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13 July 2020
Woodland Classroom Vandalism

Rosewell & District Community Council would also like to convey our sadness at this utterly despicable act of vandalism. If you have any information - please report it.

Message from RDT

RDT are extremely disappointed and saddened by the mindless vandalism that has happened up at the WOODLAND CLASSROOM.

Someone has smashed three of the willow side panels on the building and used them to light a fire within the building.

They have also burnt some of the FAIRY TRAIL structures made by the children of the community.

We cannot understand who would want to damage a building that is used by both our schools, disabled groups and groups from Alzheimer's Scotland as well as many families in our village.

The incident has been reported to the Police and if anyone has any information as to who is responsible for this, then please either contact the police quoting incident number 097213072020 or contact RDT manager Robert Scott
on 0131 629 9398 or via e-mail at manager@rdtrosewell.org.uk


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