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25 January 2022
Midlothian Older People’s Assistance Fund (OPAF)

Midlothian Older People’s Assistance Fund (OPAF): British Red Cross (BRC) have been successful in our application for a grant from Midlothian Council to establish an Older People's Assistance Fund (OPAF) to support hard-to-reach and very vulnerable elderly people who are living in poverty. This will enhance our existing services and provide an opportunity to immediately respond to health and wellbeing concerns highlighted by poverty and we can offer a vital response to frail elderly people and carers impacted by Covid in Midlothian. OPAF can offer one-off immediate financial support e.g., £30-£60 (may increase due to exceptional circumstance). Payment will be made through prepaid cards/vouchers etc, to resolve pressing needs in older people (60 +) life/home, and/or increased (such as fuel and transport) costs due to Covid. All older people will be offered advice, information, and support to maximise their benefits and reduce fuel bills. Criteria: Older person must meet no 1,2 and 3.

1.         Over 60 years of age

2.         Resident of Midlothian

3.         Older person facing financial hardship.

4.         Unpaid Carer looking after an older person meeting the three criteria above.


Some examples of support with vital items include (the list is not exhaustive) •            Accessing food, •        Increase cost in fuel, •            Transport costs for hospital/medical appointments (due to being unable to use public) •         Bedding, special cutlery etc. •   Small electrical appliances such as microwave, fridge etc.•            Mobile phone top up.

Application should be made by email (amurrie@redcross.org.uk ) or alternatively Telephone  0131-654-0340.   

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