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07 April 2017
Paper Recycling Bank - Carnethie Street, Rosewell

Paper Recycling Bank, Carnethie Street, Rosewell

Due to a drop in the volume of material recovered from paper banks nationally, coupled with a deterioration in the quality of materials recovered, it is no longer viable for the contractor to offer paper recycling banks in Midlothian.

The bank is due to be removed during April.

Residents are able to recycle all clean and dry paper, card and cardboard in their blue recycling bin. Larger (family sized) blue bins are available on request. These hold 360L compared to the 240L volume of a standard sized bin. A second or larger blue bin can be requested by calling 0131 561 5284. Shredded paper can be placed in blue bins as long as it is securely contained within a clear plastic bag (tied securely to reduce windblown litter) and clear so that it can be identified and removed from the other materials.

Banks which accept mixed dry recycling, which are mainly situated at major supermarkets, can also accept paper and card. Larger items of cardboard can be recycled at Midlothian's two Household Waste Recycling Centres.

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