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23 October 2020
Proposed Traffic ban on Roslin Glen road (Spaces for People Project)

Proposed Traffic ban on Roslin Glen road

As part of the Spaces for People Project to encourage cycling, walking and other ways of travelling actively, the proposal is to close Crawlees Road, Mayfield, Oatslie Road, Roslin and Roslin Glen Road for 18 months.

Midlothian Council have opened a one week consultation - Closing date -30/10/2020

Please email SpacesforPeople@midlothian.gov.uk clearly stating your support or opposition to the proposals and how it would directly impact you.

Further information - https://www.midlothian.gov.uk/directory_record/49723085/the_spaces_for_people_project_vehicle_traffic_ban_on_crawlees_road_oatslie_road_and_roslin_glen_road/category/182/current_consultations

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