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21 August 2018
Scottish Water Consultation

UPDATE - Two weeks left to shape the future of Scotland’s water and waste water services

Scottish Water has been asking our customers and stakeholders to help shape the long-term future of our services in a major consultation which began in February.

The six-month consultation, Shaping the Future, focuses on our three main ambitions:

·       Delivering a consistently leading customer experience

·       Keeping customer prices low

·       Increasing the reliability, resilience and sustainability of our service

Over the course of the summer, we’ve received feedback from thousands of our customers at major public events. People were able to watch a series of vlogs and answer questions relating to water and waste water services in Scotland.

We’re really keen that our stakeholders play as much a part as possible in shaping the future. There are now just two weeks to go until the end of the consultation on August 31.

Our main consultation platform remains open until then and we’d encourage you as a Scottish Water stakeholder to take part and provide us with your views.

The consultation can be completed online at www.yourwater.scot


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