14 December 2015
Minutes 23rd November 2015

Minutes of meeting held at

Tin Hut Gartly

On Monday 23rd November 2015


Present: Paul Manning (Chairman) James Matthew (Vice Chairman) George Beverly Peter Johnston John Drysdale Colin Mumford Alistair Rennie George McIntosh Kate Hunter (Secretary)

In Attendance: Cllr Margo Stewart

Apologies: Duncan Connon Neil Muiry Cllr John Latham

Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Approved by John Drysdale

Seconded by Peter Johnston

Matters Arising;

  • Flower Tubs and compost have been purchased for Clatt Village Hall An Area Committee Budget Application has been completed and sent to Marr Area Committee
  • Concerns regarding the state of the windows and guttering at Gartly Church have been reported to Iain Welsh at Aberdeenshire Council
  • Clatt & Rhynie cemetery walls will to be repaired  
  • Kennethmont speed limit update John Drysdale informed members that although The Scottish Government is committed to achieving safer road travel Aberdeenshire Council Roads Department are unwilling to commit resources to monitor the situation
  • 306 Bus Service Bus users can attend the next bus forum in March/April to put their concerns to the committee
  • Hedge at 17 The Square. Rhynie Aberdeenshire Council have contacted the owner regarding the overgrown hedge

Police Report: Police Officer Kelsey Stewart e -mailed the following report, as she was unable to attend the meeting

Operation CEDAR is still in force, with officers tackling road traffic offences and providing education when necessary.  There were four crimes reported in the Tap o Noth area since the last meeting.

Local officers have been made aware of the concerns regarding a van parked on Main Street, Lumsden and suitable action will be taken if the opportunity exists/if it is causing an obstruction.

Due to a dramatic reduction in crimes reported and an increase in detected cases it has been decided not to install CCTV cameras in the The Square, Castle Street Duke Street and Deveron Street areas of Huntly

Finance Report:

Business Account: £5799.39

Mosswood Account: £3723.54

Investment Account: £7638.45

An interest has been registered with HDDT regarding the Greenmyres wind turbine share option


  • Digital Scotland Christmas Tree Competition (noted)
  • Achievements of Community Councils (noted)
  • Clean for the Queen (noted)
  • Events in November (noted)

Planning Applications: No comments

Individual Area Reports:


Broken fence round the playing field at the Village Hall

 Hedging at Kirton has not been cut back - Report again

Flooding between West Lodge Druminnor and Cushnie road end at the cattle creep


Gartly Church: Iain Welsh Principal Landscape Services Officer has been made aware of the state of the building

Due to the spate of accidents on the A97 at Bucharn a query was raised regarding the cause, this was previously reported to Aberdeenshire Council


Blocked culverts on the B9002 at Kennethmont School, Glanderston Wardhose and at the approach to Insch


Trees in the Square require pruning

Mosswood /Playing Field drainage: Iain Welsh to meet with members of Mosswood committee


Clashindarroch Micro Grant Scheme: Foundation Scotland has awarded £2312.50 to Tap O Noth Community Council to distribute to local groups and individuals (maximum £500). Applications can be made by letter or application form available on the website or by contacting the secretary. Closing date 1st March 2016

Details have been placed in notice boards in the Tap O Noth area 

Next Meeting

Monday 4th January

Rannes Hall Kennethmont



Minutes of meeting held at
The Tin Hut Gartly
Monday 24th June 2013

Present Paul Manning (Chairman,) James Matthew (Vice Chairman), David Grant, James Grant, George Beverly, Peter Johnston, Alistair Rennie, Colin Mumford and Kate Hunter (Secretary)

In Attendance: Councillor John Latham, Sergeant Neil Binning

Apologies: Councillor Moira Ingleby, Councillor Joanna Strathdee, George McIntosh and Neil Muiry

Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Approved by George Beverly
Seconded By James Matthew

Matters Arising:
· Trees at Easter Bogieside, Rhynie Reported to Council
· Broom on the Cabrach Road   Reported to Council
· Broom between Hillhead and Boghead Clatt Reported to council
· Clatt resurfacing between Clatt Hall and the junction to be carried out during this financial year
· Tap at Rhynie Churchyard   Repaired
· Gates at Essie Churchyard   Painted and replaced
· Gartly: Fences and verges will be completed once Scottish Water have finished in the area     
· It is hoped that Park Lane will be resurfaced during the School holidays

Police Report:
· There have been no significant incidents of note in the preceding period.
· 'B' Division, of which Huntly is a part, have detailed which crimes they are to give priority to reducing and detecting. They are assault, robbery, and theft by housebreaking, theft of motor vehicle, domestic crime, hate crime and vandalism.
· As promised the issue of speeding on the stretch of the A97 between mains of Kirkney and Gartly village has been revisited and speed analysis equipment is once again in situ. The results will be studied once known and a decision made on whether enforcement action is necessary.

Finance Report:
Business Account: Balance £5721.88
The committee approved a £450 grant from Dr Lyons Legacy Account towards equipment for the new disabled area at Gartly School 
Secretary to contact Friends of Insch Hospital for further information about the possibility of investing in the wind turbine


· Letter from Donald Boyd re Clashindarroch Community Fund (Noted)
· Lizzy Shepherd –Various (Noted)
· Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership Newsletter (Noted)
· Link to forthcoming changes to planning legislation
· Marr Partnership Newsletter (Noted)
· Welfare reform in Aberdeenshire (Noted)
· Pressured Area Designation Information Leaflet (Noted)
· Community Council Support (Noted)
· Licensing Policy Review


Planning Applications: No comment

Individual Area Reports

Hedges overgrown at Kirkton of Clatt

The 10.17 and 14.08 service bus from Alford to Huntly has been running late on numerous occasions and the school bus signs are not removed when the bus is not transporting school children.
Broken fences and barriers to be reported to Network rail again
  Also the cement, which was left at the access road to Westseat Gartly
Possible traffic calming measures in Park Lane
Overgrown vegetation at Central Schools and the Mill Bridge at Rhynie 

Postcodes for Earlsfield area still causing confusion
Overgrown hedges between Pinetree House and Roadside of Law

Councillor Latham made aware of the extra work required for the licences and policing of the Gala
Letter sent to Ralph Singleton re potholes in Manse Road and the speed reducing signs, which had been promised to be installed in the last financial year
Cemetery wall in urgent need of repair
Concern was raised about the state of the Wetlands. George and Paul to arrange a date and recruit volunteers to help with the work.
Saltire flag in the Square is frayed and needs replacing.

Clashindarroch Windfarm Community Fund:
The fund will be administered by Foundation Scotland with representatives from Huntly, Strathbogie and Tap O Noth Community Councils and the Acorn Centre forming the committee
Kennethmont School:
It was noted that the Pupil Support Assistant is to have her hours split between Gartly and Kennethmont and a new Pupil Support Assistant brought in to cover the short fall of hours at Kennethmont. The committee found this to be a strange decision. 

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