07 October 2012

Tap O Noth Community Council
Minutes of Meeting held in
The Tin Hut Gartly
27th August2012

Present: Paul Manning (Chairman), Kate Hunter (Secretary) James Matthew (Vice Chairman), Duncan Connon, David Grant, James Grant, Peter Johnston.

In attendance: Councillor Moira Ingleby

Apologies: Sgt Neil Binning, Councillor A Ross, Neil Muiry, George McIntosh, Alistair Rennie, Elma Shearer

Minutes: Proposed by: James Matthew
               Seconded by: David Grant

Matters Arising:
Early Morning Bus Service - 417 Aberdeenshire Council Public Transport Division to monitor the service
Road Surface at Duff School - Awaiting the Council to fill the potholes.
No water in Rhynie 24th June 2012 – This was due to a problem with the Water Treatment Plant causing no water in the tank
Drains at 5 The Square and Essie Road Rhynie. Council to clear drains and Scottish water to investigate the reason for flooding
Leaking Tap at Rhynie Cemetery – Reported to Property Section - awaiting repair
Rhynie Football Field Grass now cut
Vegetation at Mill Bridge and Central School – Has been cut back
Broom at Hillhead and Belhinnie Will be cut back during September
Gartly and Rhynie Benches: Replacement benches have been ordered and Marr Area Committee has awarded a grant of £500 towards the cost of replacing and installing the benches. Total cost will be £864

Police Report:
Regrettably there have been a couple of vandalisms in Rhynie during August to a house in South Road and a hall in Main Street. The offender, who has recently moved into the village, has been reported for the offences and a report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.
Rhynie Gala
The Rhynie gala weekend passed off without any significant incident from a Police perspective. The Police Sergeant covering the event commented that it was particularly well run and acknowledged the work of the committee.
Sergeant Neil Robertson, who has only been with us for a few months, has resigned from the Police to pursue a career offshore. Sergeant Colin Crighton who has previously served as a Supervisor in Inverurie and Stonehaven has replaced him.
Probationer Craig Arnott and another new probationer have augmented Huntly staffing recently James Stewart is due to join us at the end of the month.

Two of our officers, Christine Warren and Alex Barnard have just returned from a spell supporting our Metropolitan Police colleagues with Olympic policing duties. They were based in and around Wembley stadium and appear to have enjoyed the experience.

Bogairdy Wind farm:
Emma Plumpton attended the meeting to voice the concerns and objections of a number of neighbours and residents and to ask the Community Council to ask Aberdeenshire Council Planning Committee to take their concerns into account when they debate the application.

Finance Report:
Business Account Balance: £6178.63
Investment Account Balance; £7528.57

· World Café Events (Noted)
· Marr Community Ward Forums- Tuesday 4th September Keig Community Hall
· Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership - forwarded 31/07
· Parliamentary Report from Richard Baker MSP
· Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan (Noted and passed to George Beverly)
· Ride The North 22nd September Meeting with Neil Innes to discuss refreshments Thursday 30th August at Fourteen 10am
· Marr Area Partnership AGM and Community Gathering Saturday 22nd September MacRobert Hall Tarland
· Cairnbarrow Windfarm- Letter from Donald Boyd stating that the nine turbine Windfarm at Cairnborrow had been refused
· Scottish Woodlands Hill of Collithie Long Term Forest Plan information on the Forest Plan for the next 20 years
· Bedding Plant Order 2013 Order forms have been passed on to the members. Four flower tubs to be bought for Gartly.

Planning Applications:

Members decided to support Application 2572 for change of use to Hot Food Take-Away and living accommodation at the Golden Pheasant Kennethmont
Concerns were raised over Application 2826 Erection of dwelling house at Culdrain Gartly due to the overdevelopment of the site and problems with the water supply

Individual Area Reports:
· Overhanging branches at Clatt (Clatt toTillyangus road) Alistair to cut back
· Cement has been dumped at the entrance to Westseat Gartly
·  The road sweeper has swept the roads in Gartly
· Potholes on Manse Road leading to the cemetery. Letter to Ralph Singleton and Les Allan
· Rhynie Cemetery Pillar at left hand side of gate is loose and the tap is still not fixed and the area around the tap is very wet and muddy
· Letter to Scottish Woodlands, Forestry Commission and Aberdeenshire Planning Committee stating our concerns that new plantations should not have trees planted so near the verge
· Request for a dog fouling bin on Bogie Road Rhynie 
· Potholes at Gartly Junction and A97 and at Mains of Kirkney
· Earlsfield area Post Code Letter to Royal Mail

Public Question Time: No public in attendance


· Garden Competitions: Winners

Large Garden

1st    Bryan & Hilary Ridge Rhynie
2nd   Mr & Mrs Ward Kennethmont
3Rd   Margaret Ogden Gartly

Small Garden

1st    Holly & Joyce Gill Kennethmont
2nd   George & Phyllis Beverly Rhynie
3rd   Anne Lyne Rhynie

Vegetable Garden

1st    Doug Morrison Gartly
2nd   Duncan Muirden Clatt
3rd    Phyllis & George Beverly Rhynie

Hanging Baskets & Tubs

1st   Anne Lyne Rhynie
2nd   Ron & Mary Mennie Kennethmont
3rd   Catherine Merchant Rhynie

Judged by Eileen Burton and Lucy Ackroyd
£25 voucher to be bought for the judges

· Donald Boyd to be invited to attend the next meeting
· Tap O Noth Notice Board is now complete
· Vattenfall have been granted planning permission for the Clashindarroch Windfarm

Next Meeting
Rannes Hall
Monday 8th October


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