03 September 2018
Minutes from 16th July 2018

Tap O Noth Community Council Meeting

Minutes of meeting held at Clatt Village Hall

Monday 16th July 2018

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), David Grant (Acting Vice Chairman), Alastair Rennie , George Beverly, Janice Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), Maxwell Wallace, Colin Mumford.

In Attendance: Councillor John Latham

Apologies: Duncan Connon, Peter Johnston

Minutes of Previous Meeting (AGM): Approved by David Grant; Seconded by Alastair Rennie.

It was agreed that in future the AGM and normal business meetings would be separate with separate agendas.

Police Report: No further report. (Police reports are now emailed out so this section will not be included in future agendas)

Matters Arising:
     Review of Vattenfall Clashindarroch Community Fund-Iain Catto

Iain Catto kindly attended the meeting to give an update regarding the fund, what it has been spent on and looking at priorities for the next three years. An extension to the wind farm, Clashindarroch 2, is expected to go into the Planning Dept in Nov/Dec 2018.

     Tap O Noth Community Council Elections/Constitution

The new constitution has now been approved by the Marr Area Manager.

A discussion followed regarding the addition of clause 3.1.1 to enable prospective councillors to be nominated if they have a business in the area or are in full time employment in the area even though their residence is not in the area. There was full agreement to look into this. Janice to contact Aberdeenshire Council.

     Update on Wetlands/Mosswood

Tyres have been dumped in the area. Aberdeenshire council has been contacted to resolve this.

     Progress ref installing defibrillators

Clatt defib is up and running
Gartly and Kennethmont- work in progress

     Tap O Noth Community Council Website

Work in progress. Local information needed for Gartly, Kennethmont and Clatt.

Janice to update Community Councillors’ details on the website to include name and contact tel. no.

     Provision of dog waste bins for Rhynie

It has been requested that dog waste bins be provided on Bogie Road, Rhynie. Councillor Latham will supply the contact details of the appropriate Aberdeenshire Council person to contact.

Finance Report: Annual Treasurer’s Report approved by David Grant and seconded by Max Wallace.

It was agreed that there was no longer a necessity for finance reports every meeting so this will not be included in future agendas.


Boogie in Alford Library, cycle network funding etc Natasha Pawlukiewicz (noted)

Supporting Community Events Sat 15th Sept 2018 (noted)

Climate Challenge Fund Summer newsletter (noted)

Local Development Plan (noted)

Planning applications: No applications for the area.

Individual Area Reports:
Rubble and winter grit has now been removed (with thanks)


Car park for the cemetery: Concerns have been raised by members of the public that the lack of parking next to the cemetery is causing severe road safety issues. Janice to contact the planning dept.


No report

Stones reported obstructing verges at Kirkton and Mill of Leslie

In all areas there are outstanding issues regarding trimming back of hedges, trees and vegetation. Many of these have been reported many times and are still needing to be progressed. All councillors to compile a list of outstanding work to be done and provide Councillor Latham with this at the next meeting.

Public Question Time: N/A
AOCB: Garden Competition to be cancelled for this year.

           GDPR-Work in progress.

Next Meeting:
Monday 27th August 2018 at 7.30pm

Tin Hut Gartly 

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