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13 March 2018
Bank Closures

Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee have shared information about their inquiry into the impact of bank closures. 

The main inspiration behind the Committee's inquiry is that the number of bank branches across Scotland reduced by a third between 2010 and 2017.

The Committee wants to hear from as many people as possible (both as members of a community council, as a business owner or as an individual). The Committee are keen to find out how branch closures have impacted communities at as local a level as possible.

More information is available in the hyperlinks below.

Bank closures: impact on local businesses, consumers and the Scottish economy inquiry:http://parliament.scot/parliamentarybusiness/CurrentCommittees/107957.aspx

The Call for views. For the call for views, there isn't a requirement to answer every question, only the ones that are relevant to the community. http://parliament.scot/parliamentarybusiness/CurrentCommittees/107960.aspx

The Committee are also running a survey that is targeted more to individuals and businesses. The intention of the survey is to capture as many views as possible and the call for views is there to allow a fuller response. http://bit.ly/bankclosures

If there are any questions about the inquiry please email economyjobsandfairwork@parliament.scot.

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