flourish again.
(9.07) Chest Heart & Stroke Volunteer Day Any one wishing to participate in this event was welcome to attend a meting in Perth on the 18 November 2021 to be held in the premises in High Street, Perth.
(9.08) Boundary Commission Scotland A review is currently being held to alter the number of Westminster constituencies in Scotland. The number is being reduced to 57 (-2). This does not effect this constituency.
(9.09) Feddal Forest A report and details of the felling and replanting of this forest area has been received from Tilhill Forestry Management.
(9.10) Queens Green Canopy Project/Platinum Jubilee The CC was seeking to find out if the community was interested in planting a tree (or trees) in conjunction with this project. Tree planting had received a mixed reception from some community members in the past but if a site could be identified and supported by the community this matter would proceed. Ardoch in Bloom to be consulted.
(9.11) Greenloaning Station The area of land has been stripped of all trees and the site cleared. Concern that Network Rail wish to develop this site for future use. No planning applications have been submitted to date. Concern was expressed at the large vehicles leaving the site were struggling to turn south onto to A822. They were causing a potential traffic hazard. A letter was to be sent to Network Rail expressing our concern.
(9.12) Parking, Front Street Residents in Front Street are concerned about the volume of cars parked in Front Street. A number of the cars during the day are users of the Coffee Shop. Parking along this road is free to all and as long as they are not causing an obstruction to an entrance as was the problem in Gentlecroft. This matter could not be policed.
(9.13) Smiddy Brae Road Surface. This matter has been raised with PKC in the past and we are to understand this work is on their list for renewal. Timing unknown. The Chairman reminded all present the opportunity to report road repairs etc. could be made by anyone to clarence@pkc.gov.uk
(9.14) Police Card board Cutouts A question was raised as to the availability of the cardboard cut out Police figure to try and slow traffic down. Checking the internet they are approximately £40 each.
The Meeting concluded at 21.10
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 14 October 2021
Braco Village Hall - 7.30pm
1. Attendees: A Pryor, M Boxer, M Cox, A Gordon, Cllr T Gray,
Apologies Cllr Lyle.
2. Minutes of last Annual General Meeting.
AGM 2019 Approved by A Gordon seconded by M Cox.
3. Chairman’s Annual Report
The Chairman reminded all present the AGM for 2020 was cancelled following the rules of Lock down due to the coronavirus pandemic. Although the Chairman and Secretary had conversed regularly during the Lock Down no formal meetings had been held. All matters arising from the Council(PKC) and other sources had been dealt with where possible.
Information had been passed to other c.councillors where necessary. It was noted that the Agenda for the October CC Meeting was fairly long as it covered a number of the topics that
arisen over the past year. The Chairman proposed these were discussed at that meeting.
4. Secretary’s Annual Report.
The Secretary concurred with the Chairman’s statement.
5. Treasurer’s Annual Report
The Treasurer circulated copies of the Accounts for the year ending end of August 2021 in accordance with the Constitution. As was explained last year the Accounts have been prepared in a way to identify funds held outside the Administration Fund. The Administration General Fund reflects the monies held and received from Perth and Kinross Council Grants for the running of the Community Council. The Treasurer reminded all present the accounts were divided into three sections, this was to identify the monies received from PKC for administrative purposes. There had been no expenditure from the Admin find which remained at £700. Money received from the CIF fund (£1000) had been spent on updating the WiFi reception in the Village Hall. The balance of his expenditure had been deducted from the SSE fund.
Interest earned from the monies held was approx. £1.50. The Treasurer invited a response as to how some of this money in the two special accounts could be spent. Money from SSE was for covid protection services and possibly more face masks and hand sanitiser could be purchased to replace the original spend. No initial suggestions with regard spending the other reserve fund were made.
Adoption of the accounts was proposed and seconded by M. Boxer and A Gordon.
The Chairman thanked the Treasurer for his report.
6. Election of Office Bearers
The election of Office Bearers.
Chairman A Pryor proposed by M.Boxer seconded by A. Gordon
Secretary M Boxer proposed by A Gordon seconded by M Cox
Treasurer M Cox proposed by M Boxerr seconded by A Gordon
Vice Chairman A Gordon proposed by A Pryor seconded by M Cox
7. In accordance with the Constitution the next Annual General Meeting will be held on 13 October 2022 in Braco Village Hall.
8. Meeting closed at 19.45 with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Braco and Greenloaning Community Council!
Minutes of Community Council Meeting
14 October 2021
Braco Village Hall - 7.45pm
1. Attendees: A.Pryor, M.Boxer, A. Gordon, M Cox and Cllr T Gray
Apologies: S Thomson, Cllr M. Lyle.
1a. The Chairman invited Ms Julie Whyte to join the Community Council. Ms Whyte’s nomination had been proposed by A Pryor and seconded by M Boxer and submitted to PKC for verification. The Nomination had been approved by PKC and Ms Whyte was formally invited to join the other Councillors for this meeting. This brought the Community Council up to full strength.
The Chairman welcomed all to the Meeting which was the first gathering of the Community Council for some 12 months because of the lockdown procedures put in place by the Government. The conduct of the Meeting was carried out in accordance with the risk assessments and requirements in place at this time.
2. Minutes of Last Meeting.
Minutes of the meeting held in September 2020 were approved by A Gordon, seconded by A Pryor.
3. Matters Arising.
(3.01) Roads Generally The Secretary gave a brief resume� of the work carried out by PKC over the last 12 months which identified various pothole repairs, white lining replacement. It was also noted the slip road off the A9 onto the A822 had been repaired and gullies cleared and white lines replaced. This item was recorded with PKC a considerable number of years ago.
Concern was expressed on the number of accidents that have occurred over the last few months at the Knaik Bridge corner on the A822. Whilst speed may have been a primary cause, the drainage (gullies) on this corner have been previously identified as a source of flooding across the road. No work has been carried out by PKC. The CC noted traffic control would require to be installed for this work to be done but the number of accidents should signal an immediate repair. Members of the public present at the meeting raised the question of speed at this corner. The Secretary recognised their concern and reminded the public the question of traffic speed at this corner and in several other identified areas formed an item to be discussed later on the Agenda. The Chairman requested PKC attended to a pothole on the Railway Bridge at Greenloaning - the thumping of lorries hitting the pothole could be heard in a number of areas in Greenloaning. The Council’s attention was drawn to the state of the road at the junction of the A9 turn off i!nto Greenloaning for traffic coming from and going north, adjacent the School House Greenloaning.
(3.02) Braco Village Hall. A number of requests had been made to PKC regarding leaks in the roof of the Hall. A number of Community Groups were now trying to re establish meetings and buckets placed to collect drips was inconvenient. It was noted damage to the Hall floor had been reported to PKC and no response had been received. The School is now using the Hall again for lunches daily and Gym and music classes, the question arose if a child (or anyone slipped or tripped) as a result of water or damaged flooring where would the liability lie. The CC was disappointed that there appears to be a total lack of response from PKC on various hall matters. The Hall extension was discussed some 2 years ago and had the Council’s blessing but a total silence for the past 18 months and lack of any sign of progress was frustrating the Hall Committee and Hall Users. It was understood the School was going to add to the chairs and tables stored in the Hall in the near future and was also looking at adding a heated trolley for school lunches. This would add to the congestion of items filling up the hall and disrupting other Hall Users. The construction of the extension during the lock down period had been lost, it was noted during this time the MUGA pitch had been constructed and completed so there would be no problem of access to the extension area.
Councillor Gray commented regarding the School that there was a proposal of a new school building to be sited on land to the north of the Swing Park. Whilst rumours concerning this proposal had been circulating nothing definite had been reported. Concern was expressed about future use of the Hall and the existing school building. Questions were raised by those present as to why the construction of a new school could not have been built on the site at Greenloaning already owned by PKC. Whilst it was recognised parents wanted Braco School to be maintained some 4 years ago, the children of the parents who expressed that wish had long since moved on. The CC reminded the meeting that the land on which Braco School was constructed had been left by the Muir Family in perpetuity for educational purposes. Councillor Gray undertook to try and get a response from the Schools Property Department at the lack of response to enquiries being made by the Hall Committee.
(3.03) Millhill Estate Flooding No further response has been received to resolve the flooding. During the dry summer months the water level did drop and attempts were made to improve the drainage channels. Subsequent rain has raised the water level again No response has arrived from Keir & Calder, the original owners of the Site who apparently still own the ‘ransom’ strip around the boundary to the woodland. Questions still are unanswered with regard to the water coming from the property adjacent to the A9.
It was noted a number of the greenfield areas have now been purchased by their neighbouring house o!wners. No planning applications re development of these areas have been sought.
4. Community Police Report.
The Police were not in attendance. Crieff Police Station has now moved to the Council Offices in James Square, Crieff. During lockdown the Police still issued relevant topics in the Commanders Report. these covered Identity Theft, a Drug Drive Campaign stopping vehicles on the main routes through Perth & Kinross which has been very successful. Wild Life Crime, educating the wider public and encouraging them to report wildlife crime to the Police. Rural Crime - professional criminals have been targeting farm and construction equipment. This was to encourage landowners to improve their security.
Police Scotland Survey was seeking the views of the Public on protest events or similar gatherings where the public feedback to assist on how their decisions could be made in the future.
Lone Officer Verification - following the murder down South by a Police Officer, the Police are in the process of adopting various recognition documents that enable members of the public identify the Police involved. T!here are suggested phone number contacts that can be made. Exact details are being worked on.
5. Planning.
During lockdown various local planning applications were viewed but nothing controversial was noted.
PKC Planning have issued planning guidance re any projects that may involve the disturbance of wildlife. The type of project was unlikely to arise in Braco & Greenloaning.
The planning application for the construction of a property in the Ardoch Estate (Blackford Farms) which was previously turned down reapplied for planning but was refused on a number of points by the PKC Planning Dept.
The re aligning of the Core Footpath through the Ardoch Estate adjacent to the Roman Camp site, which has been the subject of dispute for several years has been resolved for the time being by the issue of an Enforcement Order raised by PKC. A new gate has been installed at the entrance adjacent to the Camp and members of the public are able to walk the original route. It is hoped the Public will respect this path which leads passed the pond where there are a number of both wildfowl and other protected birds.
The Greenloaning proposed Development adjacent to the A9 - it has been noted this site which has received planning permission with a number of conditions is now being offered for sale in its entirety to a developer. Concern is still being investigated for the possible flow of water from this site across the road into the G!reenloaning flood area.
6. Ardoch Development Trust.
The Ardoch Development Trust did hold its AGM in July when the accounts were approved but because of the covid conditions only a brief meeting was held. It is understood a Committee meeting is planned for the end of October to ratify various Grant applications. The Trust is to be thanked for assisting with Grants to any member of the Community who was seeking help through lack of funds. The Give and Take boxes were sited both in Braco & Greenloaning and hopefully served a useful purpose in helping families etc.
Th Greenloaning Box was removed by unknown persons,the Braco box is to be re sited to provide a secure storage for equipment used in the MUGA. This new facility was completed in the Spring and is being used by members of the Community and coaching for football training by youngsters. It is hoped a Sports Committee will take on the responsibility of organising the use of the area and overseeing the maintenance o!f this new facility.
7. Strathearn Forum
No Forum Meetings are being held currently.
8. BGCC Accounts
The Treasurer having just presented the accounts at the earlier AGM for the year ending the 31st August 2!021 hoped some ideas could be looked at for the reserve funds currently held by the CC.
(9.01) Traffic Speeds - this topic covered most of Braco & Greenloaning area and a number of residents from the community had wished to speak at the meeting on this subject. As identified earlier in the Minutes (Item 3.01) - the speed of traffic is thought to be the main cause of the series of accidents on the A822 approach to the Village from the North. The speed of traffic through the Village appears to be well in excess of the 30mph limit - both from the north and the south. The speed bump at Greenhaugh estate does slow traffic initially but it speeds up down the main length of Front Street. Residents have complained about the danger of turning out of the Feddal Road, Gentlecroft Estate, Smiddy Brae and Carseview with the number of vehicles parked in Front Street requiring traffic to move out to sight both ways. Perhaps a second speed bump similar to the Greenhaugh bump should be constructed adjacent to Smiddy Brae to slow drivers down.
Residents from the Ardoch Estate and Grinnan Road have also commented on the speed of traffic either coming from Kinbuck or going towards Kinbuck. Both Grinnan and Ardoch roads have a blind spot which means moving out with caution. This particular area has been reported previously to PKC who felt that as no serious accidents occurred traffic warning signs were sufficient. It was noted in September 2020 a discussion was held with Clr Lyle re the introduction of 20mph speed limits that were being introduced in various towns and villages in Scotland. We asked at that time the speed limit on Front Street should be seriously considered and we hoped other areas around Braco & Greenloaning should be discussed and recognised. When 20mph signs started to appear in surrounding villages we had hoped Braco & Greenloaning would be included. No such luck. In fact there has been no response from the Council. Greenloaning (A822) again has a 40/30mph limit, which appears to be totally ignored by much of the traffic passing through this area. Again the development of estates on both sides of the road (Allandale and Millhill estates) has seen an increase in traffic turning in and out of their estates onto the A822. Again there are blind spots for slow moving traffic to turn onto the A822. As previously reported in Community Council minutes traffic was seen to be driving through the estate to reach the turning onto the A9 going North. PKC did paint a designated footpath along Millhill road to warn drivers of children walking to Greenloaning Primary School but no adjustment to the speed limit. A petition was sent by residents living on turn offs to the A822 in Greenloaning requesting a review of the traffic speed. No action has been taken. Complaints have also been received from residents on the Langside Road re volume and speed of the traffic since the inception of the 200 route. This road has farm turnings at a number of places and movement of farm animals across the road. Also horses are ridden along parts of the road. The response received from the Council stated the council is not responsible for the creation of the Route 200 and the Police are responsible for speeding motorists. Clr Gray suggested a petition should be drawn up to present to PKC Roads and Traffic M!anagement.
(9.02) Network Rail
The Community Council can now report the culvert under the rail track has been completed after a series of attempts, so hopefully no more night working. It was noted Network Rail had purchased Greenloaning Station to demolish and create a storage/maintenance area adjacent to the siding track. This station was the last remaining station of that particular design in Scotland and a petition was raised for the Railway Heritage Society to recover the station and prevent its demolition. The Station was saved and any suggestions as to h!ow the community can make use of the building would be welcomed.
(9.03) Recycling Bins a complaint was made against PKC Waste Disposal Dept. whose vehicle struggled to progress along Mid Lane because of its size. Damage was done to Rose Cottage at the junction with Smiddy Brae. The Council did accept the current council vehicle was almost too large for certain village roads. The Council complained the turning into Mid Lane was restricted when vehicles were parked in Feddal Road , especially on a Sunday. The Church has now placed cones in the parking area opposite Mid Lane to assist with keeping the junction clear. After a meeting with the Council Representatives an inspection of the Braco Recycling Bins was carried out as a number of residents had noted waste materials were overflowing out with the bins. During the pandemic the quantity of cardboard boxes had increased dramatically as people had taken to ordering on line for goods etc. The clearance of these bins had not kept up with the items being disposed. The Council accepted the existing arrangement required looking at and proposed to look at the layout of the bins to make it more accessible and improved. Two months have passed since this meeting and no improvement has taken place.
(9.04) Toddler Group It was hoped that this facility would start again soon. A preliminary discussion had been held with a new Organiser and the Hall Committee would support the return of this facility.
(9.05) PKAVS The Community Council had received a number of emails from this organisation offering advice and support for community groups and individuals to establish themselves after the problems of the lock down. Most of the services are more applicable to organisations, individuals in Perth rather than a small community.
(9.06) Community Groups Following the shut down of so many community organisations and the knowledge that a number of properties have changed hands over the last 2 years it was decided to hold an open day in the Hall on Saturday 23 October from 10am to 4pm to allow groups to advertise their business and hopefully recruit new members. Currently the Pins & Needles Sewing Group, The Ardoch Amateur Dramatic Society, the Braco Art Group, the Braco & Greenloaning Womans Rural and the Braco in Bloom Society have agreed to set up displays to demonstrate their wares. The Open Day is free and all members of the community are welcome.
(9.07) Scottish Water News. This article will be found on the CC website. In view of the late hour and the volume of business discussed this item was held over. Interest parties could view the report on Scottish Water web site.
(9.08) Community Investment Trust. The Chairman reported a further sum of money from PKC had been available for any organisation in the community to fund any project. No applications were made from Braco & Greenloaning groups.
(9.09) Coffee Shop Parking Concern was once again expressed by Residents in Gentlecroft. Nuisance parking by users of the Coffee shop preventing residences in Gentlecroft either getting their cars out of their driveway or being able to enter their driveway. A bicycle rack has been provided for the cyclists but this is not always used, with bicycles left against the wall. Cars should not be parked with wheels on the grass verge. It was requested that the Coffee shop should encourage car drivers to park in Smiddy Brae. Perhaps the coffee shop could invest in no parking signs or cones to prevent accesses being blocked or parking on the grass.
The Community did not want to resort to yellow lines being painted on the roads.
The Meeting concluded at 21.40.