24 February 2019
Minutes from 18th February

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of meeting held at Tin Hut Gartly

Monday 18th February 2019

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Colin Mumford (Vice Chairman), James Matthew, George Beverly, Peter Johnston, Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Maxwell Wallace, Duncan Connon.

In Attendance: Councillors John Latham and Gwyneth Petrie.

Apologies: David Grant, Verona Groves, Cllr Withey.
Minutes of Previous Meetings:
January 7th 2019 Approved: Max Wallace: Seconded :James Matthew

January 21st 2019 Approved: Colin Mumford; Seconded: George Beverly

Matters Arising:

        Proposed changes/cuts to Alford-Huntly bus service.

Discussion took place regarding the cuts to the Alford-Huntly 231 service and how the reduced service would work alongside the A2B Dial a bus. Community Councillors were in agreement that on paper this looks to be a better overall service with good adaptability with the A2B Dial a bus. Mrs Ridge attended the meeting and asked if it was possible for Community Councillors to raise awareness of the new service and of the need for people to register for the A2B Dial a bus. The information has already been provided to Rhynie Online and other places within Rhynie. Additional methods to raise awareness were discussed. The situation will need to be monitored.

        Tap O Noth Community Council Website.

The website is now up to date. A volunteer is now required to take over the running of it in the near future. No volunteers so far.

        Community Council representation at monthly meetings with the Roads    Dept.

After discussion it was agreed that Paul Manning would represent Tap O Noth Community Council at regular meetings with Angela Funk at the Alford office. This will hopefully help to resolve some of the longstanding issues within the area and expedite resolution of any new issues.

        Safe pathway to Kennethmont School from houses near Ardmore Distillery/ review of speed limit.

No further update available from the Roads Dept.

        Defibrillator equipment ref donation to Sandpiper Wildcat.

Work in progress.

       Garden Competition.

Work in progress.

        Snow Warden scheme.

No formal arrangement has been put in place.

        Update on Wetlands/Mosswood.

No further progress has been made regarding this.

The shelter has been reported as in a poor condition and on examination it is rotten in places. Dismantling it would be the best option.


An email regarding the possibility of a further microgrant for Huntly Community Sensory Garden was discussed. Contact with Foundation Scotland may be the best possibility for future support. Janice to respond.

Planning applications:

No comment.

Individual Area Reports:


Nothing to report.


Peter Johnston raised concern over the length of time Gartly School has been closed and with seemingly no activity taking place on site. He asked for clarification as to what was happening and when the school would be ready once more. Cllr Petrie confirmed that work was being carried out removing contaminated soil and then testing again once this had been done. Once satisfactory results have been received then the new pipe is ready to be installed. Realistically there is an end of March target for the school to reopen.

Peter asked that a public statement be issued clarifying the situation. Cllr Petrie agreed to look into this and also to make sure that access was available to the defibrillator located at the school.


Rhynie residents have asked for a road crossing near the Corner Shop. Paul will raise the matter at his meeting with Angela Funk.


Nothing new to report


War memorial plaques still to be looked into.

Next Meeting:

Monday 1st April 2019 at 8pm

Rannes Hall, Kennethmont. 

Click for Map

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