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23 September 2018
Midlothian Older People’s Gathering and Consultation Event

A warm invitation to the Midlothian Older People’s Gathering and Consultation Event

when -  Wednesday 3rd October 2018 9.30am – 2.00pm

where - St Johns & Kings Park church, Dalkeith.

Tea/coffee and biscuits will be served from 09.30am and a light lunch will also be provided.

·    Do you want a good quality of life for older people in Midlothian?

·    Do you believe that older people should feel in control of their own life choices?

·    Do you believe in an active and healthy life for all, a life where people can flourish and grow?

·    Do you want good support and care for those who need it in later life?


This is a gathering where local people, Midlothian Council, NHS Lothian and voluntary agencies will share ideas and discuss how best to meet the real needs of older people living in Midlothian.

This day aims to give you the opportunity to -

·   Let your views be known and heard, about services available in Midlothian for older people.

·   Become an active participant in improving the lives of older people in Midlothian.

·   Become informed about current services and community groups for Older People in your local area.

·   Join discussion groups where you can discuss/share ideas and experiences.

The day will be chaired by Anthea Fraser (Midlothian Council) and feature guests from across the health, social care, voluntary and community sectors.

Your views are vital to us; they help us plan and steer our services to make them work better for you. We are keen to hear all about your personal experience using services and welcome your feedback. You will also have an opportunity to hear about and discuss many of the current developing services available for Older People throughout Midlothian.

Booking arrangements: Please come and join us, register a place by calling Eric, Margaret or Ross on  0131 663 9471 or oninfo@mvacvs.org.uk

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