Benderloch Shop
Open 6.30am - 10pm daily
Contact: 01631 720201
Travelling by Bus
Oban to Bonawe timetable
Oban to Benderloch timetable
Plan a journey here
Local information pages
Barcaldine Community Association facebook page
Ardchattan Community Board facebook page
Everything Benderloch facebook page
Village Halls
Victory Hall, Benderloch
Contact: Eileen Hill 01631 720382
North Connel Village Hall
Contact: Elspeth Allan 01631 710633
The Ardchattan Centre
Community Hub at Bonawe
Primary schools
Barcaldine primary school
Lochnell primary school
Local clubs
Benderloch and North Connel drama club
Benderloch Toddler group
North argyll cycle club
Lochnell football club
Club nan Caraidean - friendship group
Benderloch Badminton club
Ardchattan scouts
Connel Rainbows
North Connel and District Horticultural Society
Rythmic Rascals
Bookends Festival
Art's Land children's art club
Pilates classes
Mondays in The Campbell Memorial Hall
Thursdays in The Victory Hall
Ardchattan church
Ardchattan parish