16 May 2011
Minutes of meeting

 Tap O Noth Community Council

Meeting & Agm 16th May 2011

Minutes of the meeting held in Rannes Hall Kennethmont on 16th May 2011

Community Council Meeting

Present -  Mr P Manning (Chairman) Mr T Murray (Secretary) , Mr J Matthews (Vice Chairman), Mr A Rennie, Mr J Grant, Mr D Grant, Mrs K Hunter, Mr M Dow, Mr J Shanks

1 – Apologies – Cllr Ross, Cllr Strathdee, Mrs E Shearer, Mr G Beverly, Mr D Connon, Mr N Muiry 

In Attendance - Cllr Ingleby, Sgt Binning 

Minutes Approved – Mr J Matthews – Seconed – Mr J Shanks

Sgt Binning reported that not much has happened in the area recently since our last meeting, the police have been in Rhynie early in morning to check speed of traffic around 6am and there have been 8 people warned and one person reported.

The mobile surgeries will be back in rhynie again in the weeks after the meeting and it will be advertised in the paper for 1hr as were last time.

A question was asked about a car parked near the junction in the square Rhynie causing a blockage and restricted view; Sgt binning said it would be looked into.

Rhynie – The community Hall availability(update saying the hall should be available outwith school times but this would be investigated further and we would be advised the answer), the road between Milton of Noth and the smithston road.(roads inspector to look in to this further)

 4 – Correspondence

4.1 – publication of development plan scheme (noted)

4.2 – Cash in your pocket partnership (noted)

4.3 – Rhynie Chert site of SSSI (noted)

4.4 – Planning modernisation group forum (noted)

4.5 – notice of unresolved issues for the proposed development plan (noted)

4.6 – community council funding (noted)

4.7 – Nominations – LEADER & community planning executive (noted)

4.8 – Community newsletter NHS Grampian (noted)

4.9 – Noth News June issue, (noted, also cheque for lights at church to be sent)

4.10 – note from Stewart Petrie (noted)

4.11 – HDT Working group – cairnborrow wind farm (noted)

4.12 – Northern CJA update (noted)

4.13 – Empowering community renewables (noted)

4.14 – Aberdeenshire voluntary action network – marr area partnership (noted)

4.15 – Kennethmont signs (reply to Mr Singleton with agreed signage required)

5 – Planning Applications

No comments on applications

6 – Individual Area Reports 

Gartly- Secretary to remind council about kirkney road at first corner as road is subsiding in to the ditch on right side. 

Rhynie – Complaint about condition of the wetlands in rhynie, plan being organised to tidy area.

The wetlands need a tidy up and there are arrangements to have a Sunday to clear the paths strim the grass to allow the paths to dry out.

The road up to the Tap O Noth, road resurface was done thurs/fri past, vattenfall are coming to look at the road and are prepared to pay for the work.

The part from the Tap O Noth car park to the bottom of the hill needs to be looked at, a new sty is needed and there is excess water running down the hill when it rains.

When the gully clearing lorry was in Rhynie and clatt, after the machine had vacuumed out the gullies it left the silt round the top of the drain, which when it rains again will was back in to the drain. 

Kennethmont – A get well card to be sent to Mrs Shearer.

7 – Public Question Time

Mrs Ridge gave the meeting an update on the carinmore application but firstly wanted to thank the community council for their further submissions to the planning application following the last meeting.

By the end of March there had been 266 public comments to the planning department, more than 220 of these were objections, many of the objections were from local people and their families and many more from regular visitors to the area who bring tourist income to this part of the north east.

8 – AOCB

A question was asked as to who would be footing the bill for the children’s transport from clatt to Rhynie and Kennethmont as part of the school closure as instead of transport to one school its now proposed to be 2 schools, Cllr Ingleby informed us the council would be paying for the transport over the next 2 years and that higher priority roads maintenance would be looked at for the roads to be used for school transport. 

Email advising us of an engagement event from Burcote wind who are proposing a small scale wind energy project at Meikleton farm roughly between huntly and keith. 

The Cairnmore Fund has recently made the first awards to groups from across the area including Rhynie , Clatt and Lumsden. 

Annual General meeting

1 Accounts & Treasurers Report

The secretary/treasurer presented the accounts showing a healthy balance in both the main account and the legacy account, members were asked to approve the accounts as presented and they were proposed for approval by Mr P Manning and seconded by Mr D Grant.

Secretary/Treasurer to submit the accounts to Aberdeenshire council.

2 Appointment of New Council Members 

Clatt – Mr A Rennie

Kennethmont – Mr D Grant

Kennethmont – Mr J Grant

Kennethmont – Mrs E Shearer

Rhynie – Election to be held as 4 applications for 2 vacancies

Rhynie – Election to be held as 4 applications for 2 vacancies

Mrs Carol Ann, Mr M Dow, Mrs K Hunter & Mr C Mumford are the applicants for Rhynie and an election has been arranged for the 23rd of June 2011 at Rhynie Community Hall, voting to take place between 6pm and 8pm with the count taking place after the polls have closed. The 2 people with the most votes will be elected. The returning Officer will be Mr T Murray. 

Due to the resignation of kennethmont member Mr S Petrie, the vacancy at kennethmont was filled by Mr J Grant who resigned from his Gartly seat, creating a vacancy for Gartly.

The members were asked if we should advertise the vacancy or approach someone from Gartly and co-opt them for a year, then advertise the vacancy to all, this was agreed by the meeting. Secretary to contact someone who was interested in the community council last year and invite to next meeting.

3 Election of Office Holders

Cllr Ingleby took the chair and asked for nominations for the position of Chairman,

Mr P Manning was nominated by Mr J Shanks, Seconded by Mr J Grant – No further nominations were received and Mr P Manning accepted the post.

Vice Chair – Mr J Matthews – Nominated by Mr D Grant, Seconded by Mr J Grant, No further nominations were received and Mr J Matthews accepted the post.

Secretary/Treasurer – Mr T Murray – Nominated by Mrs K Hunter, seconded by Mr A Rennie, No further nominations were received and Mr T Murray accepted the post. 

The Chairman Mr P Manning resumed the chair and closed the meeting advising the next meeting date as 27th June at Rhynie Community Hall. 

Next Meeting 27th June 2011

Rhynie Community Hall


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